Banna Pizza's (Ep6)

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This is the chapter of how some bananas can change a whole night in just a few minutes.

Who would have thought?


Liam and Aria lay quietly on the girls bed, Aria reading a book Chris gifted her a few weeks ago. Liam's arm lays around her shoulders, reading over the top of her shoulder.

A knock comes from the door, "Dinners ready," Carmens announces without waiting for a reply.

Liam and Aria quickly spring apart, staring at the young girl with wide eyes who also stare back at them.

Having Mike know about the two cuddling is one thing, but as soon as a child other then Frank knows (especially Carmen) — then everyone would shortly know.

"Okay," Aria says waiting for the girl to leave. "You can go now."

The two best friends share a silent look before leaving the room for dinner.

"Oh my favourite!" Liam dances as he enters the kitchen. "Chicken and — EW!"

"Ahh!" Aria yells, seeing the weird concoction in front of her. "What is that!"

"It's chicken and banana," Tracy laughs cutting up the pizza.

"Why did you put banana on it?" Tee questions in disgust.

"To give you an energy boost. I read about it online. People eat meat and fruit combos in other countries."

No one makes a move to sit down, instead they're all staring disgustingly at what is in front of them.

"Like ham and pineapple?"

"Or pork and apple?"

"Exactly. It'll be great."

"Banana?" Frank puts his finger in one of the cut up banana's "I don't think so."

"Trust me Frank, you're gonna love it," Tracy coos smirking at him.

Liam and Aria share a disgusted look, sticking their tongues out to mime gagging.

"Right, come on, sit down. It can't be that bad," Tracy sighs ushering everyone to take a place at the table.

Liam and Aria take a seat next to each other, Tracy next to Liam. They've only just had some slices of pizza served ready to eat when a yell echoes throughout the house.

Tracy looks up in shock while Liam laughs. "Sapphire's probably— broke a nail," he sarcastically says holding his hand up in front of him. He laughs, watching Tracy dash out of the room with Toby following closely behind.

"This is disgusting," Aria cries, shoving the plate further away from her.

"I know," Liam agrees, picking his up and dropping it down onto Frank's plate. "I have an idea," he announces, smiling at Harry as he runs into the kitchen. "We'll make some sandwiches."

"What is that?" Harry whispers, standing closer to Aria shake looking disgusted at Tracy's creation.

"A disease," Aria replies, pulling him away from the table and closer to the counter. Both waiting for Liam to finish making them a sandwich.

"Guys!" Tracy complains walking back into the kitchen. "You didn't even try it!"

"We did."

"That's why we're making sandwiches."

Aria goes to open her mouth to insult the pizza even more, when suddenly Mike falls to the floor, knocking over things on his way.

"Mike!" Aria yells, running over to the older man in an instant, helping him stand up with Tracy's help.

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