Hillbilly Ass (11)

755 15 0

2:45 AM


JayJay: hey is anyone awake?

HotChocolate: I am now, why are you?

JayJay: Will and I had a huge fight and now I'm walking the streets alone 😞

PrettyBoiThings: WHAT? I'll come pick you up JJ. I'm already up anyway

HotChocolate: What happened?

EmCatLover: what did his bitch ass do to you? 😡

JayJay: Um, so you guys know how we had a shit ton of reports we had to finish last night?

bbygirl: i'm awake now, what's happening?

HotStuff69: this better be good JJ

HotStuff69: oh I just saw the previous chats. He kicked you out?

HotStuff69: I'm not afraid to hurt a bitch 🔪

PrettyBoiThings: ^^ I can vouch for that

HotChocolate: ^ me too

JayJay: Well, since I hadn't came home until almost midnight, Will was up waiting for me

JayJay: he already put Henry to bed but for whatever reason, me being out late bothered him tonight and he got snotty with me about it

JayJay: I told him I had to work late because of all the reports from previous cases that didn't get done

JayJay: he accused me of lying. He said this was the 5th time this week I came home late.

JayJay: I told him I was sorry but it was mandatory that I had to stay because otherwise, we'd have many other reports on top of our other reports to do and it'd probably take about a week or two if we continue to get piled on

JayJay: he not only accused me of lying again, but he thought I was cheating with one of you guys

JayJay: I asked him why it's bothering him now but when I go on cases, he doesn't bat an eye?

JayJay: of course he had no answer except for 'you're just out looking for a good time and I guess I'm not one' or whatever childish shit he said.

JayJay: I shouldn't have to explain that he and I are married, but

JayJay: apparently he didn't understand that

JayJay: after a few more choice words, he told me to get out and here I am.

JayJay: idk what's going to happen now.

JayJay: oh hey spence, thanks for getting me 🥺

PrettyBoiThings: yeah no problem. I had Garcia track your location btw

bbygirl: I can't believe Will! WTF 🤬

HotStuff69: I've always hated his hillbilly ass.

HotStuff69: no offense Jayge

JayJay: none taken

JayJay: that kind of made me laugh, thanks y/n

HotStuff69: No problem 😌

Hotchie: y/n go back to sleep pleaseee

HotStuff69: babe look at the previous chats 🙄

Hotchie: oh shit, sorry JJ. but i'm glad spencer was there to get you

JayJay: it's fine.

JayJay: and y/n, babe? does that mean you and hotch are official?

HotStuff69: yes :)

HotStuff69: but enough about us, let's talk about paying Will a visit

JayJay: no, it's not even worth it. Plus Henry is asleep. I don't want you guys to cause a scene

EmCatLover: hm, ok. But we can't guarantee anything tomorrow. is he working?

JayJay: No. I'm gonna call his mom and have her pick up Henry so he and I could talk like adults.

HotChocolate: do you want us there as backups? Like y/n says, we ain't afraid to hurt a bitch 🗡️

JayJay: No I'll be fine. Thanks though

JayJay: I'm gonna stay with Spence tonight

bbygirl: ok well if he does or says something to you, divorce his ass 🙂

JayJay: oh trust me, after everything he said to me tonight, it'd be a no brainer.

JayJay: I can't even bear the thought of Henry being in a toxic household

HotStuff69: trust me, I know the feeling

HotStuff69: anyhoo, I'm gonna go back to sleep. Give us an update Jayge

JayJay: Will do

Hotchie: come sweep y/n fuu

bbygirl: what?

JayJay: Hotch are you okay?

HotStuff69: LMFAO he's sleep texting 💀

HotChocolate: WTF LMAO 😭😭😭

Hotchie: fuck me y/n abkjbjkbf

HotStuff69: um, yeah. Going to bed. I'll be taking his phone too. Gn guys lol

EmCatLover: lol


Thinking about it now, Will rarely gets brought up so I think I'm going to break him and JJ up and maybe get her and Garcia together, 'cause I really don't want to insert another boring character like Kevin (no offense to Kevin fans lmao but I honestly doubt there's many out there) or maybe I'll just do what other fanfics do and get Emily and JJ together. AHH WHAT SHOULD I DO??

Also, I am still planning on putting Reid and Morgan together. It's probably going to take time leading up to it, but it'll happen :D

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