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Peter had always wanted to be like Tony Stark. Iron Man had once saved his life afterall.


Young Peter was at the StarExpo with his aunt and uncle. The young one had loved Iron Man all his life. And like every other fan, he also dreamt of meeting his idol someday.

But who would have thought, the Hero and his Biggest Fan would meet like this?

There was a sudden breakout at the building. There were evil robots flying around, destroying everything that came in their way.

It was a mess. People were running around, screaming, trying to find a way out.

Between all the commotion, Young Peter accidentally let go of his uncle's hand.

The young boy was pushed around, and because of the mess. Peter was now standing alone at a nearly destroyed part of the property.

He was searching for his uncle, but there was no one to be seen till far.

Suddenly, he hears a whirling sound. He turns around to face a robot, rushing dangerously fast towards him. And being young and innocent, he readys his fake iron gauntlet and aims for the robot.


The robot is sent back flying.

"Good job, underoos" Peter hears a voice. He turns around to see, the one and only, Iron Man.

"...Iron Man" Peter is in utter disbelief as he stares at the metal suit.

"Yeah, that's right kiddo" Tony says as the mask opens up, and bends down to the kid's level.

"You're a superhero now, you need to save people from danger yeah?" Tony says to the kid, chucking at the amazed look on the younger one's face.

"I promise to always save the people from danger" Peter says with the serious baby-faced.

"I'm proud of you kid." Tony states, as the mask closes. And Peter watches the Iron Suit fly away.


Peter is now standing in the living area. Surrounded by Avengers.

He had just saved some people from a hijacked building, and was terribely bruised. He was in an alleyway, when he saw the portal.

Strange ( literally)

And that's why, he is now standing between the team. With his head down, hands shaking, biting his lips, ready for the scolding.

"What were you thinking?" Tony asks calmly ( the silence before the storm )
"P-people were in d-danger, I..had to s-save them" Spider Man stutters, trying to avoid his mentor's glare.

"YES YOU SAVE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN DANGER, BUT IT DOENS'T MEAN YOU PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER!!" Peter flinches badly at the sudden lash out of the genius.

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