Hungry (Yeonji) 🔞

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"I want some dick,"

"What?!"Yeonjun shrieked, his eyes were wide like perfect egg yolks. His gaze never leave the silky brown haired girl with her dangerous stare and biting lips. She's horny! He thought.

"But Yeji, you said some!"

"Yeah...what's wrong?"Yeji retorted.

"Of course wrong! You should have be satisfied just with mine!"Yeonjun felt his body is burning with anger. How could his girlfriend said that she needs some dick? Two? Three? Five?! Oh gosh! Yeonjun felt hurt.

"I mean...yours on mine, multiple times,"Yeji leaned up to Yeonjun's ear level as her lips brushed his ear lobe, she said that with heavy tone. Yeonjun shuddered feeling the slight touch from her. He wanted to spin her around, pin her on bed and bang her out until she pass out. He wouldn't care whether she felt hurt, she felt tired and can't take it anymore as he couldn't hold his hormones anymore. Moreover, she's Hwang Yeji. His amazing, coolest, prettiest, lewdest and most dangerous rose ever. But he can't.

"Choi Yeonjun, the light is green!"Yeji pointed at the traffic light as it was already green. Yeonjun broke his wild fantasy as he brought his eyes back to the street and drove his Mercedes again. He groaned loudly because he can't touch Yeji immediately as they're now still on the way to restaurant.

"Ah!!! I love you more whenever you imagine some nasty stuff with me!"Yeji leaned down to Yeonjun's shoulder, she placed her head on his shoulder and her hand hugged his neck. She turned aside and placed a kiss on his neck then she looked towards the street again with wide smile.

"Never imagined you're this lewd when I first met you,"Yeonjun laughed and turned his steer to the right.

"So if you knew, you won't hit on me?"Yeji asked, pouting her lips.

"No. If I knew that earlier, I would like to not spend too much time to get you,"Yeonjun grinned and as reward, he received a kiss on his corner of lips.

"Baby, let's do it at home, I'm hungry though,"Yeonjun breathed heavily. He was surely hard to maintain his hormones. Yeji turned him on.

"Oh...but you're already getting hard,"

Yeonjun let out a soft moan as he felt his bulge got squeezed by her tiny fingers.

"Do you want me to touch you down there? Bare skin?"Yeji whispered on his ear.

"Fuck it Yeji, you're such a seducer,"Yeonjun held his breath when Yeji shoved her hand to his pants and her palm searched his length. She bit her bottom lip as she found his length and balls. So big, already hard and so hot. How she wanted to lick it already, bite his dick playfully and suck it harder.

"Yeji...,"Yeonjun moaned.

"So...this is the little man that likes to come inside my body? Which can bang me harder and send me to heaven?"Yeji teased as she rubbed her palm against his, from top to bottom.

"The one which can bang you is my hips, that little man just can be hard...ahhh...but I agree that thing can send you even me to heaven,"Yeonjun bit him bottom lip. Yeji rubbed his dick even harder.

"Yeonjun! Watch out!"


"Oh gosh that was close!"Yeji rubbed her chest with her other free hand as they passed the truck that almost hit them.

"Hey sexy...,"Yeonjun whispered.

"Can you please get your hand off my pants because I don't want to end in hospital and can't have you tonight,"Yeonjun gave his sweetest smile to Yeji but he knew that Yeji won't listen to him. Instead, she squeezed his balls.

Yeji's Short Story - English versionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora