Chapter 2

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from a distance, he sees her walk away and then into the art room and decides to watch her from his bench outside.
class soon starts and the teacher is talking about technique and color usage. Sarine just sits in the back waiting till they actually start painting, as for she already knows the basics. so she just stares out the window and soon sees the rude guy from earlier "is that the rude guy from earlier watching me?" She said to herself wondering if that's the right guy.
he continues to watch sarine sitting at the back of the classroom,and he seems interested.
Sarine looked away from the window as the teacher tells everyone to start drawing whatever they wanted, to see what level everyone's at, so she can know what to teach. Sarine starts to draw a portrait of a woman playing with her two children. They have 2 hours in order to complete their tasks.
henry continues to watch sarine, observing her technique and the way she drew the girl playing with her two children, he thinks her drawing looks good.
two hours past and sarine finishes her drawing. "alright everyone time is up for your drawings,paintings or sketches, now I want all of you to write your names on them and turn them in" sarine got up and turned her drawing into the teachers basket and asks her if she could use the bathroom, she said yes and sarine decide to go outside and confront the rude man for watching her through the window instead of actually using the bathroom.

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