Chapter thirteen

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I grabbed the twenty dollars that Nate kept inside a jar in case of emergencies. Nate needs medicine and he's too sick to buy it so I came up with the idea to buy it, rip up the receipt and pretend it was in the back of the cabinet. I was in my room, grabbing my flip flops when I thought of something. What if someone catches me? I've never been in a store before but I've seen it on TV and it looks easy enough, I mean all you have to do is buy the stuff that you want, pay for it or use credit. Simple.

Just one problem. I have no idea how to get there. I'd get lost in a heartbeat. I sat on my bed and chewed my lip. There's no way this would work, I'd mess up as soon as I walk out that door. But Nate needs the medicine, he is always taking care of me, it's time for me to do the same thing back for once. I sighed as I laid down on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and groaned, my brown hair all over my pillow. If only I had a map on how to get there.

I sat up as I realized something. Nate's phone has a map on it! I remembered as I used to play with it when I was little to find places. All I have to do is use his phone and find the address. I got up from my bed and went downstairs, I saw his phone laying on-top of the counter, I grinned. I remembered his password because he never changed it, ever. It was the day that I was born, July 9, 2050. Sixteen years I've been living with him, feels like a lifetime. Well it's soon to be seventeen years since my birthday is coming up. I wonder what will Nate do for my birthday?

I shook my head as I realized I was being distracted from what I was suppose to be doing. Buying Medicine. I chewed my lip as I wondered if I should go through my window again or actually use the front door. The front door. Huh, I've never thought I would use it someday. It was foreign to me, it wasn't like opening my door or Nate's or the bathroom door, because it let to a room, this door led to the outside world that I was forbidden to go to. I was breaking that rule for the sake of my brother. Me, wanting to do something for him for once in my life since I've done nothing but made him suffer because of my birth.

I closed my eyes and opened them in determination. I was going to do it. I was going to go through the front door and walk out of the house like a normal person. I grabbed his phone, the money and last but not least...the keys.

I've never used a key before but I've seen Nate use it all the time, it looks so simple. Just twist it. I walked over to the door and with a shaky hand I unlocked the door and I slowly opened it. The sun hitting my eyes and I remembered I grabbed Nate's sunglasses, I pulled it out from my blue jean shorts and put it on my face. I opened the door wider and stepped out but not before checking everything that I had before locking the door and closing it.

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