Chapter 19:The CAT and the CATcher

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" do you think it's hot enough now, Akari ?"

Everything's blurry . I am not able to see anything but ...
But I am in pain . I want to scream so bad but my throat is not in the condition to .
All that I can hear are the dizzy voices .

" Ready ? , so called Aryaman's princesa ? " Said Akari , probably . I am just making guesses of their names cause I never cared to know .
I am almost blind from all the crying that I've made . But what a shame there's still no one who dared to help .
It's some kind of storage room behind my university , where that girl group dragged me to . Yes , the bullies I met that day .
Akari seems to be the group leader . Everyone's asking for her permission to shit and she's making orders .
I am lying on the floor in the worst condition .
" Ahhhhhhh!!!" I screamed . The hot hair straightener nearly burned the flesh inside me . They are targeting my ring finger , it's numb now . It's the third turn when they are burning the same finger because I am wearing Aryaman's ring in it .
" Ohh oh oh , does it hurt little kitty , I'm so sorry but it's just the beginning " she said before smirking .
" Give me the brick " she said to one of her girls .
"So sorry , here you go " she said with a loud tone before crushing my right foot with the brick .
The pain consumed me again . It was too painful for me to even shed tears or scream . I just stared at the ceiling the whole time .
" Uh , I think the guard is coming " one of her girl spoke up before Akira could smash my other foot .
She passed an annoyed expression before I met her dark gaze .
" Be careful , it was just a trailer . If you dared to tell anyone , thennnnn . Then proceed with it . It hardly matters cause they don't care " she said before standing up and going out of the room with her group .
I barely could regain my vision . All that I could see was the blur ceiling .
It just kept getting even more blur.
And then everything turned into dark .
" Hey , wake up . Don't close your eyes " I heard a low , dull voice .
It echoed in my ears . I again tried to open my eyes just to find that familiar face again .
" It's gonna be okay , trust me " he whispered before picking me up whereas I dozed off in his arms .


I opened my eyes just to find out myself to be in a hospital bed .
" Maam , you awake ? " Nurse asked me .
" Oh hmm " I hummed .
She helped me get my back adjusted and gave me water .
The scenes again flashed through my brain . My breath hitched after remembering what has happened to me .
I know I wanted to be dead but that was too painful for me .
I diverted my gaze towards my plastered foot and my burned fingers . Specially the pinky one was in the worst condition .
It's so painful . It pains even when I breath .
" Do you need anything else ?" The nurse asked .
" Uh no but can you tell me who bought me here ?" I asked .
" Me " I diverted my gaze to the person entering the room , Kaito .
My expectations were crushed . Who was I actually expecting to be here ?
" I am relieved that you are fine " he said while coming towards me .
" Uh okay , so thank you " I said with a straight face .
He came and sat on the chair beside the bed .
" Don't mention it . You are my friend and I have to help you " he said .
In response I passed a pale smile .
" Ma'am if you need anything then just call me " said Nurse .
" Uh actually I hope I won't have to stay here anymore . Can I leave ?" I asked .
" Yes , sure . You can leave anytime you want " .she said .
" Kaito then I guess I should leave . The odour of hospitals always makes me sick " I said .
" You will need a wheel chair lady " he said .
" Nurse can I get one ?" He asked the nurse .
" Well how come you found me ?" I asked him .
" Because I am in the same university as you and I was just passing by " he said .
" Uh I never knew that you and I studied at the same university " I said .
" Well you know now " he said .
The nurse came in with the wheel chair and placed it beside me . Kaito stood up to help me get on the wheel chair .
He grabbed my waist and gently pushed me on the wheel chair .
" Let's talk about that later , hm ?" He whispered against my face while ruffling my hair.
I and him left the hospital after paying the charges .
He helped me while getting in his car .
The ride was simple . We gossiped about things but I know somewhere my mind was not in the right place , I was thinking about the same thing again and again .
" Okay , let me help you " he said while coming closer towards me in order to  ditach the seatbelt .
I almost kissed his cheek .
He got out of the car and opened the door for me .
" Uh , so now what ?" I was confused because we returned the wheel chair at the hospital and now I can't even walk .
" Just a minute " he said before pulling my legs towards him and picking me up gently .
" Uh , wait-"
" Shh" he started stepping towards my the door while my hands were folded around his neck .
I rang the bell whereas my heart was beating so fast because what if Aryaman's dad opens the door .
The door knob twisted and my breath hitched .
A sigh of relief went through me when I found Aryaman behind the door .
His eyes went wide , I think because he found it weird . First he looked at me then Kaito and then my plastered foot .
" I think you can just step aside so that I can enter " Kaito said .
" Uh , why hurry ? . Pass her to me , I can take her " he said while spreading his arms towards me .
" Ohh , is she a thing ?" Said Kaito .
" It doesn't matter if she's a thing or not . She's mine " he said .
" Oooh , you got that big husband vibe . Nice " said Kaito .
" Just shut up and give her to me  " he said .
" Hmm , take her " said Kaito before getting me down on my one foot while my hands were on his chest and neck .
Aryaman harshly pulled me towards him whereas I hissed in pain when he squeezed my fingers .
" You fine ?" Said Kaito after noticing my hissing .
" I can notice it too dumbass " . Said Aryaman while gently picking me up in his arms .
" Then why not be a little gentle with her ?"       Asked Kaito with a smirk .
" I didn't know that my darling was even hurt somewhere else " said Aryaman after meeting my eyes and passing a gentle but fake smile .
I know it's all fake .
Tell your butterflies to stop dancing .
This is all fake .
" Uhh , it's too dark now . Unfortunately see you tomorrow Kaito ". Said Aryaman before kicking the door on Kaito's face .
As soon as the door closed , he took a deep sigh and then met my eyes with his deadly ones .
He stood there for a few seconds and we continued to stare at each other .
" Can you even imagine ? , how much do I want to throw you on the floor right now " he said without even breaking his eye contact .
The words were too harsh for me to speak a word .
" But what a curse . I can't " . He said .
" Why not ? , just drop me . I already told you not to be responsible " I said before trying to put my feet on the floor . But his grab was too tight for me to even move . I shook myself in order to put myself on my feet and stand  because I don't want any kind of unwanted sympathy . Nothing happened, just his grab tightened even more .
" Stop it " . He said in a low tone before turning and walking towards the stairs .
" You stop it and just put me down , I can walk " I said even though I know I can't .
" Hmm , sure , with that plastered foot " he said .
" I c-an" I stuttered because I knew I was about to cry but controlled my tears . I don't know how I managed to suffer those bullies but now its feeling like no one's on my side . Everyone is against me .
" See . I told you not to be responsible so now what ? , I know you don't care about me , then what ?" I shouted .
He stopped in the middle of the stairs and sighed .
" Shut up . Dad is sleeping " he said while grinding his teeth .
" And I am not being responsible and caring but I am just showing some humanity towards an injured person " he said without breaking the eye contact .
Is he even a human to show humanity ?
And he considers me as a person ?
I didn't say anything because it will just extend the argument .
After walking through the corridor, we reached our room and he strangely gently put me on the bed .
We didn't say anything after that. He  took some cushions and a blanket from the closet and put them on his couch and passed me an eye contact before turning off the lights .
I cuddled in my blanket . Hopefully I already ate some fruits in the hospital so I was  kind of full and even tired so I fall asleep right after .
Why didn't he ask me about what happened with me ?
Was he too busy noticing Kaito ?
Why he never makes up with Kaito ?
What happened between them ?
Anyways I hate him!!!!!

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