Chapter twenty nine

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This is the last chapter! But don't worry I am making a sequel to this! I would like to thank everyone that commented and voted, you guys are the best! For this chapter I put a video and a photo, so you guys could swipe it if you want to! Enjoy! I love you guys!

I walked into the next room where I saw Nate pacing back and forth. He pushed his hair back like he always does when he's stressed out. He stopped mid-pace when he saw me. His expression had a mixture of grief and happiness to see me. Tears formed in my eyes and Nate put his arms out. I ran to him and he engulfed me into one of his big hugs. The hugs that I won't remember. Just thinking about it made me burst into tears. He shushed me and stroked my hair. I'm not gonna remember his smile, his laugh, his frown.

I'm not gonna remember him whistling whenever he cooks, or when he tells me stories, or when he sings when he's happy, or when he pulls pranks on me. Every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, or birthdays will be erased from my memory. But most of all I'm not gonna remember waiting for him when he gets home and smiling when he does. I'm not gonna remember my older brother, I'm not gonna remember Nathaniel Grayson Light. My best friend. My hero.

My family. The one who helped become the person that I am today. I hugged him tighter and sobbed. He didn't let me go and I felt tears on my shoulder also. He was crying also. He pulled me in tighter and we stayed like that until we couldn't breathe. We pulled apart and he placed his hands on my face.

"Listen to me Ana, okay? You're gonna be okay. This is good for you, you get to have a new family," He bite his lip when he said family. He pressed his forehead against mine. I breathed in his scent, the scent I won't remember. He always smelled like peppermint. Tears formed again but he wiped them away.

"You'll get to be free," He whispered. I pulled back and I shook my head. Tears slid down my cheeks and this time Nate didn't brush them away.

"Nate, please don't let them do this! Please let them kill me! You were right, okay! You were right when you said it wouldn't be the same if we were with a different family because it would horrible than instead of being with your real family! When I said I wanted to be free, I wanted to be free with you! We wouldn't have to worry about me being exposed together, we could have had a happy life together. Please just let them kill me!," I yelled. I shut my eyes and hugged myself. It was true, that was all I wanted. For us to be free together, not just me anymore.

For him to finally be with someone and wouldn't have to worry about exposing me. Me finally going to high school and meeting people and going to parties and having dates for the first time. Jasper being there and Bianca and Jack and the rest of Jasper's friends. Being accepted without fear and hatred is what I want. Nate put his hands on my shoulders and shook me.

"Ana, look at me!" He commanded and I did. Despite the fact that his eyes were red from crying, his eyes still held the seriousness that he had when he was going to tell me a lecture. The lectures that I would miss hearing even if I hated them. "I told you my life ended the day you were born but the truth is, it didn't start until then. The day you were born, I told myself I would protect you until my last breathe, I wouldn't allow anyone to hurt you or kill you. This is good for you because you get to live a life without worry. I want you to be happy even if it isn't with me"

I hugged him fiercely and he did the same. He kissed the side of my head and we swayed slightly. We pulled apart and he looked at the locket that he gave me for my birthday. The last birthday that he spent with me. His birthday doesn't come until December, I was relived because his birthday wasn't in the summer like mine because if it was, he would've spent it alone and not remembering me. He would at least invite friends over for his birthday, at least he wouldn't be alone on his birthday. The thought brought tears to my eyes because he would come home to an empty house.

He would be alone. I didn't want him to be alone. I trembled at the thought.
M-Maybe he won't be alone, maybe he'll get a girlfriend. S-She'll make him happy in my absence. And maybe he'll get married finally and get kids of his own. He'll get a new family, just like me. But that's not a family if you don't have the family that was there first. The people that there before the new family came in. Your old family will always be there no matter what.

Nate looked my locket and sighed. He kissed my forehead. He had trouble speaking for a few seconds but then he finally spoke.

"Y-You have to take off the locket," He said. I looked at him wide eyed. Then I looked down at my locket which was still shiny because I cleaned it so much. The gold butterfly that was on my heart shaped locket shined brightly in the dimmed room. My locket that held the picture of me and Nate. The locket that said "We'll always be together, Love your brother."

"What! Why!?" I exclaimed. He eyes held sadness and he sighed.

"Because the serum that they are going to give will erase your memory, of course. But it has a side effect, anything remotely related to the person you were with before, will trigger a memory from your past. That's why they are taking everything related to you from the house," He said crossing his arms. I clasped my hands together to keep them from shaking.

"W-What about Minnie?" I asked. My poor dog, she's gotten so use to us. There gonna erase her memory because Nate gave her to me. But Nate shook his head.

"For some reason, the serum only works on objects, not animals, so even if you look at Minnie, you won't remember me, I can tell them for you to keep Minnie, so she can be with you," He said but I shook my head. He gave me a confused look but I smiled at him.

"I want you to keep her so you won't be alone," I said and he smiled. He gave me another hug and I did the same. I pressed my nose into his shoulder softly.

"Even if my mind doesn't remember you, my heart will," He said and I cried again. We sank to our knees and into the cold floor. We pulled apart, I took off my locket, handed it to him, and hugged again. "I love you Anastasia Grace Light, My Ana, My little mouse, My little sister but most of all My best friend"

I sobbed and kissed his cheek. We hugged each other even tighter, knowing what would happen when we let go.

"I love you Nathaniel Grayson Light, my Nate, my big mouse, my big brother but most of all my best friend," I say as I smiled brightly at him. He hugged me again and this time I didn't cry. He was my everything. I can't bear to be without him. I don't want to think without him crossing my mind. I don't want to hear without hearing his voice. I don't want to see if I can't see him. Because living in a world without my older brother is a world I don't want to live in.

Suddenly I heard the doors open and I turned my head. My eyes widened when I saw guards and my breathing became labored. I immediately clung to Nate, desperately not wanting to let go. I don't want to do this! I don't! They can't make me!

They suddenly grabbed my shoulders and hauled me away from Nate.

"No! No! Nate! Nate! Let me go! Let me be with him! Let me with my brother!" I screamed as I clung to his hands. I slowly let go of his hands, I saw him clutching my locket with his hands. "No! Please! Don't do this! Nate!"

The last thing that I saw was him placing his index and middle finger to his heart, tapped his heart twice, mouthed I love you and smiled. But I realized two things, I knew he was saying goodbye to the one he love most  but I knew we were never going to meet again.

And that when the guards were putting the serum in my neck and I was slowly blacking out.

I realized I was no longer the illegal one and shut my eyes.

The illegal OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora