Ch. 21 - "Think Twice 'Cause You Got a Long Way to Go."

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Quote: Long Way 2 Go by Cassie.

Grateful for all the support, I love y'all frfr 😭❤
I hit #1 on Isekai, thank youu ❤❤


Fushiguro, what school are you investigating again?

Daddy issues:
Sugisawa Municipal High School

Just curious
Good luck finding that cursed object

Daddy issues:
Right, see you soon
Read 8:37 AM


I turned my phone off, dropping it beside me as I lied down on my bed. I called out today when I got back home yesterday, not really feeling like going.

I got up slowly while letting out a yawn, tearing up. I grabbed my phone, searching up the school location while I walked out. I made my way to the kitchen, leaning forward against the counter as I stood up.

'Shit, it's kind of far from here. I'd have to leave around 3 or 4 to get there by sunset.'

"Why are you lookin' up a school?" I heard Toji speak from behind me, which caused me to flinch and look to my right. He was peeking over my shoulder with a curious expression.

"Well, the first year is being sent to pick up a special grade object. When he went to pick it up, it wasn't there. So now he's investigating around."

He just hummed in response, going around the table to sit across from me. That's when I looked to the stove, tea was being made.

"Why aren't you at Jujutsu High?"

"I didn't feel like going today."

He deadpanned, "lazy ass."

"Says the man staying here majority of his time."

"Not true, I've been doing jobs while you're out."

"And leaving our dog here? Alone, nonetheless?"

"The fuck d'ya want me to do? Bring the little shit with me on the job? It's not like they take long. They usually take less than 2 hours nowadays." The dog wagged her tail at Toji's vulgar nickname for her, causing me to look at Toji in shock.

I rolled my eyes, "okay smartass, fine. You seriously need to stop calling the poor baby that terrible nickname!"

"She's not a baby, and I think it suits the dog," a playful smirk made its way on his face

"Honestly the little shit might as well be you," I grumbled at him, the dog wagged its tail and stared at me expectantly. I crouched down, pouting at the dog as I scratched behind her ears, "I'm so sorry baby, he's terrible, right? He's a very mean, bad man."

I heard a boisterous laugh come from said man himself, who was pouring his tea in a cup. "If I was, you wouldn't have saved me, darlin'. Stop lying to yourself."

I rolled my eyes, scowling at him as I got up.

"I should've gone to Satoru," I mumbled under my breath while crossing my arms, looking at the dog.

"Don't start with that," I felt a spoon hit my head after he spoke in a warning tone. The spoon hit the floor after, our dog sniffing it before licking it out of curiosity.

"Ow, you fucker!" I rubbed the spot I got hit at, glaring at him.

"You can heal yourself, stop whining," he rolled his eyes, acting as if he didn't just throw a metal utensil at me a hot second ago.

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