A new day

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~2 Days Ago~

In a room where seriousness hung in the air like a thick fog, Hafid's words cut through with an air of determination. "I want to make this crystal clear – what I'm about to tell you stays within this room, and this time, there's absolutely no room for any mistakes," he stated firmly, his seriousness resonating through his words.

As he spoke, Hafid meticulously adjusted the items on his desk, ensuring they were arranged perfectly. On his desk, you could spot a handful of things: a phone, a blank notepad, a see-through pen with a black cap, a few files, and a sizeable plastic cube containing aged photographs of his family and himself from two decades ago. The room itself boasted large windows, offering a panoramic view of the bustling city below.

"I can't stress this enough – everything needs to go off without a hitch," Hafid's words prompted nods of agreement from Shaan and Zafar, emphasizing their shared understanding.

With a curious expression, Shaan leaned forward and inquired, "Alright, Hafid, spill the beans – what's the master plan?"

Hafid began to reveal the layers of his plan, his tone grave. "As Aadil informed us, there's a betrayer among us. That's the reason our attempts to chase Maaz have been falling flat."

Sitting on the edge of their seats, Shaan and Zafar listened attentively, eager to grasp every detail.

"I've taken a decisive step – Ammi, abbu, Abeera, and Zahra are heading to Dubai. My gut tells me that Maaz might target my family, and I believe Dubai is the safest place for them. He wouldn't dare lay a finger on them there."

Curious, Zafar interjected, "Have you considered going with them for their safety?"

Hafid shook his head, his determination unwavering. "No, I need to face Maaz head-on. And considering what he did to Shanvi, I'm determined to ensure he pleads for his own demise.." His expression darkened into a scowl, his fist clenching in anger. A sinister glint crept into his eyes as he uttered those final words.

"Shanvi won't be accompanying them to Dubai, am I right?" Shaan inquired.

Hafid confirmed succinctly, "Correct."

Their questions persisted, uncovering more layers of the plan. "So, what's the plan for Shanvi?" Zafar asked, his curiosity piqued.

Hafid's patience began to wear thin, but he replied trying to keep calm, "Leave her to me. I need you both to focus solely on our mission."

"Everyone knows they're flying out for our cousin's wedding in Oman tonight. They'll take off from here but touch down in Dubai, not Oman."

Hafid elaborated on his next moves, "Once I've confirmed their safety, I'll then confront Maaz."

Shaan and Zafar exchanged surprised glances, struggling to comprehend the audacity of the plan.

"But, Bhai..." Zafar began, voicing a lingering concern.

"I can't endure Maaz any longer," Hafid's resolve was palpable.

"Alright, one more thing," Shaan chimed in, eager to delve deeper.

"Go ahead," Hafid encouraged, his patience showing a glimmer of persistence.

"When do you anticipate confronting Maaz?" Shaan's curiosity was tangible.

"We must await the right moment. Maaz's recent whereabouts suggest he's been frequenting casinos, gambling through the night. The interesting aspect is that he visits each casino only once or twice before moving on to another. Judging by his pattern, it's highly probable that he'll be within the red zone this week."

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