CHAPTER 3 :The Cat and The CATcher

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"Ooh ,I finally survived the long damn night"Kavya murmured in a sweet voice while yawning because she did not get any sleep last night ,she just barely slept for 2 hours and her damn alarm started making noises
" should I go to college today?" she asked herself when she very well knew that most of her syllabus was left
" you cannot just sit like this, you need to be a cardiologist right and especially you need to escape this hell, so get your shit together dear Kavya!"
She convinced herself with a seriousness on her face she quickly got up from her Messy bed in the black oversized night suit of hers, grabbed her towel and started taking steps toward her luxurious bathroom. it's not like that she was facing problems because of the lack of resources, what actually tickles her was the lack of love . As soon as she took a bath ,she came out of the bathroom in a plain white bathrobe and a towel covering her head .She quickly ran and sat in front of her dressing table and dried her shoulder length ,brown hair and her front curtain Bangs, while adding to her good looks . she then chose a wide -leg black colour jeans and a black sleeveless oversized sweater on her white skinny. She grabbed her scarf and opened the gate of her room, As soon as she opened the door ,she saw her so called parents on the dining table having breakfast ,laughing and gossiping, caring less about anything. she simply tried to ignore them and expected them to do the same and so what happened they just ignored her as if she was invisible. she opened the main door and walked through the streets after passing from her luxurious lawn , after reaching the bus stop with a juice glass in her hands , which she bought from a cafe while coming to the bus stop ,she waited for almost 2 minutes after which she grabbed a back seat in a bus. as the route from her house to her college was not that long ,she arrived in 10 to 12 minutes .as soon as the was dropped her infront of her college ,she hear a familiar sound
" Hey crackhead!"
Kavya turned to find her best friends standing with both hands in the pocket of his oversized Black jeans with the black hoodie .
"U-uh hey M-mehul" she said in a low voice he started walking towards her and stood beside her. Mixed emotions again started tickling her heart as soon as she saw him because at last he was the only person who understood her, cared for her and could console her and also because he was the only Indian there in that college so she became more attached to him .She could no longer hold herself and she hugged less and squeezed him more .
" u-uhn leave me, what happened?" he stopped requesting when he heard her sobbing and started feeling wetness on a his hoodie
"W-what should I do,I- I am done" she murmured while stuttering between her words but loud and clear enough for him to hear it.
" I don't know what's the matter, but it's okay ,I am there ,right ?"
he said in a cold and calm voice .she kept hugging him until it was all enough for her to get herself together. Mehul also hugged her back without any objection
"thank you Mehul for understanding me the way someone never does "
she said while breaking the hug
"now tell me what happened "he said while smirking to change the awkwardness of the moment
"Should we bunk the first class for that?" she said in a low voice
" okay let's do that if you want"
Mehul said in a consoling voice
" let's go to the terrace then " she said while taking small steps towards the college .he followed her without any objection .they both arrived at the terrace and Kavya opened the terrace gate for themselves .it was a stormy day with black clouds surrounding their bodies and the strong winds messing all their set hair . They both came closer to the terrace fencing and rested their arms on the edge of the fencing, the cold thin wind was touching their cheeks with which she started
"my life is a mess and I am not able to arrange it in a manner"
she told him each and everything that had happened to her. Mehul also heard it very patiently
" now what should I do ,Mehul ?"
she asked with the puffy eyes
" you want me to find a solution?" he asked in a confusing way
" something like that ,I guess" she said after looking into his eyes .
"why don't you have a hobby ?"Mehul said with a smile on his face to change the awkward moment between them
"Hmm, a hobby helps us to divert our mind" he said in a loud voice to cheer her up .
"Okay , but then which hobby? "
She said still with dull voice .
"You're asking me ? Ma'am it's your wish" he said with a smirk .
"Then painting ?, Sketching?, Hmm?"
She kept asking for the suggestions .
"Wow, stop being a couch potato and choose a physical one "he said while rolling his eyes .
"Why don't you join the taekwondo academy , it's near also ?and most importantly ,you can choose your own time slot for practicing "
"Hmm?do you think I can make it ?"she asked .
"Of course , now let's go ,our first class is going to be over " he said while taking steps towards the terrace gate.
"Mehul, (sigh) thank you " she said while making him stop with which he put a smile on his face and opened the gate .


"Are you ready ?" Mehul said with a smile .
"(Sigh)let's go "kavya said after looking into his eyes .
(Hmm,well you don't have to worry about your admission , cause I already did it "Mehul continued .
"Seriously , thank youuu Mehul"kavya said while widening her eyes .
"Okay then , go inside "he said while pointing at the gate of the 'royal professions '(taekwondo academy)with which she started taking steps towards the gate and opened it .

Author's POV

"You are again late Mr. Adyaman !"
The coach shouted at Aryaman with full anger in his eyes .
"(Sigh)" Aryaman sighed , first of all why doesn't he pronounce my name properly ? , Aryaman thought .
"Uhh-uh May I come in sir?"A girl asked while standing in the middle of the door with which Aryaman turned his gaze softly with a pale face towards the gate .
"Hnn?, Who are you ?" The coach asked after turning backwards, by which it was confirmed that she was totally a stranger who has lost her way or must be a new student , but whatever she may be ,Aryaman cared less as always .
"Uh-uh , sir I'm Kavya " she said with worries on her face .
"Uhh an Indian? , interesting" Aryaman murmured . the coach thought for a while before speaking in a loud voice .
"Ohh, so you are Kabya?"
"Hun?"kavya said while making a confusing face .
Aryaman smirked .
"So ,I am not the only one whose name is destroyed ?"he again murmured .
"Well I don't give a damn fu*k , if she is an Indian , she's still a stranger " he didn't stop murmurring but now with a seriousness on his face .
"Come in , Kabya " the coach gave her permission with which she entered and started taking steps towards the coach and stood beside him , while facing Aryaman in front of her.She made a quick eye contact with Aryaman before he immediately diverted his gaze .

Hello dear readers
So this was the first main chapter , please ignore my mistakes and I hope you enjoy it , well I will possibly publish next chapter tomorrow if possible because I am a little busy these days
Take care
Byee 😊

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