Chapter twenty five

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"State your name," the lawyer said. We stared at him as he cleared his throat and looked at the woman.

"Jasper Mason Griffin," He replied. The woman paced while glancing at Jasper from time to time. He didn't fidget as he looked straight into her eyes.

"And how did you meet Miss light?," She asked as she stopped pacing and had her arms crossed while she stood sharply in front of Jasper.

"I met her at the fair when it was summer, a guy was hitting on her while he was drunk, he tried to grab her when I intervened," He said while looking at me. I avoided his gaze. I heard Nate growl beside me when he heard what Jasper just said. Nate looked at me while glaring.

"Is this true?," He whispered harshly. I looked down at the floor and nodded. I looked at Nate from the corner of my eye and saw that his arms were crossed. His hands were clenched on his arms, he dug his fingernails deep into his skin. Like he wanted to that to the man who tried to grab me. We looked back at the lawyer and Jasper.

"And how many times have you seen her?," The lawyer glanced at me and I gulped. Jasper looked at me also and I blushed at him.

"A few times, I met her again when the shooting stars were coming, and then we went shopping together, we met again when it was the Fourth of July, and then one last time when she tried to tell me we couldn't see each other anymore," He said and I met his stare. He didn't look angry, just sad. I started to tremble, Nate put his arm around me.

"And weren't you curious as to why she was so secretive?," The woman said while staring at me. Her gaze made me uncomfortable. I started to fidget. "I mean, you seem to like her very much. Didn't you ever wonder why she was like this?"

Jasper looked at the woman and sighed. He looked defeated. After awhile, he nodded his head in agreement.

"I was curious, very much. I wondered why she kept running away when it was something very personal, as if she was terrified to be caught. She would always hide her wrists a lot and I didn't know why, I thought maybe she was being abused but then whenever I caught a glimpse of her arms, there was nothing there," He replied with a tone so serious. I clenched my fists, I caused him so much trouble. Why does he still like me? I don't like me right now.

"How did that make you feel?," The lawyer said while placing her hands on the witness stand. She sounded like a therapist. Jasper looked troubled for a moment and then he spoke.

"I was angry and confused, I thought she hated me for some reason, I also thought we hit it off really well and I thought she liked me like how I liked her," He blushed while he said this because he said in a courtroom full of people. I blushed also because Nate looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you think when you found out she was illegal?," The woman asked. Jasper looked at her dead in the eyes.

"I was shocked, I mean who wouldn't be? I didn't know she was illegal, I just thought she was a girl who was shy and afraid of the world. I thought I could help her not be afraid and trust me, to trust me that the world isn't so cruel and that she could be one of us," Jasper looked at me when he said this and smiled.

"Do you think we should kill the girl because she's illegal?," The woman said with gritted teeth when she realized she can't make him crack. "Every student knows about illegal children and how bad it is to have them, it's in the history books. Do you want to have too much population?"

Jasper glared at the woman and crossed his arms. He leaned against the chair and looked at her as if he wanted to set her on fire.

"Yes, because it's not fair to the family that wants more children, I mean what kind of society are we!? We can't allow more children into the world because they won't be accepted! That they will be killed for just being born! How will people in other states think of us!," Jasper yelled. He stood up now and looked at everyone in the room. "They will think of us as murderers! As people who won't accept more children in the world, I don't want to live like that. I don't want to live in a world that's messed up."

By now Jasper cheeks were red and his eyes flashed at the lawyer who took a step back because of his shouting.

"If you kill her, they will riot, and we all know how people get when they riot," He said. I shuddered because he was right, I've seen people riot on the news and it's like a war zone. The judge cleared his throat and spoke.

"Thank you Mr.Griffin, and now last but not least, can we please have Miss Light speak?," The judge said. Everyone looked at me and I looked right back. I stood up slowly and walked towards the witness stand. My heart pounding like crazy.

I slowly sat down and waited. Waited for the questions that made me wish I was dead.

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