Baby Peter

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This wasn't supposed to happen.
It was supposed to be just a simple magic session.
But nothing is simple with Peter.

*A few hours ago*

"Come on Mr.Loki, please!!" Peter pleades Loki as both of them make their way to the library.
It was only the god who wanted to go to the library and read peacefully, Peter just followed him like a puppy.

And by puppy I mean literally. The said puppy was giving the famous puppy eyes which obviously overpowered Loki's will power.

"You know I can't young one, your father will kill me." Loki replies as he tries (key word: tries) to deny Peter's request.

"My father? He's dea-... Oh come on, Mr. Stark is not my father!!" The teaanager complains a little.
"Yes Peter, I totally agree with you...I am more fit to be your father anyway." Loki grins,  amused by the blush on the kid's face.

"Well if you really are my father, then teach me magic! Father's are meant to teach their children." Peter's sentence gives Loki an abrupt stop.

"Trying to trick the god of mischief, aren't we?" Loki chuckles when he sees the kid nod joyfully.
"You know what, the tricks are working. Take a seat little boy!" He says and sits down on the couch in the corner of the library, and pets beside him for Peter to sit.

Peter quietly celebrates and sits down next to the god, facing him.

After some mistakes and no achievement, the kid makes a mess.
He tried many things but couldn't master any of them.

Growing impatient, he tries to do a trick aggressively. It works, but...badly.

There's a loud bang and smoke engulfs both of them.
"Pete..Peter?" Loki calls out, extending his hands to search for the kid.
He clears out the smoke with his magic, and looks where Peter was sitting.

The only difference is that in the place of a teenager, now sits a little baby.

"Fuck..." Loki silently curses as he looks at baby Peter drenching in huge clothes.

"...fuck?" Comes a soft voice.
"Wha- no no, you don't say that little baby" Loki unintentionally cooes at the baby, as he slowly picks him up and takes him upstairs, to his father.


"What the fuck!?" Tony screams at Loki, with his hand on his chest, trying to calm his heart.

"You tried to teach Peter magic?!"
"He insisted!!"
"Oh no no don't give me that excuse! If he insists will you destroy an entire planet?!"
"He gave me the puppy eyes!!"
"Shut the fu-"
"Oh really? It's not like you can resist that face Tony!!"

"SHUT UP!!" The bickering comes to a sudden stop as Natasha yells at the kids.

"This is no time to bicker you old fucks!" Natasha curses at them as she walks over to them, saperating them from each other.

"Hey don't curse infront of a baby you guys!" Steve speaks up as he takes Peter from Loki's hands.

Holding the baby close, he gently strokes his hair and cooes at him.

Peter starts crying because of all the yells and commontion flowing in the house.
"Hey hey hey, don't cry buddy.." Steve tries to stop the crying but Peter just starts crying louder.

Everyone stops whatever they were doing and only concentrate on trying to stop the crying. The loud crying just breaks everyone's heart, everyone in the tower adored Peter. They couldn't see him crying like this.

Tony stands at his place, a little far from the group that was trying to console Peter.
He wanted to stop the cries, but what could he even do. If they can't do it, if Clint can't do it, how can he?.

He was never fit to be a father.

But he can't just stand there, it is obvious that the team is failing miserably. He couldn't stand the crying anymore, it was his child who was crying.

Tony rushes over to Peter, shoving away anyone who came in the way. He grabs the baby from Steve's hands and holds him gently.

"Hey bambino, it's alright...stop crying baby" Tony shushes the baby boy, and it actually works.

The team is stunned at the billionaire's soft voice. Tony was never so soft with anyone. They didn't believe he had a soft side.

Peter stops crying and looks up at Tony with his big brown doe eyes.
Another pair of brown eyes looking into his own.

And if the genius wasn't already miserable because of the puppy brown eyes, shining in tears, looking up at him.

Next thing that was left was death.

"Pa...papa?" A soft voice rings through their ears, breaking the silence that was settled in the room. The said voice leaving the genius in a daze.

"Papa!" The voice sang again breaking his father's daze.

"H-hey, hi baby boy!" Tony beames as he holds Peter close to him.
"Papa! Pete tired..." The baby pouts as he extends his hands and grabs Tony's face.
"Aww you tried baby boy?" Tony murmurs in the boy's hair and continues when his sees the him nod."Let's go to sleep then sweetie.." .

He holds the boy close and places his head on his shoulder. Tony gently rocks the boy as he hears his breathing go even.

He turns around and faces the team shocked, he completely forgot they were still there.

"You know I just made a news headline, ' Tony Stark getting soft for his only baby boy'
It has a nice ring to it don't you think?" Clint chuckles as he looks at the red rushing up to teh billionaire's cheeks.

"What can I say, the kid loves me" Tony says in his usual sarcastic tone and walks over to the team.

"You actually make a good father Tones" Rhodey says as he walks in and walks to Peter softly running his hands through the baby's hair, smiling when he hears the little one purr.

"How long have you been standing there dude?" Tony asks with confusion.

"Long enough to witness you being a total softie of a 'papa' ". The colonel replies.

Tony sighs and turns to Loki "so...when will we be able to turn him back?"
"Well if you want, we can turn him back to a teenager here and now. It's totally your choice." Loki replies.

"Oh c'mon, we shouldn't turn him back." Everyone is shook at Natasha's whining, but they agree nevertheless.

"Well...if everybody wants that, then who am I to say the opposite?" Tony says making everyone cheer.

Peter groans and makes a movement, giving the cheering an abrupt stop.
And every mind knows this is going to be a long journey,
As every heart knows they're totally ready for it.


Hello guys!
I'm thinking of making more parts of 'Baby Peter'.
What do you say, I'll totally make more parts if you want me to.

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