Movie Night

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Peter was exhausted.
He wasn't feeling all good in the morning but still went to school, school was, of course, annoying. It drained all of Peter's powers. And to make it a cherry on top, Flash kept bugging him and calling him names.

All Peter wanted to do now was go home and sleep.

Peter reaches the tower, walking slowly like a drunkard. (genes?)

"Good Evening Junior, you look exhausted. How was your day?" Friday greets him as usual.
Peter responds with a nearly inaudible grunt.

The ting sound of the lift brings him out of daze and Peter walks to the lounge area.

His eyes roam around to find something comfortable. And he sees it

Peter reaches over to the sofas, puts his bag on the armchair, and plops down on someone's lap.

Tony's lap

Tony was sitting on the floor, with a StarkPad in his hand.
The billionaire is startled by a weight dropping in his lap, he quickly catches the source by wrapping his arms around it, It's not heavy.... a comforting weight perhaps?

Tony looks up to see a certain spider-baby cuddling closer, his head on the elder one's chest, on the arc reactor.

Tony is left shook because Peter is always shy. The kid reddens up even when Tony ruffles his hair.

"Pete, are you alright?" The billionaire questions him, receiving nothing but a sigh with a grunt following after.

"I guess not..." Tony answers himself as he receives no response fron the spider-ling.
"Tired.." Peter stirs as he shifts closer to Tony.

His head now on the elder Stark's shoulder, one hand gripping the arc reactor softly.

"Exhausting school day huh?" Tony scoffs at the obvious teenager. This time he gets a nod of approval in response.

Without any thought, he just pulls the kid, his kid, closer to him. Both arms tied around the boy, forming a barrier between his spider-baby and the world.

"M'not sleepy tho" Peter says, looking up at Tony.
And the said 'playboy's' heart melts completely ( as if it wasn't melted already ) at the sight of his kid. Looking at the big, bright, doe eyes. The, now squished, soft cheeks. Light pink lips forming a little pout, as the younger Stark rests his head on the Older Stark's shoulder.

His kid is fucking adorable.

"Wanna watch a movie? you can choose" Tony offers, watching the younger one's eyes light up like a bulb.

"I know that's a yes, you can't decline my offer anyway" Tony answers himself before Peter gets a chance to speak.
The response leaves the baby laughing softly, and of course, the father's heart lights up.

"Alright then, let's watch...Bambi?" Tony asks the boy.
"No...maybe Chances Are..?" offers Peter knowing it's one of the favourite films of his father.

The said father is a little stunned and proud as to why his kid chose a movie this old. ( so much for a genius )
He quickly realises the reason behind such the unexpected choice.

Tony chuckles at Peter. He brushes the messy brunette hair a little and places a soft kiss at the spider-ling's forehead.

"It's decided than" says the billionaire as he picks up the remote, and puts on the film.

The duo falls asleep soon after the film is over.

The team has a new source to help in black mailing the adorable bond.

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