Chapter 3: Gabby's Welcome Party 🎉

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On the way back to the dollhouse, DJ Catnip calls his friends to tell them the good news about how Gabby was free from her evil uncle and aunt for good, and they were all very happy and relieved.

Pandy: I'm so glad that she's free from those monsters who have ruined her life.

Mercat: Me too, Pandy. Now that she's free from them, she'll be living with us from now on, right, guys?

The other Gabby Cats: That's right!

CatRat: And I'm glad that we all filed a restraining order on her uncle and aunt, so if they come near us, they'll be sent to jail again.

All the Gabby Cats are very happy and excited that Gabby is moving in the dollhouse, and suddenly, Pandy has a plan.

Pandy: Hey guys, I think we should do something special for Gabby to welcome her to the dollhouse so that she'll be living with us.

CatRat: You're right, Pandy. Huddle up, Gabby Cats!

The Gabby Cats huddled up together and thought the plan to welcome Gabby.

Suddenly, Mercat has an idea.

They should have a welcome party for Gabby.

The Gabby Cats love that idea and get ready!

An hour later, the dollhouse is ready for Gabby's welcome party.

The Gabby Cats are gathered around for the party, and as soon as Gabby is here with DJ Catnip, they all welcome her to the dollhouse!

The Gabby Cats: Welcome home to the dollhouse, Gabby!

Gabby: Oh my goodness, what's all this?!

CatRat: It's a welcome party for you, Gabby!

Gabby: Meow, and I met all of you cats just like what I wish for when I was 5 years old!

Pandy: Really?! I didn't know that you love cats a lot!

Gabby: I sure do!

The Gabby Cats introduced themselves to her.

Pandy: Cool, anyway, My name is Pandy Paws, and these are my friends.

CatRat: I'm the CatRat.

Cakey: I'm Cakey.

Mercat: I'm Mercat.

Pillow Cat: I'm Pillow Cat.

Kitty Fairy: I'm Kitty Fairy.

Carlita: I'm Carlita.

Mama Box: I'm Mama Box.

Baby Box: I'm Baby Box, and these are my box brothers.

All the Gabby Cats: We're the Gabby Cats!

Gabby was shocked when the whole gang was named after her!

Gabby: Nice to meet you all, and thank you so much for letting me live with all of you, and let me have freedom from those monsters, Gabby Cats!

Gabby Cats: You're welcome, Gabby.

After the welcome party, Gabby Cats gave Gabby a tour around the dollhouse.

When it was time for the Gabby Cats to go to the bed, Gabby went to the music room and thanked DJ Catnip for having her freedom before they could get to sleep.

Gabby: Hey, DJ Catnip, thank you for saving me from my abusive aunt and uncle. My life would have a horrible nightmare if you hadn't been there.

DJ Catnip: You are welcome, Gabby. I'm so glad that you are safe and sound.

Gabby: I sure am. Goodnight, DJ Catnip.

DJ Catnip: Goodnight, Gabby.

Then, it's time for them to go to sleep for Gabby's first day in her new home in the dollhouse tomorrow.

Gabby's Dollhouse: Gabby x DJ Catnip Present: My Groovy Love Story!Where stories live. Discover now