Radiant light!

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Authors notes: (Lots of action guys so hope you like it!)


(Was the sound they all heard from the room, the monster that hatched from your egg was weirdly similar to a brachydios but it was a greenish yellow Color with spikes on its back going down to its somewhat blade like tail that are red, and instead of hard fist it had sharp pointed claws on each hand and a sharp head.)

(Think of this except smaller and cuter)

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(Think of this except smaller and cuter)

Tamaki: Woah...it's so cute.

(You tried to pet it but it immediately bit you.)

Tamaki: OW hey! that not very nice bud.

(Your monstie scoffed at you or looked like it did.)

Navirou: Woah... I never seen this monstie before in my entire time in the outside world pawtner!

Dan: Could it be a new species of brachydios? What do you think chief

Chief Omna: ...I feared that this day would come but I shouldn't be so glum.

Dan: What do you mean chief do you know what this is?

Chief Omna: It has been years since I've seen this monster, but now it is yours to foster. This wyvern is called the « disaster wyvern », a monster so destructive it makes everyone frightened.

Navirou: Paws for a sec! I never heard of that before! Is it as dangerous as the black blight?

Dan: It used to be a dangerous monster destroying villages and ecosystems, but it's entire species have defeated. And now it has returned in your hands, Tamaki you must keep it out of trouble because now you have a monstie stood by your side! Care for it well, as is a riders's pride.

Tamaki: Y-yes sir.

(You didn't know what to think of this have you actually hatched such a dangerous monster! No if you can give it a change of heart teach it to live and peace you could probably be good friends with this monstie.)

Navirou: Riders forming kinship with monsters, a tradition older than time...And an old man who speaks only in rhyme! Now I'm doing it too! Pawsome!

Dan: Not you too! Argh! In any case, the ceremony isn't over just yet! A kinship stone must be purified before it can reveal its hidden power. You have to cleanse the kinship stone in the waterfall at the Mt. Pondry Caves. If you can't pass this trial, you won't be allowed to complete the ceremony.

Tamaki: I see...

Dan: So, kiddo, will you accept this challenge?

Tamaki: Heh, I accept your challenge Dan!

Dan: That's the correct answer! AWESOME! Come to the village gate when you've made your preparations!

Tamaki: Ok!

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