Chapter 11: The CAT

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I don't know what has  been going on with me these past few days . I am not feeling like talking to anyone . I didn't even talk to Mehul about the incident . My bruise is healing but it still hurts sometimes when I move a lot . I feel like , I am just existing rather than really living my life . I wake  up .  I go to the college . Then I go to the taekwondo classes and then finally go to bed .
Today's Sunday , so there's a change in my timetable . I'm not going anywhere . I am just going to stay at my home until and unless my parents don't  bother me . I didn't even tell anyone about yesterday because sometimes I feel like I cannot share my thoughts with anyone except Mehul  and that also until and unless I'm bothering him too much .
Yesterday when I was on my way back home from taekwondo classes . Kaito again offered me a ride but it was going too far now so I just straight away said that I wasn't close enough to him to accept a ride and when he kept bothering me saying that he could be trusted that's when the main part came . Aryaman helped me . He fucking did and that's the most good thing that he would've ever done . It's been a month since I met him and the strange thing is that he knows a lot about me . Even more than Mehul because I was the one who told him each and everything that night .  I don't actually talk straight to him but still I was thankful for what he did yesterday .
She already refused so why  are you forcing her to accept the ride .
You don't fucking own her .
Stop fooling around and stop bothering her .
For the first time I was not feeling uneasy around him . For the first time I was comfortable behind him . That doesn't mean that I couldn't have protected myself but he just did it permanently. Now Kaito won't bother me again . I guess .
It's 8:05 am and I woke up at 7:30 . I've been laying on the bed with my eyes opened  and thinking stuff like this ?
I left my bed the very next second and arranged it in a manner , walked out of the room to get my meal but hesitated when I heard my parents voice reaching my ears , but I didn't stop this time . I quietly got into  the  kitchen through the hallway .
My step mother never prepared a meal for me , she never cared to so I had to prepare my meal on my own and I don't know how do she always acts so innocent in front of my dad . But now I hardly care about anything .
I prepared cold coffee , a bread toast for myself . I left the kitchen and was about to leave the hallway but stopped when I heard the doorbell .
" Kavya , can you please check who's on door ? " I tried not to get annoyed by the fake sweet tone of hers .
I kept my tray aside on the stool and opened the door .
A man wearing postman's costume was standing right in front of me .
"  uh Goodmorning ma'am , Is this Kavya ?" He said in a calm voice .
"  yes " I replied .
" here's a mail for you " he said while passing me a brown envelop .
" thank you sir " I said while bowing a little .
As soon as he left , I closed the door and saw the sender's I'd , which displayed .
Aryaman Ballah
22  saise , uchi goya , Kyoto .
" A - Aryaman ? , why would he send me a mail ? " I whispered while making a bewildered face . Before I could understand anything , I got my tray and tried to hide the mail under it and left the hallway before I could enter the dinning room .
" who was there on the door " asked my mother .
" no one special , kids are fooling around these days " I ended up making an excuse because I don't want them to know about Aryaman . There's no need to .
I left the dinning room before they could talk to me any further .
I locked the door behind me and kept the tray on the table before slightly taking out the envelop .
I tore the envelope and took out the white paper . I unfolded it and without wasting any other second , started reading it .

I don't know how to start but I am just writing this to discuss a very important  thing . Maybe just to me . I know you would be thinking , why a letter needed but it was essential because if I tried to talk to you , we would have ended up not talking straight . So , just accept it .
My father had currently decided to marry me off . I could not even deny due to some reasons but when I got to know about the girl whom I am going to marry , I regret it .

But why the fvck is he telling me this ?  First of all , A letter makes no sense .
I read further .

She's Gauri . You know her . She's the girl you met on the very first day . But that's not what's important . The important thing is that I don't like her , and liking her is even more far , she's like an enemy to me . I know you will not understand but  just try to understand what I mean . I CANNOT MARRY HER .
So now , just  read it carefully .
I have a plan to not to marry her . What I am actually gonna do is . I'm gonna have a fake girlfriend .
You need patience .
And I am planning to do a contract marriage with that girl . A contract marriage for eight months because I just need to slide this topic for now and I will plan what to do after those eight months . I asked Ana to help me but she's already in a relationship with I don't know whom . And the next girl whom I could all think of was you .

Wait , what ? , me ? , help you ?  , with what ?
I recollected myself because I needed to read it whole now .

I know it's weird but  I cannot think of any other girl now . I have less time left . I just want you to think about your own benifits . Both of us will be benefited . You can run from that house of yours and I can save myself from this marriage . I know you need some time to think . Take it but don't take too long I want your answer in just one week . I can understand , we just met but we will do it as per the contract , if you agreed .

I am not fvcking agreeing . I will not . I will find my own ways of solving my issues but a contract marriage is too much .
I fliped the page to find one more paragraph .

And one more thing . Stop making assumptions on someone character . That night you fainted on the staircase . So you wanted me to leave you as it is . I would have . I just thought of helping a stranger . And you just questioned me .

Still , who takes someone like that to their house ? , I guess .

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