Chapter eight

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I woke up feeling great, like I could do anything. I couldn't believe I went outside for the very first time. The people, the air, the fair, the fireworks and...Jasper. It was all so enchanting, but then I remembered I was back in this hellhole that I call home. I put my hands on my eyes and groaned. What happened yesterday felt like a dream, a wonderful and amazing dream that I didn't want to wake up from.

But this was reality and I need to wake up and realize the government is too powerful for people to protest. I shook my head, I should be thinking of happy thoughts. Like how Jasper became my friend right away and I met all of his friends. I smiled at the thought. Would he accept me for being an illegal person? Could he be friends with someone that wasn't suppose to be born? I closed my eyes and sighed. Would anyone accept me? I mean I was just the same as everyone else except I was a second born, it's not like I would grow a third eye or have diseases or have markings on my skin.

So people should accept me for who I am and not for what the government thinks of me if they found out who I was. I couldn't take it, being in bed for so long so I got out bed and went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth but I stayed in my pajamas. I walked towards my door but I didn't open it.

What would I say to Nate? What could I say to him? I couldn't deny what he said was true but it still hurt. He was my brother for crying out loud! He was the person I could talk to about anything and he was always optimistic that I would be able to go outside and be free so for him to say that I wouldn't be able to go outside hurt me more than a knife inside a heart.

It felt like he grabbed my heart and squeezed it until my heart became nothing when he told me those words. But...I had to talk to him. I couldn't just be in this house without talking to him for the rest of my life. So I gathered up my courage and walked out of room. I slowly walked down the stairs being silent as possible and made my way to the kitchen. I peeked inside the kitchen to see Nate putting his head between his hands. I step aside and spoke to him.

"Nate?," I say softly. He jerked his head and got out of his seat and rushed towards me. He engulfed me in one of his bear hugs that I could never breathe from.

"I'm so so so sorry Ana, I didn't mean what I said, please forgive me," He said pulling back from the hug. I saw the tears in his eyes and hugged him again. This was one of those rare times I've seen him cry, he was always the strong one in our small family and I was always the crying one. So for me to see him break down like that shattered my soul. We hugged for awhile, enjoying each other's comforting arms. We broke apart from the hug.

"I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean those words," He said putting his hands on my face. I nodded in understanding and I put my hand on where his hand was.

"I know you didn't mean it, you were just angry with me," I said. He shook his head at me and I stared at him, confused written on my face.

"That didn't give me the right to say those words, you're my little sister; I'm suppose to give you hope for your future not dread," He said closing his eyes. I put my hands on his face.

"Hey look at me," I sternly said and I saw him open his eyes and then I spoke.

"I forgive you for what you said, you're my brother and you would never hurt me, you were just angry and said hurtful words and I let it hurt me knowing you didn't mean those words," I said and he nodded.

"It's the damn government, I hate them for making you suffer; you're sixteen years old, you should be free not stuck in this hellhole," He said. His words shocked me, Nate would never say something so harsh about the government. He would just say that one day they would change their minds. So what made Nate say all that? We both walked into the kitchen and I sat down. I saw Nate pick up a plate filled with pancakes and scrambled eggs. He hand over to me and I accepted it.

"So how was your day yesterday?," He asked. I froze and I didn't know what to say. I obviously couldn't say what really happened yesterday so I came up with a lie.

"I watched a movie," I lied hoping he would buy it. He always knew when I was lying and it's not like I do anything to show that I was lying, I was always perfectly still when I lied and looked straight in his eyes when I lied and I always kept my voice normal but some how he just knew when I was lying. But this time, he didn't say anything at all about me lying this time.

"What movie did you watch?," He asked while staring at me. I thought about something quickly.

"The Pirates of the Caribbean," I said nonchalantly. I pray that he would buy it .

"Oh really?," He said eyeing me. I gulped and felt my cheeks burning up. I nodded solemnly.

"Yup, that's what I watched," I said chuckling.

"Which part was it?", He asked me and I started twiddling my thumbs.

"Um the ...first one," I responded sheepishly. He raised his eyebrows and I gulped.

"Okay then," He said and I sighed in relief. But then he glared at me.

"You know you're not allowed to watch violence," He said while glaring. Crap! I forgot about that, I started thinking about something real quick.

"Well, I mean I know but I couldn't help it, I was upset at that time and I just watched whatever," I said and his face softened.

"I'm sorry about that and it's okay but just don't watch it anything violent again," He sternly said and I nodded.

I'm not allowed to watch anything violent because then he'll think I will be afraid of the outside world with there violent ways. But I went outside and there's nothing scary about it and it's amazing. There's nothing scary at all. The outside world is incredible.

"Well anyway, no more violent movies, got it," He said while crossing his arms. I nodded and saluted.

"Got it!," I giggled. He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. We walked back to the kitchen. He gave me a plate of my favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. I started squealing and grabbed my fork. I ate right away and I closed my eyes, God this is amazing. Nate chuckled as he watched me. I smiled at him, my cheeks looking like a chipmunk.

"Well as much as I hate to leave you, someone's gotta pay for the house so I'm off to work," He said and I frowned. I didn't want him to leave.

"Awwwww, can't you stay for a little bit?," I pleased while giving him my best pouty face. He covered his eyes and grinned.

"Not this time, Ana," He said laughing and I pouted once more. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back soon, I promise," He whispered and I nodded. He walked out of the house leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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