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Txana was currently having breakfast with Aonung and his family, all of them kept their silence as they focused on eating.

Of course that was soon interrupted when Ka'yu approached their table, but Txana didn't care.

Txana continued eating while Ka'yu apologized to Tsireya then Tonowari and Ronal next.

She and Aonung were on the same page, he didn't care about the boy's existence and just continued to eat his food.

"Txana.." Aonung was the first to look at the boy, glaring at him while Txana raised her head and looked at the boy with bored eyes.

"What?" she asked and everyone on their table could see the reddish tint on the boy's cheeks.

"Eywa, could you please just tell me what you want?" she sighed and massaged her temples.

"I wanted to apologize for what i said to you last night." he said shyly, making Aonung roll his eyes in frustration.

"There, you said your apology, now get lost." Aonung hissed at the boy who was unable to do anything but just walk away.

"Are you alright, Txana?" Aonung asked the girl beside him who was still massaging his temples.

"Yeah, could you please return this trash to the trash owner?" she said as she gave him the necklace that Ka'yu's father gave her last night.

"What is wrong?" Ronal asked her.

"It's nothing, it's just that the necklace's stone is annoying. I have my mother's memories and every time i look at the necklace, i remember unnecessary things. I think Kal'bari is trying to seduce me with it for his son or something." she replied and the family's foreheads creased.

"Who is he to your mother?" Tonowari's question made Txana sigh.

"Um.. he's.." Txana took a harsh breath in preparation for what she was about to say. "My mother saved him when she was flying on her ikran at sea, he was being attacked by some underwater thing and so she saved him." she sighed.

"They were very young at the time and i guess my mother found him attractive.. and so they did intimate things together secretly but never mated. Then my mother just stopped going to meet him." Txana covered her face in embarrassment because of her mother's history with the warrior while the adults including Aonung looked at her in shock.

"He told me about going to visit the forest before, but he never got there. So he married and had one kid." Tonowari said while Txana just kept sighing.

"How does he know about you?" Aonung asked as he held her hand under the table.

"I look exactly like my mom, just younger." Txana continued to eat her food again.

"He is obsessed with your mother and now he wants you for his son?" Ronal who was being quiet as she explained finally asked.

"I hope not. It is obvious that he is very much like his father, overly obsessive." Txana looked over to the necklace Aonung was now holding as she looked at it in disgust.

"I wish i could snap his neck."

The rest of the day was spent with Tsireya and Aonung teaching Txana sign language after Tsireya remembered that the girl didn't know yet.

Txana found it hard but eventually learned the more they taught her.

"Guys!" the trio turned to the direction of a guy running towards them with a big smile.

"Oh it's Roxto." Tsireya said while smiling while Txana tilted her head.



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