Chapter twenty six

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"State your name," The judge asked. I gulped and looked at everyone in the room, I met Nate's gaze and he nodded. I took a deep breathe and spoke.

"My name is Anastasia Grace Light, your honor," I say as I looked down at my feet.

"And how long have you been alive?," He asked. His tone was professional, I bet he has to do this every single day. I placed my hands together on my lap and squeezed them, to keep them from trembling.

"S-Seventeen years, my birthday just passed a month ago," I said and then lawyer came up to me. Not my lawyer but the woman lawyer. I almost bolted out of my seat, this woman terrifies me. My breathing became rabid and she noticed how I was reacting to her. She started to smile, a wicked smile at that.

"Miss Light, how would you have described your life?," She asked crossing her arms. It was a simple question, a question a person could answer in a snap unless they have a horrible life. I looked at her straight into her eyes and tried not to tremble.

"M-My life was fine, I guess, I mean I lived like Rapunzel," I said and I got a few chuckles. That made me relax a little and I smiled softly. The woman glared at me and my smile faltered. She was about to speak when my lawyer spoke. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"And how did your brother treat you?," He asked me. I smiled gratefully at him and spoke with ease. Finally someone I can trust.

"He treated me with love and respect, he has been an amazing older brother to me, I couldn't ask for anyone better to be my older brother," I say as I looked at him. He smiled brightly at me and I smiled the same. Our lawyer looked at the judge and spoke.

"See, your honor! She was able to live perfectly with him for seventeen years without any trouble! We shouldn't allow to kill this girl because of what she is! What kind of example are we setting to our people!?," Our lawyer said with a serious face. Before the judge could say anything, the woman spoke.

"Objection your honor! Clearly the girl caused a lot of trouble for her brother! His parents die and he couldn't be at his parents own funeral! Not to mention, he had to take care of her when he was eight, he couldn't have a life because of her! Imagine how it would be for other families to take care of a lot of children! It would be difficult for them to raise more children! Our town is too small to have more children!," The woman shouted. I started to tremble because I realized she was right, our town was too small and it would be difficult for some families to raise more children. All fifty states agreed to stop having more children because of how are our economy was before and no one wanted to suffer anymore so they decided to only have first born children and that's it, so our towns wouldn't be overpopulated. I caused more trouble than I realized.

"Your honor, please! Mr.Griffin was right! What kind of society would we be if we allowed her to die for no reason! Her birth wasn't her fault! She didn't ask to be born! She was just created because of her mother's decision! She's an innocent girl even if she's illegal!," My lawyer yelled. The woman looked at me with a glint in her eyes that I couldn't understand and she walked over to me.

"Miss Light, haven't you ever wondered why she wanted to have you when she knew it was illegal?," She asked. I hesitated. It was a simple question. My mother wanted to have more children. Simple, but why was I having such a hard time answering.

"B-Because my mom wanted to have more children," I stuttered. The woman nodded and placed her hand on her chin.

"Right, and you know how much you made your brother suffer?," She said and I slowly nodded my head. What point was she trying to make? I already knew all of these. "Haven't you ever wanted to kill yourself? Have you ever tempted to do that?"

That question caught me off guard. I never thought that. Ever. I may have wished I was dead but I never thought it. Nor have I ever tempted to do that. I shook my head at her like crazy.

"No! I-I have never thought that! Nor have I tempted to do that!," I said panicky. Death. Death scared me, I realized. I didn't know what came after. I shuddered at the thought of death.

"But you knew if you caused your brother so much pain, why didn't you end this? Didn't you want to end your life so your brother could have his? I mean I'm sure he hated you at one point," She sneered. I started to smooth my hair like crazy and I started to sweat.

"N-No t-that's n-not t-true! H-He could never hate me! H-He wouldn't!," I shouted. I didn't realize I was shouting. I started hyperventilating. Nate had a panicked look in his eyes.

"That's enough!," He yelled and tried to reach me when the police stopped him from coming towards me.

"Answer the question!," She yelled. That's when I snapped. The woman with the red hair made me snap and hate myself.

"Yes! Yes, I have thought of this! I have thought of the possibility of killing myself! To end my brother's suffering!," I cried out. I sobbed my eyes out and I placed my hands on my eyes. I didn't realize it but I have thought of those things. In the deep parts of my mind that I never allowed myself to think, if I had felt that thought coming into my mind, I always pushed it away. I always fought back and won but this time it beat me for once.

I heard Nate push the guard and he engulfed me in his arms. He whispered in my ear but I wasn't listening. I just cried. Why was I so weak? I cried so easily, I don't understand. There are people out there who have it worse than me and they are more brave than I am. And yet, I cry like I'm gonna die. Maybe it's because of the fact that Nate raised me with such love that I cried so easily. He always told me it's okay to cry even if people think it's weak to cry. Crying helps the soul realize that they can't hold everything in. Because if they do, their hearts would shatter.

I heard the judge clear his throat and this time, I allowed myself to listen. I was shaking like crazy and Nate stroked my hair and shushed me.

"We will talk about our decision in private, we will tell you each separately what we are going to do, we will have someone escort you to a private room," He said. Nate spoke immediately.

"Your honor, may I take her there myself? I'll walk out as soon as I put her in there," He said quickly. The judge nodded and Nate picked me up bridal style.

This was it, they were finally going to decide what to do with me after I hid for seventeen years. I knew I would caught. I always knew.

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