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Navirou: Nyaaa! ...You totally didn't surprise me at ALL! ...Who are you?!

(We continue following our hero's journey where they met a strange woman in the forest.)

Mysterious woman: It would indeed appear that the Blackgrass has spread this far...And there is an evil on the wind. I can only infer that the darkness draws near. You there stay clear of the forest until we conclude our investigation.

Tamaki: Uh ok?

(The mysterious woman left leaving both Tamaki and Navirou confused.)

Navirou: She was strange?

Tamaki: Yea but let's report back and I'm tired anyways.

(The two returned back from their mission and reported what happened to the chief and then went back home to rest.)

«Tamaki's pov»

Tamaki: Ugh man...

(I really woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I can't sleep properly with Navirou's snoring!)


Tamaki: UGH! SHUT UP!

Navirou: ow! What was that for?

Tamaki: Well your snoring a lot and it's time to get up.

Navirou: Aww 5 more minutes.

Tamaki: Nope now get up.

(I got him up and I started to get ready and put on my clothes. It still hurts where the Azuros hit but it's healing so I will be fine. We left the house for the sun greet us with its warm rays.)

Lilia: Hey Guys!

(We were greeted with Lilia running straight towards us and we greeted her back.)

Lilia: How are you guys doing?

Tamaki: Good. Glad to finally get some rest.

Lilia: That's great but I heard your reports, you met a woman?

Navirou: Yea! She never even told us her name.

Lilia: She's the person you met in the forest, right? Who is she anyway?

Tamaki: She's not from the village, that's fur sure... She mentioned the blackgrass...

Lilia: Blackgrass...?

Navirou: Nyaaa. Something about it spreading...

Cheval: She was talking about the Black blight! There are monsters that have been inflicted with the Blight too... I swear ...I'll destroy all the infected monsters...!

Lilia: No don't! That's not what Riders do!

Tamaki: Yea! Plus Isn't that a bit much...? Remember what Chief Omna said? Riders form bonds with monsters!

Lilia: Think! What would your mother would say? Cheval, this is a mistake...you know it!

Cheval: Don't talk about my mother!... I became a Rider to destroy ANY who would hurt me or my family. Monsters are not our partners... They are our enemies!

Tamaki: Your wrong the monsters aren't our enemies! It was the black blight who is our enemies!

Cheval: Shut up! I can't forget... I WON'T forget... You... You think I'm wrong too huh, Tamaki?

Tamaki: Well...I...

Cheval: No matter... I know my mind... we are different, you and I!

(What he said shocked me to the core... and before I knew it he ran out the village entrance.)

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