Chapter 5

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As sarine is giving herself a blowout so her hair is wavy, the doorbell suddenly rang "shit" sarine said knowing that was Henry, but she can't go down in the middle of doing her hair so she doesn't answer it "I hope he doesn't think I blew him off" sarine said to herself hoping that he wouldn't think that shes a bad person.
he rings the doorbell a second time as he is waiting eagerly for her to answer. he thinks that sarine probably forgot about the date so he feels disappointed and is unsure whether or not she actually likes him.
a few minutes pass and Sarine finally gets the perfect blow out "I'm already late I can't clean up my mess, I'll just do it when I get back" she says already dressed. She soon runs downstairs to open the door "hi Henry!" She says smiling "sorry I didn't answer before, I was still doing my hair, sorry" sarine comes outside and closes the door behind her.
he smiles "It's alright."he looks at sarine and notices how adorable she looked "I think your hair looks amazing".
"Thanks, I like your outfit,especially your shoes, vans are cute" they start walking to Henry's car.
he smiles and looks at his shoes. he follows her as they go to his car, and as they reach his car, he opens the passenger door so sarine can get in,sarine smiled at henry as he opened the door for her.henry closes the door for sarine and walks to the driver's side and gets in. He starts the car and drives off to the restaurant that he picked for their date. On the way there, he tries to think of things to talk about to the girl that doesn't seem awkward but he ends up staying silent for the whole ride, unsure of how to strike conversation first.
as theyre driving in silence sarine decides to put on some oldies music so it wouldn't be so quiet(Madonna material girl and then Rick Springfield Jessie's girl)
henry looks over at sarine and enjoys listening to the music that she put on. He recognizes the song Jessie's Girl instantly and smiles a bit thinking about the song. He tries to strike a conversation with her but he doesn't know where to start because he doesn't have a lot of social skills so he just stays quiet again. They soon arrive at the restaurant henry had picked for their date.
he parks the car and gets out. He comes to sarine's side of the car and opens the door for her as he is a little bit worried she might think he is trying to impress her too much or that he is too much of a gentleman "please allow me." he smiles at sarine as he opens the passenger door and waits for her to come out.
"Thank you" sarine gets out of the car and follows henry as they walk inside the restaurant. But when they're about to go in, a very tall guy bumps into sarine making her fall backwards,but she lands on her bottom, so there was no real damage done. Sarine just rolled her eyes mad at the guy for not paying attention.
henry rushes over to sarine when he sees her fall and he says in a concerned tone "are you alright?" he puts his hand out to help her get back up but he is a bit nervous, as if he is afraid to touch the girl.
Sarine takes Henry's hand and stands up "yeah, I'm fine I just don't like when people aren't paying attention" she said in a normal tone and not annoyed because the encounter wasn't that bad.
he lets out a sigh that he didn't even realize he was holding. He is relieved that she is ok and he says "I'm glad your alright". a hostess approaches the two as they enter the restaurant, and Henry tells the waiter that he has a reservation for two.
the waiter takes them to a table in in the middle of the restaurant but not many people are around and sarine is a bit relieved because she's a bit of an antisocial.
he sits across from sarine. after they both sit down, the waiter gives them both a menu. He looks at her and notices how stunning she looks in the restaurant's lighting. He can't help but notice how adorable she is and he keeps looking at her, admiring sarine's beauty.
the hostess leaves and the waiter comes surprisingly fast but they both know what they want. Henry orders first then sarine orders a garden salad with water to drink. The waiter was a woman so sarine complimented her "hey, I really like your nails, theyre so pretty" she smiled at her as she said it.
henry chuckles as sarine commented on the waitress's nails "that's actually really sweet of you to say that. I always appreciate it when someone gives another person a compliment." he also notices that her voice is very adorable when she isint mean to him like she usually is. He is unsure of what to say, as he tries to find an interesting topic to talk about while they wait for their food.
"Yeah, I just think that if you see a pretty person why not tell them, you know? And she was really pretty too, and nice" she says looking at him even though he was avoiding eye contact with her.
his face turns bright red as he continues to avoid eye contact "I think you are a nice and pretty person too." he looks at her for a moment before looking down at the table. He feels his heart beating quickly as he stares at the table. He notices that she is also looking at him and he is a bit nervous to look at her.
"Aw thank you, that's sweet of you" she smiles, still trying to get him to make eye contact with her, but a few seconds sarine pauses to say "you know, I think you're kinda cute"
Her saying that, catches him completely off guard. He looks at her with a surprised expression on his face as he says "really?"he is taken aback by the compliment but he starts blushing even harder. He doesn't know what to say so he stays silent. He feels his heart beating out of his chest but he says "um why do you say that I'm cute?"he tries to make the question sound normal and not too weird.
"Because ya are"
he smiles at her response and continues to blush. He is surprised because he thinks that most people will find him weird and ugly. He notices that she makes direct eye contact with him and that her eyes are pretty "um ok."he tries to find something to say to keep the conversation going "if I may ask, why did you accept the date with me? I know I was pretty rude to you on the first day.."
"Well, I thought it would be a fun idea."the waiter comes to the table and brings their food "waiter: you know I thought you were really nice, wanna be friends?" the waiter asks sarine and as she accepts they give eachother their phone number so they can call each other later and talk.
he listens to the waiter and her both agreeing to be friends and he looks at her and says "it appears that I have competition for your attention."he chuckles a bit. The waitress leaves and he gets back onto the topic of the date "so you just accepted the date because you were curious and it seemed like a fun idea?"
he chuckles a bit and says "I appreciate your honesty." he sees her eating her food and he takes a bite of his own food and smiles a little bit. He looks at her waiting for her to finish eating and he is wondering if he should say something. He wants the date to be perfect so he is trying to think of something to say but he has nothing in his mind, he is just enjoying watching her eat.
Sarine stops eating for a second tired of all the silence "so who's your favorite music artist?" She asked  trying to make something interesting happend.
he looks at sarine and smiles "if I'm going to be completely honest with you, I really like the music that was played in the car on the way here. I don't have a favorite music artist but I really like Madonna and Rick Springfield." he smiles at her and continues to eat his food. He is also getting tired of the silence. He wants to complement her because he thinks she is adorable but he also is scared of rejection.
"So we have something in common, that's cool. Madonna is my favorite singer, especially material girl, that was the one that was playing in the car earlier."
his face is lit up by a smile because he is so happy that she and her have similar taste in music. He notices how excited she is to tell him that she likes Madonna, he thinks that she looks super cute when she is excited "yes, it's my favorite Madonna song too."he looks at her face and he says "I think im starting to understand who you really are and I like the real you, not the rude you."he continues to blush and look at her but he is smiling a lot.
"I was only rude because you started it, ok"
he nods his head as he continues smiling "that's true. I was the one who started it."he looks back down at the table and doesn't say anything for a few seconds, he then looks at her and speaks in a quiet voice "you aren't as mean as I thought. You are actually nice because you have shown me more kindness in less than an hour than anybody else has shown me in a week". he continues to look at her, he is still blushing, his eyes glued at the girls face, he is thinking about telling sarine a secret.
"Oh, so I looked mean huh?" She said jokingly.
he nods his head but looks up at her "well, yes actually" he thinks about telling her a secret that has always been a weight on his mind. He thinks about what he should do for a few seconds before making a decision. He then says in a quiet voice "do you want to know something?"
"Yeah, why not" she looks at him interested.
he looks at sarine and says in a quiet voice "I like you a lot. I think you are special. I don't know what it is about you but you are really amazing." he looks down at the table and starts blushing. He gets a tiny voice crack when he says he likes her. He feels a weight off his chest after he says what he feels. He looks back up at her but he is scared that she is going to reject his feelings for her and that she won't like him anymore.
as Henry says this sarine gets suprised and waits to think about what to say next "well if you want, since I know you won't ask, wanna go on another date and maybe.... Be my boyfriend if things go well?"
he notices her wait to think about her reply. He is nervous but also excited. He is happy that she doesn't reject him right away and he nods his head as she asked him about another date and being her boyfriend "yes I would love to go on another date with you and if you think so then, yeah, I would love to be your boyfriend."he says with happiness in his voice.
the waiter comes back and gives them the check then asks if they were both paying or just one of them.
henry looks at sarine but he is unsure if she wanted him to pay for it or if she wanted to pay for the dinner. He looks at the waiter and smiles a bit "um, I'll pay for both of us." he looks at the waiter and gives them his card so he can pay for the both of them. After the waiter leaves, henry looks at sarine and is hoping for a second that she didn't say "yes" too fast about the being his girlfriend question. He is wondering if she just said yes only because she wanted a second date.
"So then we're dating. Cool" she says as the waiter leaves with the money that Henry gave her to pay for the food.
he notices the waiter leave and he looks at sarine "yeah, we are". he smiles at her and notices that she doesn't seem upset or uncomfortable about it. He doesn't want to ask what she is thinking or what she really feels so he doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He then says "would you like to go back to my house to hang out or would you rather do something else?"
"We can chill at your house, but do you mind stopping at mine first? I wanna pick up a drawing I haven't finished yet, it's for class"
he smiles when she had agreed to go back to his house. He then nods his head "ok yeah sure. We can go back to your house first so you can get your drawing". he looks back down at the table as the waiter comes back and puts the check down. He then looks back up at her and says with a smile on his face "if I may ask, do you still plan to be rude to me or will you be nicer now that we are dating?"he chuckles a bit.
Sarine also laughs a little "yes, I'll be nicer" she says goodbye to the waiter because she is so nice, and then Henry walks sarine to the car so they can stop at her house so they can go to his.

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