Inappropriate (2)

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Bossyboss changed his username to Hotch

Hotch changed bbygirl to Garcia

Hotch changed PrettyBoiThings to Reid

Hotch changed ItalianImpasta to Rossi

Hotch changed JayJay to JJ

Hotch changed HotChocolate to Morgan

Hotch changed HotStuff69 to Y/N

Hotch changed EmCatLover to Emily

Hotch: finally


Hotch: Because none of them were appropriate

Hotch: especially y/n's nickname

JJ: what was wrong with mine? It literally just spells out my initials

Garcia: and you said mine wasn't that bad!! 😢

Y/N: rip my username 💔

Hotch: This groupchat is supposed to be professional, guys

Morgan: Is Strauss on your ass again, Hotch?

Hotch: No. I'm just trying to be the responsible one here

JJ: someone change my username back to JayJay 😭

Emily: hey hotch what gives??? 😡

Hotch: Do you guys want more paperwork to do?

Y/N: someone needs to get laid 😌

Hotch: excuse me? Y/N, my office please. Now.

Morgan: lol you're in trouble, missy

Y/N: with pleasure, sir 😘

Garcia: ope-I wasn't expecting that response

JJ: oh shit hotch closed the curtains lmao

Morgan: Damn it, I wanted to see the show!!

Emily: So I made popcorn for nothing?!

Reid: Did someone say popcorn?!

Reid: and thank God Hotch changed my username back

JJ: shut it Reid

Reid: What? I agree that the users were a little over the top

Garcia: Hey I came up with those!! I was proud of them, especially Y/N's username!! 😑

Reid: Hers was pretty inappropriate too

JJ: wait I don't hear yelling.

Morgan: wdym??

JJ: I thought Hotch was going to yell at Y/N for telling him to get laid

Emily: guys what if they're getting laid right now?

Morgan: OMG

Rossi: I'm sorry, what?

Emily: ROSSI! You're closest to Hotch's office, go listen in and see if they're getting some

Rossi: getting some what?

JJ: omg someone catch Rossi up on today's slangs

Rossi: I'd rather nobody didn't

Reid: yeah I don't understand what they meant by that either

Morgan: kid I am so disappointed...

Reid: what?

Emily: fuck it, if Rossi isn't doing it then I will

JJ: tell us what's going on!!

Reid: I'm still confused

Morgan: Reid, now is not the time to be confused

Emily: I hear movement, but I can't really make out what they're saying.

JJ: No kissing noises?

Emily: No. I have no idea what the fuck they're doing or even saying

Rossi: since when were you a potty mouth, Emily?

Emily: I've always been one, Rossi. Keep up.

JJ: lol yeah old man, keep up

Rossi: I am not THAT old.

Reid: you're like, 70

Rossi: I AM 58!

Reid: old.

Morgan: lol

Emily: oh shit they're coming

Y/N: hey guys 😁

Morgan: were you guys messing around or what?

Hotch: No I gave Y/N a good talking to

Emily: I didn't hear no talking

Hotch: were you trying to eavesdrop??

Emily: Yes!

Hotch: I figured one of you guys might have. Last week, I had Garcia help me install a soundproof door.

JJ: wait, that door hasn't been there until last week? That looks exactly like your previous door

Hotch: It still is, we just upgraded it

Y/N: speaking of Garcia, where is she?

Garcia changed Hotch to Bossypants

Garcia changed Reid to PrettyBoiThings

Garcia changed Y/N to HotStuff69

Garcia changed JJ to JayJay

Garcia changed Emily to EmCatLover

Garcia changed Rossi to ItalianImpasta

Garcia changed Morgan to HotChocolate

Garcia changed her username to bbygirl

bbygirl: hehehe 🤭

HotStuff69: HELLS YEAH BBYGIRL! ❤️❤️❤️

PrettyBoiThings: WHY??

JayJay: Garcia I love you ❤️

Bossypants removed bbygirl as admin

EmCatLover: oop-

bbygirl: I saw that coming 🫤

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