Improvised Rite of channeling and a fateful meeting!

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Tamaki: You find anything on your end Cheval?

Cheval: sadly nothing.

« Tamaki pov »

We have been looking for this egg Lilia said she found for a while but of course there was nothing here. Hope Lilia is having better luck cuz she said she was the one who found it.

Tamaki: Ugh! Where is this dang egg Lilia found already! Plus where is she anyway she couldn't have gone that far?

Cheval: Tamaki lower your voice your going to attract monsters...

Tamaki: it will be fine Cheval plus if Lilia came here before then there probably isn't any monsters here at all.

Cheval: I know but still she could have gotten lucky...

« Tamaki pov »

Cheval always worries a lot about getting in trouble and being attacked but I think we're going to be fine, Lilia came here herself and came back unharmed so it will be ok.

« No one's pov »

After searching for what felt like ages the sound of a whistle was heard from the distances

Tamaki: that's Lilia signal! She must've found the egg already come on Cheval let's go!

Cheval: Ok wait up for me!

No one's pov

Cheval and Tamaki ran to where the noise has came from, and in the distance they see Lilia waving and what was behind her was a nest, they climb up to the nest and has found what Lilia has found before you. Eggs! Five eggs in the nest but out of all five one stood out from the rest.

Lilia: ohhh, what a pretty egg!

Cheval: i wonder what will hatch from it...

Tamaki: who knows something very big and strong.

Lilia: I think I've seen it in the monsterpedia. Hmm, now what was it...? Well, you know how we could find out... Hatch it!

Tamaki: uh i don't know if that's a good idea.

Cheval: but we can't either way... Only a rider with a kinship stone can do that, right?

Lilia: Well then, we'll just need to become Riders!

Cheval: B-become riders! How are we supposed to do that?

At that moment Lilia goes to grab three stones giving one to you and cheval getting into position for doing the « Rite of kinship ».

Lilia: We'll do the Rite of Kinship, of course! Right... First...grab your kinship stone!

« Few seconds past... »

Cheval: These are just normal rocks...

Lilia: Hey! Pay attention! This is a sacred ritual. Be respectful!

Cheval: okay, okay...

Lilia: Next, we formally introduced ourselves. Well, come on, tell the egg your name...

Tamaki: my name... is Tamaki.

Lilia: O sacred kinship stone. Bind thyself to the spirit of Tamaki. The time of rebirth is nigh. Awaken now, LET US HEAR YOUR CRY!

A few seconds past of silence waiting to see if the egg would hatch but to there avail nothing has happened...

Lilia: Oh... I must have gotten something wrong.

Cheval: well, it's not like it was the real ritual...

Tamaki: Oh come on Cheval don't be so smug at least we tried.

While in the midst of talking the egg was beginning to move you tried to think you were just seeing things but it moved again shaking and rolling then... *CRACK* it began to hatch!

Cheval: W-what...!

Tamaki: No way!

It began to crack more till you could see the monster inside, till it finally burst out of the egg.

Lilia: Wooow! You guys know what this is? 

Tamaki: What is it?

Lilia: it's the...!


Authors note: hey guys your monstie is hatched so just to tell y'a im gonna make it that we get our main monster from the game ( whoever played the first game ) if I don't get an answer from anyone in the chat or it's the monster you guys choose from a different monster hunter game. But hope y'all enjoyed it.

Next Chapter: A looming nightmare...


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