Baby Peter→The Rebirth

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"C'mon Tones, you can't keep him like this forever!"  Rhodey scolds his best-friend, even though the best-friend is not really listening.

Tony just hums while rocking baby Peter in his arms. "Tony pay attention to me!!"  Rhodey shouts, finally losing the patience.

"Yeah-yeah honeybear, I know what you are saying but my answer is no."  Tony replies. Rhodey questions him "What do you mean no?! You have to let him go!!"

"Wow man, I didn't know you were so poetic.."

"Tony, I'm serious. Really."

"And I am emotional, really!"  Tony turns around to face Rhodey, surprising the colonel with his glossy eyes.

"Oh Tones... I know I am not a father, but I do know that I am your best-friend"  Rhodey speaks softly, trying to avoid breaking his friend.

"And that boy of yours-" He places his one hand on the man's shoulder and the other one holds the baby's chin. "has a life, an adult life. He has to go back, doesn't he?"

"I know but-" Tony finally breaks down a sob. "It's just- I want him to stay this way. He calls me 'papa' Rhodes, he sleeps peacefully in my arms, Icam hold him all day and I also get to put him to sleep."

"I won't be able to do all of that anymore! Don't you understand?!" Tony shouts at Rhodey.

"Well, there are pros and cons, and I don't have a kid but I guarantee, you will surely love his teenage angst. Believe me." Rhodey assures Tony with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Yeah, ok." Tony replies as he takes in a sharp breath.


"Yep, really ok."

~~Post Trauma of feeding Baby Peter the chemical made by Uncle Bruce~~

(really traumatic)

"Finally..." Tony exhales as he plops down on the couch with his hand with with a small baby.

"I. Am. Going. Home. This shit is too tiring." Rhodey leaves with heavy footsteps.

"Well I'll go to, but Tony?" Bruce asks, stretching his arms a little.


"The reaction will take place soon, but Peter will still be asleep. Keep his clothes prepared, ok?" Bruce informs the older Stark.

"Yep, no worries man. Thanks."

Tony tries hard not to fall asleep, but eventually does and doesn't hear the sound of Peter's transformation.

Peter, noe fully back in his natural state, opens his eyes. The chemical didn't work properly on his sleep I guess.

Peter is embarrassed, he was covered in nothing but a blanket, resting in Tony's laps. He quickly gets up, stumbling while trying to reach the clothes kept for him on the side table.

He gets dressed and again falls back in Tony's lap, an instinct I guess. He snuggles into Tony's chest, resting his head on his favorite place from when he was a kid, right beside the arc reactor.

~~Next Morning~~

Tony wakes up the next morning as something or someone shuffles on his lap.

He opens his eyes to a big Peter, all covered by a blanket and snuggles comfily on his lap.

And as every other father, The Tony Stark just pulls his son closer and wraps his arms around him protectively.





"Love you Dad..."

An undeniable smile creeps up his face and his heart sparks with serotonin because of his adorable son ( baby, a literal baby ).


Some peace after finishing he series 

Tell me you like it, I am not hearing anything else.

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