Chapter 6: Gabby's Uncle and Aunt's Execution ☠️

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After all that treatment, Gabby was feeling so much better.

Pandy: Hey Gabby, my best friend, are you feeling better?

Gabby: Yes, I am, and thanks to DJ Catnip and CatRat, those bad dogs will never hurt me again.

DJ Catnip and CatRat: You're welcome, Gabby.

Suddenly, someone's phone was ringing, and it was DJ Catnip's phone.

DJ Catnip: Oh, hang on, guys, sound like someone's calling me.

DJ Catnip got a call from the police, so he answered it.

DJ Catnip (phone): Hello?

Police officer (phone): Hey, it's the police officer, I have some important news to tell you.

DJ Catnip (phone): Really, like what?

The police officer told him to come to the police station tomorrow because Gabby's uncle and aunt would be executed by the electric chair.

DJ Catnip was shocked by what the police officer said.

DJ Catnip (phone): Really?!

Police officer (phone): Really. That's why I want you to be at the police station. I know that you and Gabby don't want to see that, but you know what you are gonna do.

DJ Catnip (phone): Okay, I'll let the other Gabby Cats know about it. Thanks for letting me know.

Police officer (phone): No problem, I will see you tomorrow.

DJ Catnip (phone): Okay, see you tomorrow.

DJ Catnip hung up his phone and told his friends the news about what happened to Gabby's abusive aunt and uncle tomorrow.

The Gabby Cats was shocked about this!

DJ Catnip: I know you don't want to see that, but at least we don't have to worry about them now they're being executed, right?

Gabby Cats: Yeah, you're right.

*next day*

It is time for Gabby's abusive aunt and uncle to be executed in the electric chair for what they did to their niece!

Gabby and the Gabby Cats have come to the police station to see them go to hell!

Gabby's aunt: Please, don't do this to us! We're so sorry that we abused our niece for a long time!

Gabby's uncle: Yeah, we're really sorry! Please give us another chance, we promise we'll never abuse her again!

Gabby: Your apology is denied forever, and that's what you get for abusing me for my own life! I'm glad that you two can finally go to hell for what you did to me!

DJ Catnip: I agree with Gabby! If you two haven't abused your niece multiple times, none of this would have happened! I'm also glad to see you two being executed so that she'll never want to see you again!

Gabby and DJ Catnip: So, goodbye forever, you monsters!

One of the police officers flipped the switch to turn on the electric chair, and Gabby's abusive aunt and uncle were screaming to death!

They're both screaming for a long time until there's no more screaming left, then he flipped the switch to turn off the electric chair.

Another police officer checks their heartbeat to make sure.

Police officer: They are dead!

Everyone was surprised and cheered as Gabby's aunt and uncle were finally dead!

Gabby and the Gabby Cats went home to celebrate their victory by having a victory party!

Gabby: I'm so happy that they're got to the hell for what they did to me!

DJ Catnip: Me too, kitty cat, they finally got what they deserve!

Pandy: Group hug!

They all group hug as they celebrate their victory!

Gabby's Dollhouse: Gabby x DJ Catnip Present: My Groovy Love Story!Where stories live. Discover now