Chapter 18: The CAT and THE CATcher

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Kavya's Pov:-
It's been a lot now . Everyone's cursing me for marrying Aryaman because he's just too fine for me . It's making me insecure .
Okay . Just few more months and then I'll be free from everyone .
" Aren't you ready yet ?!" Aryaman said with annoyance.
His father told us to go shopping instead of behaving like lamas as we're a newly wedded couple . We don't need it I guess . Please just let me sleep at home . I am tired .
We will be picking up Ana on our way because why not ? , atleast he will be better busy with her .
" I am , already " . I said before grabbing my hand bag and running out of the room and there he was .
Both of us passed each other nasty looks .
" I need to tell you something " I said without looking at him .
" Now what ?"
" Just don't behave like you are responsible towards me , I mean I was the one who agreed for this marriage . Just don't act like I am a burden on you . Please . " I plead forcefully even if I didn't want to .
" Okay , as you wish " he said before heading towards the stairs .
Not after much time , both of us left for the most popular shopping mall in Kyoto .
I sat in the passenger seat beside him , obviously I'll be switching it with Ana after some time . Just let us look like a cute couple in front of dad , I mean Aryaman's dad .
The ride was simple and awkward until we reached Ana's spot .
I smiled at her through the window before taking off my seat belt and then shifting to the back seat . She told me not to shift but sitting at tha back seat is much better than sitting beside him .
After a few more minutes , we reached the mall . It was massive and beautiful . I stepped out of the car by myself whereas
Aryaman opened the car door for Ana . I don't mind because I don't want any of this anyways . It's been days since I last saw Mehul . I saw him on my wedding . I don't know where he is . May be he's busy in his practicals .
But why am I thinking of him right now ?
Wierd .
Anyways . All of us stepped inside the mall . It's like a palace . It's just so beautiful but poor me . I'll have to visit it without a boyfriend .
I am married actually but does it even make a change ? , he's already busy with Ana and it's the best he can do for me right now .
Both of them were talking about random things whereas I am walking and enjoying my own company .
But wait . Escalaters ?
Why am I noticing it right now ?
Noo . I am doomed .
I can't . Should I just tell them that I have to go somewhere ? , should I just go to the washroom ? .
Nooooo. Fvcking no.
"Kavya , are you okay ? " Ana diverted my lost gaze to herself .
" Uh-hh , hmm , yahh " I hesitated .
She gave an assured smile before she was pulled by Aryaman , Probably because he's in any kind of hurry . Aryaman looked at me several times whenever I got involved with Ana . I don't know what's the problem with him .
After we were done with the shopping from ground floor, it was finally the time to use the escalators . And what do I do ?
Ana and Aryaman both stepped together on the escalators and I could not . I am still standing there , taking deep breaths.
Okay . I can do this .
This is nothing .
Today it's the time to fight with my phobia and kick all of this shitty fear .
I was just about to step on but Ana spoke up .
" Kavya , what's wrong ? , are you fine ? , step on " .
She spoke in a quite tone . I almost didn't hear her but was able to figure out .
Aryaman turned to just meet my eyes and pass me an annoyed look .
After both of them reached the first floor . Ana stood still , hoping for me to step on but I - , I am just dumb .
Aryaman was standing beside Ana , hoping for Ana to just leave me and roam with him .
Aryaman shook Ana's arm a little and passed her a wierd look .

" Let me help you " said someone after squeezing my arm . I was startled , I looked at my side and found a man standing in a fine black suit and his hair were long , curly hairs .
He is Kaito .
I recognised him as soon as he looked up and passed me a soft smile .

Aryaman's Pov :-

Why is she so dumb?
But poor her , she told me not to help her with anything , so I am just doing my job .
Frr. I am feeling so light .
I was continuously looking at her without diverting my gaze , hoping for her to walk on so that me and Ana can continue .
I was so annoyed that now anytime I can throw my boba drink on her face .
No matter how much I love boba .
After a few more seconds , a man came from behind and squeezed her arm .
I wasn't actually able to scan his face because of his long curly hair coming in front of his face .
Kavya looked startled as if -
When he looked up , I quickly scanned his face and -
He is Kaito .
Is he trying to help her ?
Just don't .
My heart raced as if I would have done something I would have not .
What do I do ?
He is so freaking annoying .
Just leave her . I don't want to help her and neither want you to help her .
Fvck noo .
Do not touch my things .
Even if they are fake and temporary .
" Aru , just go . I know you're jealous " said Ana with a smirk .
" Who said I am jealous ? , but why Kaito ?" I said .
Now what ?
Should I go ?
I mean she don't need help but just this time .
Because I don't want fvcking Kaito to touch my belongings because I know what he did to my mother .
Okay . Just goooo.
I quickly ran to the left escalator to go down without even diverting my gaze from Kavya .
As soon as I reached the floor , I ran to Kavya .
" So , let's go " I said while breathing heavily because I skipped the steps on the escalator .
I held Kavya's hand and proceeded to walk on until Kaito held her left hand .
" Leave her " I said in a cold tone , looking straight in his eyes .
" Why ? , I was there to help her in the first place " he said .
" I don't care , leave my wife's hand right now or else you'll be better dead " I said before meeting Kavya's eyes .
" Ohhh , here , she got a protective husband . Well , okay then . See you soon Kavya " he said with a smirk after leaving her hand .
I was about to step on the escalator , when I felt a pull .
Probably by Kavya .
" Now what ? , just step on " I said after pulling her harshly towards me so that she could step on .
Kaito was left behind .
For the meantime , Ana helped her with the escalators whereas I decided to carry their shopping bags .

So , hii
Happy new year to you all .
May this year brings happiness to your lives and fulfil your dreams .
May you all find kind people and have a good time .

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