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A few days have passed and you've luckily had no unwanted visitors in your dreams. In real life your only visitor has been Chris who only stops by for a few minutes at a time to check in on you before scurrying off to do whatever it is he does when he's not actively working. His friend hasn't returned so he's stuck working night shift still.

Jackson is the only person who stops by for hours at a time but that might just be because he's supposed to check on you as it's his job. And while you enjoy his visits tremendously, he's not exactly who you want to see.

Being stuck in the medical ward has been torture. You have no freedom at all, plus you can't see your boys at all. They're not allowed to visit you and after that day when you were taken to them in a wheelchair you haven't been allowed to go back. Everyone is much more serious about your health than you are.

Jackson refuses to let you leave the bed except for bathroom breaks as your injury is still quite fresh. He says that there's always that slim chance of you tearing your stitches open which certainly wouldn't be very good. Especially since the actual and only doctor employed in the medical ward doesn't live in the building due to having separate work at a hospital. Because of this you were actually extremely close to dying despite Jackson's best efforts to stem the bleeding.

That's the only reason you've reluctantly agreed to follow his rules. You don't want to make him panic and stressed by tearing your stitches open and bleeding out all over the place forcing him to try his best to keep you alive until the doctor arrives. The last thing you want is for him to blame himself for your death.

Sighing, you look around the room in search of something to do. You've exhausted all forms of entertainment leaving you with practically nothing to keep your mind from drifting to your problems. Being stuck in one room is driving you crazy and you have no clue how Hannibal does it. Granted, his room is near the others so he can at least talk to them plus he has his drawings and books.

You wish you could go visit them. Do they miss you as much as you miss them? Maybe. You know at least a few of them probably do. Others could be a toss up.

You find it almost relieving that your thoughts on them haven't changed after reading the details of what landed them in the Sanitarium. Though, it does make you wonder if there's something wrong with yourself mentally. Any sane person would be appalled and want nothing to do with them yet here you are wanting to go see them every day. You love spending time with the killers and you quite frankly aren't even remotely scared of them. To you, they're just your boys.

Your boys who invite you to enjoy their favorite activities with them. Who worry about your wellbeing. Who try to protect you from anything they deem threatening. Who love spending time with you as much as you do them.

At this point you don't think you could ever hate any of them. If all of their previous crimes didn't put you off then surely their future ones wouldn't either. Nothing will change how you view them.

Michael, the giant who loves making masks and eating candy, sharing his love for both with you.

Jason, the teddy bear who loves drawing and 'talking' to you.

Norman, who stutters cutely over his words and flushes bright red whenever you're near him.

Bo, who is slowly but surely getting used to you and allowing you to actually be near him.

Vincent, who is so shy and quiet that you just want to hug him.

Danny, who is loud and flirtatious, always having fun with you.

Brahms, the childish man who is extremely sweet and loves teaching you piano.

Bubba, the softy who adores you and would spend all day making flower crowns with you if he could.

Thomas, the overprotective brother who has slowly let you in despite originally hating you.

And Hannibal, the doctor who seems to always know when there's something on your mind and offers you an outlet.

Yeah, they're your boys, and nothing will ever change that.

Hella short chapter. Just wanted to post something but wasn't entirely sure what to write. Hopefully next chapter is longer and better.

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