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Mornings at the Stark Tower were the best....for everyone else except Peter of course. Peter was grumpy in the morning, just like his " mentor " (as he says)

Tony was more alive than Peter now a days. Sitting their, drinking coffee with a straight face and thinking was what he did every morning...before Peter entered the kitchen of course.

Today's morning was just like every other morning. Nothing special but still special.

Everyone woke up one by one and sat around the dinning table as Steve cooked their delicious breakfast. Tony was the second last person to wake up, the last being Peter.

The team ( excluding the baby ) sat around the dinning table and talked about their own stuff, until they heard a thud and a few curses following after.

Their heads snapped towards the stairs, the source of the sound then walked in.

With an oversized hoodie on (Tony's) and some shorts that brushed his knees. Sweater paws clearly visible, tiny hands rubbing his eyes and slicking back the ever messy brunette hair. The boy wobbles in the kitchen and tries to find his seat next to Tony's, with eyes half closed. (extremely adorable)

Everyone was struggling hard, struggling hard trying not to crush those chubby cheeks. Struggling hard trying not to coo at the baby.

And one specific hero struggled the hardest, Tony.

I mean of course he was his dad after all. ( yesssss )
Tony caught Peter's arms, as he was about to fall, and pulled him to his reserved seat.

"Good morning Peter ." Greeted Steve while turning to the table and placing pancakes on each of their plates. Peter grumbled in response, not fully leaving the dream world.
" Would you like some Pete? " Steve asked as he reached his plate.
Peter just let out another confusing sound as he squinted his eyes at Steve, trying to focus on him. "Pancakes bud, would you like some pancakes?" Steve asked again, a big smile showing up on everyone's face.

"Oh yeah m'kay" was the response Steve got . He piled some pancakes on Peter's plate and went towards his own seat.

"Are you awake now bud? " Tony asked looking at his kid with a small smile.
"Noo" Peter whined as he leaned towards Tony unknowingly and dramatically ( it runs in the family). And of course the billionaire caught the boy in his arms, pulling his chair close as the boy snuggles under his neck to find a comfortable spot. Of course he found the comfortable spot near the arc reactor's cold glow.

"You need to wake up and eat kiddo" Tony said after glaring at Clint, as the Archer whispered " the dad mode is on" to Natasha.

"Too sleepy" stirred Peter as he curled up his wrists around Tony's t-shirt.

"You can go back to sleep kid, but you need to eat something." Tony said and removed Peter's head frim under his chin and made him sit straight, despite all the whining coming from his pup.

"C'mon bud just one pancake and then we can go back to bed" Tony recommended.
"One pancake and then you'll put me to sleep?" Peter asked reconfirming the deal.
"Yeah, just one pancake is all it takes to go back to sleep." Tony said as he held his kid with one hand and used the other free hand to slice up the pancake.
"Oh...ok, we can do that" said Peter before his mouth was full with a piece of the pancake.

"Look at the mama bird, their so cuteeee" Clint cooed at the sight while everyone let a smile or a chuckle loose.

Tony (mama bird) didn't say anything this time, nor he glared at Clint ( of course he didn't ) and continued to feed Peter ( baby bird )

After everyone was done ( with their food and with their cooing ) Peter asked, with mouth occupied by the last bite " Can we go now?" .
Tony sighed as he thought that the kid would have become conscious by now. But nope.
"Yeah let's get going bud" Tony replied as he kept the plate in the sink.

The billionaire picked up the spider-ling on his back and continued towards the billionaire's room. ( ignoring every smirk shot at him )

Peter was asleep even before they reached the bedroom. Tony slowly opened the door and placed Peter gently on the bed.
He himself climbed in without making a noise and slowly lifted the covers to cover their bodies.

Peter instantly curled closer and placed his head on the arc reactor, Tony's heart.
The billionaire pulled the boy closer and wrapped his arms securely around the small body.

"G'night dad" Peter stirred, unaware of the effect that one word had on Tony .
"Yeah, goodnight bambi"

And with that, the father-son duo washed over to the dream world. ( unaware of a team, that consisted of - a deadly assassin, a super soldier, two powerful gods, the beholder of chaos, a deadly ex-assassin with a metal arm, two birds and a mega big boss, clicking photos and cooing at the duo )


And with that, this chapter is also over!!
I know there are big gaps between the series but it's not like you wait for my chapters when you can go read some awesome ass stories.

So yeah, bye you people.

(Let's make a second part of this)

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