Chapter 21

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Kavya's pov -

Aryaman left in the morning for I don't know what and he's still not back yet .
And only if I was not hurt anywhere I could've enjoyed this day but still I am a little relaxed as he's not home .
I don't know why my stomach has been hurting since the last hour . Maybe I' ve eaten something that is  unsuitable for me .
" Ahh" I groaned in pain and  clenched my stomach as a sudden cramp was felt .
" I think I've started my periods . Not again"  I whispered before  lifting up a little with the support and there it was , the red big stain on the pure white bedsheet and my pajamas are white too . I was just on my way to stand up but then he entered , Aryaman .
Wait .
Right now .
Noooo. Wait a little please .
I am all red right now .
My eyes went wide and we made eye contact for atleast three seconds before he broke it .
" So you must have had fun as I was not home , right ?" He said .
Yes I did .
A lot . But now when you're back I wish you could leave again .
Just fvcking let me change .
" Well it's okay , I have to go again " he said .
A sigh of relief left my throat . It's not a big deal but it's just so embarrassing because I hate staining bedsheets with my blood .
Strangely he started taking steps towards me.
" I just have to take some papers for  my university " he said after approaching me .
" Hmm ,t-take " I said .
" Get away " he said .
" Huh?" I was confused as well as my breath hitched .
" Just stand up from the bed for a while , my papers are in the bed drawers ". He said while furrowing his eyebrows .
" Uh , it must not be in here , c-check somewhere else " I said .
" They are here " he said .
" They aren't "
" Are you going to get away Orr do you want me to throw you ?, I am already very pissed".
" Uhh , they must not be here , just believe-" before I could even complete , he held my right arm and not too harshly pushed  me to the other side of the bed .
" Aah" I groaned again and held my stomach as it was the worst pain I could feel till now .
His eyes were stick to the bedsheets .
After a few seconds of continuosly staring at the bedsheets , he finally diverted his gaze to me and looked straight in my eyes wide opened and eyebrows furrowed . He looked as if he was out of words .
Before I could say something , he came to my side of the bed and  gently wrapped his hands on my back , engulfed me and lifted me gently in his arms .
I unknowingly wrapped my legs on his waist . And I regret it .
" Why-"
" Shut up" he said in a soft and tiring tone .
His hands shifted to my butt for the support .
My eyes went wide .
Thank God , at least my  butts don't feel wet .
My arms were wrapped around his neck and his hard chest was bumping against mine .
He took some steps towards the restroom and gently put me down on my feet and gave his arm for me to stand properly .
" And for your information , I knew you could not walk and I didn't want to waste my time as I'm already getting late " he said and then walked to the closet . After searching for something a while , he finally turned around and asked .
" Where is your stuff , something c-called tampons " he asked trying his best to look cool .
" I don't use them but my pads are just there beside my jewellery box " I pointed .
He quickly took out some of the pads and a pair of fresh trousers and again approached me .
" Do you need any help ?" He said while passing the pads to me .
My heart again stopped and silence filled the air .
He coughed heavily after realising what he just said .
" I mean one of  t-the caretakers , she can h-help you ". He completed .
I started breathing heavily as I finally realised .
I looked up in his wide opened eyes .
" No , it's okay and sorry for anything that just happened " I said ,gaining no response.
I closed the door and suffered in silence while changing with a broken ankle   .
I washed up and then came out and still found Aryaman there in the room .
The bedsheets were fresh . He already changed them , he was really quick though .
He again approached me and then gave me his arm for the support to walk on my one foot .
Something is off about it .
Wait . Why ?
Why did I feel like this ?
I mean was I feeling sad when he didn't pick me up ?
No way , I must be crazy .
He helped me walk to the bed and helped me sit down .
" Well , I found my files " he said before turning and leaving the room .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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