Soft spot

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The last bell rang and Tara was so happy to go home she couldn't bare to go to another class. she got outside and bumped into one of the jocks Tara turned to him “shit sorry” Tara said.

the jock turned to her and pushed her “what the fuck is your problem man?” the jock asked “wait what i dont want any problems? i didnt mean to bump into you” Tara said as she started to get worried of what was going to happen.

None of her friends were there to help her at all they all left already. a big circle formed around them. Tara started to get stressed. the jock picked her up by thr collar “tf did you say to me?” He asked.

she didn't answer and to that she got a punch in the face and dropped to the ground. she put her hand on her eye “fuck” she whispered as she started to teared up. the jock was gonna go in for another punch as Tara closed her eyes in fear.

she heard the jock scream and something hit the ground, she opened her eyes to see Amber. Amber freeman was helping her?

After Amber finished with that jock she crouched down beside Tara “are you ok?” Amber asked. her voice was soft like she was being gentle with Tara this time.

Tara teared up and hugged Amber. Amber hugged her back as Tara sobbed in Ambers shoulder. Amber rubbed Taras back to try and comfort her.

Amber pulled away and wiped Taras tears “how about we go to the nurses office?” Amber asked. Tara nodded.

Amber got up and offered Tara her hand, Tara used Ambers hand to get up of course. Amber grabbed Taras school bag and brought it in with them.


Amber held the door for Tara “thank you” Tara said smiling as she walked in and sat in the chair.

“you dont think the nurse would mind” Amber said as she grabbed an iced pack and put it on Taras eye. Tara groaned in pain. Amber grabbed Taras hand and held it “squeeze my hand whenever it hurts alot ok?” Amber said “alright” Tara said.

Tara thought for a moment as Amber was looking at all of Taras features like her freckles and her eyes her mouth her everything. “why are you being so nice to me?” Tara asked which broke the silence “what?” Amber asked because she didn't hear Tara.

“why are you being so nice?” Tara asked again. “i thought about what you said about being nice and people would actually like me” Amber said as she took off the ice pack from Taras eye. Tara smiled “orrrr do you just have a soft spot for me” Tara laughed a little.

“oh shut up” Amber laughed a bit “your not denying” Tara said. before Amber could answer she heard the door lock. she let go of Ambers hand and tried opening the door.

she turned to Tara “its fucking locked” Tara quickly got up and tried opening the door “fuck” Tara went to sit on the chair and started to panic “what if they'll never find us what if we starve” Tara said.

Amber sat in the chair beside Tara and held her hand “its going to be ok i promise you ok? they're going to find us in the morning and we're gonna be fine without food for a day.” Amber smiled so did Tara. Amber remembered she had her phone on her and she looked to see that it was at 50% “do you know chads number or something?” Amber asked “yeah why?” Tara asked.

Amber gave Tara her phone “text him see if he will help” Amber replied. Tara smiled and put in chads number and asked for help. they waited. and waited. and waited to no reply “hes not answering” Tara said “fucking dick head” Amber said.

“well its ok do you remember anyone elses number?” Amber asked and Tara shook her head left and right. Amber sighed and decided to sit on the floor against the wall. Tara sat beside her, they looked at eachother and smiled.

they're hands were close to eachother which amber realized so she put her pinky on Taras. “you know, im starting to like you freeman” Tara whispered “is that so?” Amber asked with a soft tone that made Tara smile.

they heard a bang on the door and they both jumped and looked at the door. Tara grabbed Ambers hand in fear  interlocking fingers. the door opened and it was chad?!

“are you guys ok? jesus Tara what happened to your eye” He looked at Amber “did you do this i swear to god amb-” chad said at Amber and Tara stood up chad got into Ambers face “she didn't do anything it was one of your jock friends chad jesus” Tara said “not again what the fuck.”chad said as he rolled his eyes.

they all got out of the nurses office and were about to go home when Amber said “hey Tara wait” Amber said as she grabbed Taras hand to pull her closer they faces inches apart. Amber quickly pulled away “do you wanna come iver ti my place?” Amber asked “sure” Tara said with a smile.

Amber and Tara walked to her house while playfully pushing eachother while laughing.

Mindy looked at them from a far with chad “fucking homos” Mindy whispered and smiled, chad looked at Mindy “what?” chad asked “nothing! lets just go home now” mindy said as they walked home.

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