Chapter fifteen

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I slowly walked inside the house and closed it gently. I paused, waiting for some sort of movement, when I heard nothing, I gave a sigh of relief. I turned around and walked towards the kitchen. I took out the box from the bag and put the bag in a cabinet where we stored other bags. I opened the box and took out the medicine, examining it. It said to take twice a day for an Adult and once a day for a teenager. It works faster for a teenager for some reason and it works a little slower for Adults. I don't understand medical stuff, only Nate does.

I threw out the box and then I grabbed a napkin, washed it and pretended to clean something so I could cover up the box so Nate wouldn't notice. I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and a cup of water. I went upstairs and opened Nate's door gently. He was still asleep, his face was red and sweaty, he was also breathing from his mouth. I widened the door softly and tip toed in.

I set the cup and his medicine on his night table and gently shook him.

"Nate?," I whispered softly. He stirred and his eyes fluttered open. He held my wrist softly and looked at me with a dazed look in his eyes from being woken up.

"Ana, what is it?," He asked groggily. I smiled softly at him and crouched down at his eye level. I pointed towards the medicine and his eyes followed to what I was pointing at.

"I found it!," I whispered excitedly. He smiled softly because of my enthusiasm for "finding" the medicine. He struggled to sat up so I helped him. I grabbed his pillow and propped it up for him. He smiled at me gratefully. I grabbed the chair from his work desk and sat down.

"Where did you find it?," He whispered. His throat was hurting, I could tell. I picked up the spoon and medicine and poured the amount he needed and held out the spoon for him. He obliged and took the medicine. He wrinkled his nose and I laughed softly, I handed him the cup of water. I gave him a second dose and he took it again with the same expression and I again gave him the cup of water.

"It was all the way in the back, like I said before, I searched all day," I said smiling at him. He raised his eyebrows at me in astonishment.

"You searched all day? Ana, you didn't have to do that," He whispered and I waved him off. I frowned at him and shook my head, leaning against the chair.

"You had a fever and I couldn't just allow you to be in pain so I spent all morning and afternoon trying to find it and I eventually did so yeah, here it is," I said stubbornly. He smirked at me and ruffled my hair.

"Thank you Ana, you're the best little sister in the world," He said and I flipped my hair teasingly.

"I know," I said giggling. He chuckled at me but then coughed violently. I frowned and patted his back, I grabbed the water and handed it to him. He drank it, gratefully. He finally stopped coughing and looked at me with watered eyes.

"I think you should leave so you won't catch my fever," He said and I nodded my head. I put the chair back from it's spot, grabbed the spoon and medicine and left the cup because it still had water in it. I walked towards his door but not before he called me and I paused to turn towards him.

"Yes?," I asked and he smiled at me.

"Thank you," He said and I smiled back at him, happy that I was finally able to do something for him for once in my life.

"No problem, call me if you need something," I say as I saw him put his pillow on his bed and lay his head down. I saw him nod and I closed his door.

I felt like the most happiest girl in the world because I was finally able to help my brother who helped me way too much and didn't deserve enough credit.

They needed to change the law and fast, for the sake of my brother.

The illegal OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora