Chapter 14

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Belly decided to give the team a pep talk "Okay, when I woke up this morning, I did not expect to be here doing this again. I used to love the Great Boardwalk Showdown. Maybe I loved it a little too much. All I cared about was if I won. But today is about us. Taylor, you've shown up for me over and over again this year, and now I'm showing up for you. And, Skye, I know we just met and you probably think we're all way too competitive, but our-our team wouldn't be where we are without you. When Conrad chose this team, he thought they had it in the bag. But we have proven them wrong. And whether we win or lose, we are worthy of that giant bag..." 

"Oh, you can be as inspirational as you want, Belly. We're still going to kick your asses." Steven said. 

"Shut up, Steven." Amelia yelled. 

They gathered and put their hands together "All right. I don't know about you guys...but I feel the need...The need for speed! Let's go!" 

Alex and Amelia stood next to Cam as he shouted "Drivers, start your engines! First team with all their cars past the finish line wins. On your mark. Get set."  

"Go! Go, go, go!" everyone ushered teasing and annoying each other as they raced round the track. 

The boys ended up winning by a millisecond "Get ready to pay up, Amelia" Alex said gesturing to his huge bag of candy. 

"You know, I think that's why our mom banned us from playing." Belly said with a sigh. 

"I could pay." Skye offered "I mean, I made a ton of money shorting bitcoin, so... "

"You don't have to pay , I've got plenty of cash in my purse" Amelia said going to the counter to pay.

When Amelia got back she saw Conrad talk to the girls "It is time. The Tower of Terror awaits." 

"I'm gonna go get you a barf bag." Steven joked.  

 "Hey, no one said you had to do this alone. I can keep you company if you want me to. The key is just to not think about it." Jeremiah advised.  

Everyone cheered and comforted Belly and Jeremiah as they rode the Tower of Terror. 

When they got off Amelia heard Taylor say "Interesting." 

"What?" Amelia asked.  

Taylor just shook her head "Nothing. It's just interesting."

"Thanks for looking out for us today." Amelia said to Cam.  

"Yeah, no, that was the least I could do. The guys, um, the  guys had a pretty tough year." he said sympathetically.  

"Yeah. I don't know. It feels, like, weird having some fun. Like, part of me feels guilty. I don't know if that makes sense." Conrad said jumping in. 

 Cam nodded sadly "Yeah, I know, I know exactly what you mean." 

"Yeah, I know you know." Conrad said. He wrapped his arm around Amelia casually.  

"Today was really important for you guys. Fun is important. Very important." Cam said.  

"You want to come back to the house with us?" Amelia asked. 

"I would love that." Cam said. 

Amelia laughed and shrugged Conrad off of her "Cool."  

Cam took her to the car and helped her in like an old fashioned gentlemen "After you. 

"Thank you." Amelia said smiling.  

Jeremiah shouted "All aboard!" as Cam, Amelia, Belly and Taylor joined him in his jeep. Conrad, Steven, Skye and Alex all went to Conrad's car.  

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but today was actually really fun." Conrad said.  

Alex nodded "Today was so much fun." 

"Yeah." Steven agreed "I don't know, man. I haven't seen you this happy in a long time."

"It felt good to feel like a kid again." Conrad told them.  

Steven laughed "I'll tell you." 

"And I know that my mom only ever wanted us to be happy, but... t's been hard. You know? Today was good." Conrad said smiling.  

"Okay, look, not that I want you two to start things up, but..." he paused as Conrad gave him a weird look "What? I just noticed there was a vibe between you and... Amelia, earlier." 

 Conrad laughed "What?" 

"It's just an observation, man." Alex said.  

"I appreciate your observation." Conrad said. Little did Alex know how hard hitting that comment was.  

When everyone got out of the cars they heard Steven exclaim "Oh, my God. I cannot wait to crash in my bed."

Taylor added "Or you could take a shower?" 

"That's disgusting." Belly shouted.  

"Yeah, stop picturing me in the shower. You perv." Steven said.  

"Hey, you dropped this." Amelia noticed handing Belly her Giraffe. 

"Oh, thank you." Belly said taking it.  

"Do you have a name yet?" Amelia wondered.  

Belly looked the Giraffe in the eye "Her name is Mildred."

"Mildred. I like it."  Amelia said smiling. Belly 

Conrad caught up and walked with Amelia "How come she didn't want another Junior Mint?" 

Amelia sighed a bit jealous that he was so obsessed with her "She's not 13 years old anymore, Conrad." 

That was when they heard Jeremiah shout "What the fuck?" and they ran all the way into the house. 

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