Egg Hunt

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Lilia: Hey you two! Over here!

No one's pov: in the forest you and your friends snuck out of the village to find a monster egg that Lilia supposedly found in the forest.

Cheval: Lilia... You Know we're not supposed to be here...

Tamaki: calm down Cheval it will be fine

Cheval: but Tamaki...

Lilia: I'm sure it was around here! I found a monster egg! You two do want to see a monster egg, right?

Tamaki: Of course I do, why do you think I came!

Cheval: I guess...

Lilia: Are you a chicken, Cheval? Scared of the Spooooooky monsters in the big bad forest?

Cheval: N-no! I'm not afraid! I-I'm gonna be a rider next year, and Riders aren't chickens! So no way I'd be afraid of...

(As soon as cheval tried to finish his sentence the rustling from the trees made cheval jump, landing on the ground getting an instant laughter from Tamaki and Lilia.)

Lilia: You jumped higher than a Kecha wacha! Definitely still a scaredy Gargwa!

Tamaki was on the floor still laughing at his friend for getting scared.

Cheval: meanies! I-i just flinched. You're always teasing me Lilia...

(While cheval starts to get up he sees a mysterious  red flower covered  in purple particles floating around like some sort of dust in the air.)

Cheval: Huh! What's this?

(As he goes to touch it he gets stopped by his friends call.)

Tamaki: Hey cheval!

Cheval: huh?

Lilia: Come on, slowpoke, let's go find that egg! You're not afraid right? Then prove it!

Cheval: Okay, okay. Let's go.

Tamaki: Now that's the spirit!

Tamaki says with a comforted smile, showing Cheval that it's gonna be ok.

Lilia: Yaaay! Let's split up and search for it. So here's the plan... if you manage to find the egg,

(Before she finishes she whistles to everyone.)

Lilia: just whistle, okay? Then we'll all meet up!

Tamaki: Sounds easy guys, now what are we waiting for? Let's go find that egg!

(After that you guys continue your search for the egg in the forest.)

Authors note: sorry if this was short I promise that in other chapters It will be longer like how you do some subquest and stuff.

Next chapter: A fateful meeting 


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