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*Tony's POV*

It was a nice day.
Peter was about to reach the tower in 10 mins.
It was a lovely day overall.
Once Peter actually walks in, everything starts to move the opposite way.

*No one's POV*

Peter walks out of the elevator door and hops over to the lounge area.
He greets everyone "Hello team! I am home." He says as he puts his bag down on the sofa.

"Hello Детеныш паука, how was your day?" As always, Natasha is the first one to greet him.
"Oh it was awesome! You know we had a school project and I just found out about that today! We had to prepare a model of something that inspires us or someone whom we want to be like, and guess who I made!! The Freaking Tony Stark!!" Peter rambled about his day as he sat down next to Natasha.

The assassin pulled Peter closer, catching him in a side embrace. Natasha was a good listener but she stopped listening once she heard Tony come out from Peter's mouth.

Tony Stark was a really good friend of hers, a nice man indeed. But she was jealous.
Tony was the one who brought Peter in the Tower and introduced him to them.

And the kid was a very big fan of the billionaire. That baby worshipped the ground Tony walked on.

Natasha grew really close to her. The spider-ling found a way to sneak into the assassin's heart.

Natasha was very jealous of Tony as he got to spend time with him, was his favourite and heck he thought about him as his father! ( don't ask how she found out)

Tony walks in with the StarkPad in his hands. "Nat, is Peter home?"
"Yes I am Mr.Stark!"

Tony looks at Peter with a fond smile on his face as the boy wiggles his way out of Nat's grip.

Nat just sat there watching Tony ruffle Peter's hair softly, wanting Peter just for herself.

"Let's get going kiddo" Tony says as he places a hand softly on the kid's back
"Yeah, let's get it!" Peter exclaims as the duo makes their way out the hall and to the lab.

*Nat's POV*

Gosh, that tin can is so irritating.

*Time Skip*
*No one's POV*

It's dinner time, everyone's at the table while Bucky and Steve are serving the food.
The team is busy in their conversations and gossips that they don't notice Natsha Romanoff aka Black Widow and Tony Stark aka Iron Man deadly glaring at each other while the little spider-ling sits between them.

"Ok guys, dinner is ready, dive in!" Steve speaks up, breaking the talks. But he couldn't break the deathly thread that was flowing between Natasha and Tony.

Everyone starts eating and complimenting Steve for the delicious dinner while Tony and Nat just play with their food with forks.
"Umm guys, what's wrong with you both?" Wanda clears the glare between the two adults as they look at them trying to act confused and innocent.

"What?" Says Nat as she glances at the team.
"What do you mean 'what'? You guys have been glaring at each other since we sat down" This time it's Clint who speaks.

"Ohh it's nothing, we are just having a silent conversation like families have" Tony said.
"Yeah it's nothing" Natasha says, agreeing with Tony.

"Oh come on guys, we have been living together for so long. We know each other well enough now!" Sam says.

"We're just..."
"Thinking about Peter" Tony says, completing Nat's sentence.

"" Comes a softer voice from near Tony, Peter.
"Yeah you Детеныш паука " Nat says.
"Why me?" Peter asks.
"We were just thinking...who your favourite was...except May ofcourse, she's your aunt, probably your favourite. But you know between us...who is your favourite?" Tony asks Peter, putting him through a trance of confusion.

"My favourite family member?" Peter asks innocently as Tony's heart stops at the word 'family'.
"Yeah kiddo, your favourite family member" He asks .

Peter takes a little time to answer this really difficult question.
"Probably....Jarvis!" Peter exclaims, smiling happily as everyone else is shook.

"Oh thank you very much Spider-ling, you're my favourite family member too. Thank you for thinking of me as your family Peter." The voice of Jarvis breaks everyone from the trance.

"Oh of course Jarvis, you are my family, you help me so much!!" Peter says looking up at the ceiling ( I don't why the ceiling bro, it's just an instict ).

"Yeah...Jarvis was my favourite family member too you know" Tony says, remembering the old times. Tony loved Jarvis. He was more a father to Tony than Howard could ever be. He loved playing with Jarvis. Jarvis never treated Tony badly.

"Oh really?!" Peter says surprised.
"Yeah, I liked Jarvis too." Tony says. His hands unknowingly making their way towards Peter's hair, trying to settle the messy curls and failing badly.

"Oh I love you too sir" Jarvis says as everyone smiles fondly at the father-son duo. Even Natasha's heart melting at the scene unfolding in front of them, forgetting all about the flames of jealousy.

"You're just like me, the mini version of me." Tony says, forgetting about the heros in the room.

"Yeah...just like you"  Peter whispers back softly (and Tony hears that ) closing his eyes and leaning into the gentle touch unintentionally.


Second one completed guys!!!
Comment for other requests!!!

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