Chapter 10

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the next morning comes and sarine gets up and walks to the bathroom to brush her teeth happy about what had happend last night.henry wakes up and is smiling about what happened last night as well. He gets up and goes over to the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror. He makes sure he looks good today since he wants to look good today for Sarine.sarine soon finishes getting ready and leaves a little bit early "I'm a bit early, might as well go to the park" from her house she goes to the park and sits on a swing drawing in her little sketchbook.henry walks out of his house and sees the park nearby. He thinks about going there to see Sarine. He then does go to the park and sees her with her sketchbook on the swing. He smiles and goes over to her on the swing "hey Sarine". he sits down beside her as he says "what're you drawing?" he seems excited to see her today and what he says is serious. She looks up "oh hi Henry, I'm just drawing the park". She says in a happy tone swinging back and forth just a little while drawing.he looks at the sketchbook and looks at Sarine as he asks "can I see what you've drawn so far? I have a feeling that you are drawing something very nice." he nods to himself and smiles as he says this in a serious tone but with a little excitement in it."Sure" she gives the book to Henry still swinging a bit. he takes the book and looks at what she has drawn so far "wow, you're a great artist". he leans back in the swing and looks over at her, then back at the sketchbook she gave him "it's so pretty". he smiles softly and hands the book back to her and says "you're very talented".sarine takes her sketchbook back "thanks" she says as she starts finishing her sketch. then after a couple minutes she puts it in her backpack "we better get to school before we're late"henry stands up from the swing and smiles "yeah, we should get to school". He puts his hand out for her to take as he says "I was hoping we could walk to school together". he looks down at her with a happy but serious expression "are you okay with that?" Sarine gets her backpack and takes his hand "yeah, we can do that" she says smiling as they start walking to school from the park.henry smiles and lets sarine take his hand. He tries to act as if this is normal but he is actually a little bit nervous. He looks down at her and says while smiling "hey, can I ask you something?" "Yeah ofcourse" sarine doesn't look at Henry when she says that, she just looks ahead of her. he pauses for a second before saying in a serious tone "can we kiss? I mean, I know this sounds random but I just... really wanted to ask because I was debating if I should just kiss you right now". he seems really nervous as he says this.
as Henry stops walking sarine also stops, and turns to look at him. And when he asks if they can kiss she said "yeah....if you want" as soon as she says yes Henry instantly wraps his arms around her hips and kisses her.
he smiles as he kisses her and then breaks out of the kiss when he hears a noise. He then looks down at her and says "did you hear that?"he seems a little startled "I don't know, it sounded like someone else was coming or something". he smiles nervously as he says this and looks at her."I didint hear anything but we should just get going anyway before we're late" sarine had just brushed off the noise and started walking with Henry, and as they started walking she had made a move and held Henry's hand as they were walking.henry smiles as she took his hand. He wraps his arm around her waist and walks with her, not letting go of her hand and he seems happy. As they are walking though, sarine sees someone else also coming to school with their friends. Henry doesn't notice this but she does "um... so, what class do you have first?" he says while looking ahead and still smiling, his head is filled with different thoughts he wants to say but he doesn't want to say them yet."I have art class first, you?" before he could answer the group of friends came up to them. henry smiles at sarine and says "I have math next". before he could continue talking one of the guys from the group of friends comes up to Henry and says "hey, why do you hang out with Sarine huh? I mean, look at you". he laughs and then Henry doesn't say anything back to him "is that a problem or something?" he then looks at the guy and makes a serious face.sarine gets in front of Henry and talks to the guy but since he is tall she has to look up to him "hey, what are you doing" she says scowling at him.henry looks a little startled as sarine started to talk to the guy. He also listens in on the conversation between both of them "I'm just hanging out with Sarine". the guys seems angry from this response but he doesn't say anything at first. He then nods his head and says in an annoyed tone "yeah, but why Sarine?"he looks at Henry and waits for him to say something back."Because he can" the guy says why is a beautiful girl like sarine hanging out with a guy like henry. he looks stunned from what the guy says, especially since he has a look of love for sarine "is that a problem?" henry says with a serious look on himself and his voice raises a little bit "do you want to know why I'm hanging out with Sarine? Because I love her". he smiles softly as he says this and he holds back from saying more."Yeah!"
henry starts to speak but Sarine cuts him off and says "and I love him, okay? Now, can you just leave us alone please?" she smiles softly and puts her hand on Henry's shoulder they try to have a moment the guy says that sarine should be with a more attractive guy like him and then pulls her by the waist and kisses her.henry looks completely stunned and shocked as this happens. He yells "what the heck do you think you're doing?!" he looks at sarine in shock as the guys kisses her and Henry yells at him "get away from her!" henry starts coming toward sarine, and pushes the guy away.
"Ugh! Fuck you!" Sarine yells at the guy "come on Henry, let's go to our classes" she flips the guy off as she takes Henry's hand and walks to class.henry looks mad at the guy and he starts to walk with sarine to class. He then says in a somewhat serious tone "that guy was a complete jerk. I should've known he would've done something stupid". he pauses and looks at her "are you okay?" he seems worried and a little concerned about her."Yeah I'm fine" they get to her art class "we'll this is my class" she gives Henry a quick kiss on the lips "have fun in math class" she says walking into her classroom. henry smiles when she kisses him, and he says softly "I'll try my best to enjoy math class, but it won't be as fun as enjoying time with you". he watches her enter the classroom then he walks to his math class and sarine walks into math class she sits in the back like usual, and the teacher instructs them to free draw for the first 20 minutes but she had already done a piece at the park so she just goes up to the teacher and gives her the drawing of the park setting from earlier. as henry walks into his math class he does so with confidence and a smile on his face. He looks around before sitting down at his desk and pulling out a notebook. as his classmates also start working, Henry seems to be enjoying himself and he starts to draw a picture. it is unclear what he is drawing but it is of the park that Sarine drew sarine turns in her paper to the art teacher she then instructed her to paint something with flowers. so she goes back to her desk and for the rest of the 2 hours she paints a rose with water droplets on it. Meanwhile in Henry's math class the teacher goes up to him. he looks up at the teacher and seems a little surprised that the teacher came up to his desk. He nods and says softly "yes?" He is a little distracted from what he is drawing but he doesn't seem upset about that. He is happy to have the teacher come up to him.the teacher asks why he was drawing instead of doing the math work on the board. he looks down at the drawing and then up at the teacher with an annoyed face "I wasn't doing the math work on the board because I didn't feel like doing it."he says and then glances at his drawing for a second "so can I just keep working on my drawing here?" he then looks back up at the teacher and waits for her to say something. the teacher gets mad and kicks him out of the class and tells him to transfer to art if he didint like math.he looks at the teacher and seems surprised and shocked "what? Why am I being kicked out? I just wanted to keep drawing my picture". he seems mad but at the same time, he is a tiny bit relieved that he is being kicked out of his math class "well, it's not that I don't like math, I just like to draw sometimes and this looked like the best time to do it". he seems to realize something "art?" he says in a slightly confused tone "are you telling me to transfer to art class?"the teacher said yes and told him to get out before she called his parents. he stands up and walks to the door, then turns around and yells at the teacher "don't call my parents!" he then walks out of the classroom with a mad expression on his face "okay, well... I guess if the teacher says so I can go to art class". he then walks to art class and enters. he sees Sarine painting and looks at her before saying "well, looks like I'm transferring to art class."as sarine was painting she sees Henry out of no where and seemed confused "henry?" She says to herself before gesturing him over to her but before he could come, the teacher asked him what he was doing there.he looks at the teacher who asked him what he was doing and says "well, the teacher from my math class told me to transfer to art so I guess that's what I'm doing". he looks at Sarine as he says this and smiles a little bit, then goes up to her and asks "can I see what you're painting Sarine?"as Henry sits next to her she tells him "I'm painting a black rose with water droplets on it because the teacher said to paint something with flowers" after she says that she goes back to painting.he smiles because of what she is painting and he says softly "I have to say I knew your painting would be pretty". he looks over at her painting as he says this, and he seems to be enjoying watching her paint it "you are really good at art".
"Yeah but you better start painting too before class is over""oh yeah... right". he starts to look for a new canvas to paint on and he looks at her painting as he does this "so, this is supposed to be a rose with water droplets on it?" he says in a curious tone. "Anything with flowers" sarine says painting.he nods and looks over at Sarine's painting, and he looks excited "you're so good at it Sarine". he grabs another fresh canvas and says "I think I'm going to paint something with sunflowers. I've always liked sunflowers".
"That would be cute I finish my painting and get up I'll be right back" she goes to the teacher and turns in her painting.Henry watches sarine go up to turn in her painting. He then starts painting sunflowers and smiles at what he is drawing. He then looks over at her again and says "what did the teacher say?" he looks a little concerned, since he doesn't know if they liked your painting or not."She said it was good" she said going on her phone.
he smiles and says "that's great". Henry then pauses and looks over at her before saying "hey, what do you think of my painting?" henry asks her and he points over to the painting of sunflowers he's been drawing. Sarine looks up from her phone and to Henry's painting "it's good but you need to not outline your flowers so boldly" she continues to go back on her phone after saying that.henry nods and smiles before saying "thanks for the advice, I'll try harder next time". he says this while still drawing sunflowers on the canvas while looking at Sarine on her phone. He sees her texting and says "um... Sarine, are you texting someone?" "Yeah, why?"henry looks slightly concerned before he says "I didn't want to think that maybe... you were bored or something". henry looks at her for a second as he says this and it seems clear that he doesn't want her to be texting someone else and he wants her to talk to him."I'm done with my painting so I'm just texting and I don't wanna distract you because the teacher in this class is rude as FUUCCKK" henry smiles and looks over at sarine "okay, I hope the person you're texting won't distract you so much that you ignore me". henry looks at sarine in a slightly upset tone and he seems a little bothered by the idea that she is texting someone else instead of talking to him. He still doesn't stop drawing sunflowers though "you also still haven't told me, who is this person you're texting?" "Sia"
henry looks up at sarine when she said that and he then looks down at her painting "but... why are you texting Sia of all people?" he says it in a soft tone but he seems slightly annoyed that she'd be texting Sia instead of him. "Because she's my best friend, why?"
henry looks up at her with slight concern as she says this "you're best friend? You have a best friend that you text more than me?" he seems concerned and a bit bothered, and he pauses from drawing for a second and then continues to do so while staring at her. The bell rings "You know what I'll see you later I walk to science class"
henry looks disappointed and upset as sarine goes to her next class. He puts his drawing away and walks quickly out of the art class to catch her before she leaves "hey Sarine, I just wanted to ask you this one thing real quick". "Ok but try to walk and talk, I don't wanna be late" "okay, I will". he walks next to her and says "so, it's not that I have a problem with you having best friends or anything, it's just that... well... it's just that I wish you could text me more often because I want to talk to you more".henry looks a little bit nervous and hopeful as he says this and he smiles at her. He seems like he really wants her to respond to what he said. "Ok" she goes into science class "see you later"henry looks slightly disappointed as sarine walked away and he says a little louder than he meant to "okay, see ya". he then walks to his next class and he seems upset now that Sarine won't be talking to him and he's not happy that she is going back to texting Sia. soon school is over and sarine walks home listening to music as she walked. once school ended Henry texts sarine and says "hey, I just wanted to say that I really didn't mean to bother you before you left to your science class. I just wanted to be a bigger part of your life". he pauses for a few seconds and then says "I just don't want you to ignore me for Sia". he then starts to think of what exactly he wants to say to her "also, are you sure that Sia is really your best friend?" Sarine  ignores his text and went back to listening to music as she walked  home.henry starts to worry that sarine got upset at what he texted and he starts to stress about what he should say next. He also knows that he shouldn't talk to her while she's on the way home because she needs her space. Instead, he waits for a response to his text and starts to overthink about what shes doing and what she sarine gets home she texts back Henry saying to not worry about it and then she put her phone down to go exercise Downstairs in the gym room.
henry reads her message and sighs with relief before texting back "alright, just know that I'm here if you want to talk". he smiles and then waits for a response, but he doesn't get one. So he just starts to think about what else he should do and decides to wait and see if she'll ever text him again.

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