drunk (13)

694 16 0

1:22 AM


HotStuff69: i am soooo dfheunk

JayJay: uh oh someone broke y/n lol

Hotchie: she's drunk? who took her out?

bbygirl: yeah that's kind of mine and Derek's fault LOL 😂

EmCatLover: Just when I was going to bed, I get notifications from you people 😫

Hotchie: I knew she was hanging out with you, Garcia but no mention of Derek

bbygirl: he crashed our party 🎉

bbygirl: he told y/n to let loose so she did 🤷‍♀️

bbygirl: she had too many lmao

HotStuff69: i wuv u bbygurl

bbygirl: aww y/n you're adorable when you're not sober 🥰

Hotchie: I'm coming to get her. Are you guys at your place?

JayJay: Hotch, chill lmao she's with Garcia, she'll be fine

bbygirl: yeah sir, she's ok with me. I'm driving us back to my place rn. You can come get her tomorrow

EmCatLover: why weren't JJ and I invited?

JayJay: Well, I have Henry for the night and you told us you and Carolyne were having date night

bbygirl: Where are you even staying JJ? Still at Spencer's?

JayJay: Yeah. Henry loves spending his time here lol

HotStuff69: jhkwjahkjwhf ahh

HotChocolate: Can I just say how proud I am of y/n for getting drunk lmao she's seriously adorable and hilarious at the same time 🤪

Hotchie: why would you let her get drunk?

HotChocolate: It's a Friday night Hotch. It's not like she does this every weekend

JayJay: Go back to sleep Hotch, you sound like you need it

JayJay: Is Jack keeping you up?

Hotchie: No I was already up. I was worried about y/n. It's not like her to stay out for so long.

HotChocolate: Did you guys move in together already? Geez, it hasn't even been a month 🤦

Hotchie: No, we didn't.

Hotchie: But she told me she would be coming over after hanging with Garcia

bbygirl: omg if it bothers you that much, I'll take her to you 🙄

Hotchie: Thanks

JayJay: Kinda overprotective, are we?

HotChocolate: Yeah Hotch, it's kind of sexy 🔥

HotStuff69: my mans hot

bbygirl: see sir? even when drunk, she loves you ❤️

PrettyBoiThings: Henry just woke me up because he wanted me to read to him 😑

PrettyBoiThings: JJ, I love Henry, I do, but...can you tell him to go back to sleep?

JayJay: Right, yeah, sorry. I'll go tuck him in

EmCatLover: I have a feeling I'm never going to sleep

bbygirl: mute the chat babe

HotStuff69: im burp

HotChocolate: LMAOOO I corrupted her 🤣🤣🤣

Hotchie: You WHAT

HotChocolate: No not like that Hotch!

HotChocolate: I just meant I got her so drunk

HotChocolate: you're seriously extra uptight lately

PrettyBoiThings: He is tho

HotChocolate: Hey pretty boy 😚😍

PrettyBoiThings: don't even think about it Morgan

HotChocolate: oh come on, you know you want this 💪🍫

bbygirl: ok i'm at your door Hotch. It took a bit to get her up the steps

Hotchie: Thank you Garcia

bbygirl: but seriously though, you need to chill lol

Hotchie: Yep.

Hotchie: Goodnight guys. I'm muting the chat

HotStuff69: e

HotChocolate: ok you guys cannot deny how funny y/n is being rn she needs to get drunk more often 😆

PrettyBoiThings: It is kind of funny lol

bbygirl: anybody wanna take any guesses on why Hotch is being his old self now??

JayJay: he's definitely overprotective

JayJay: omg why tf is my kid crying 🙃

JayJay: brb sorry spence

PrettyBoiThings: it's fine lol

HotChocolate: you find me funny, right pretty boy?

PrettyBoiThings: I find y/n funnier tbh

HotChocolate: ouch

EmCatLover: purr 😻

bbygirl: emily, are you the one drunk now?

EmCatLover: no, just imitating sergio

EmCatLover: it's how he snores

EmCatLover: anyway, i'm going to sleep. So should the rest of you. Night ❤️

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