Chapter 7

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henry is still laying down next to sarine, as she wakes up henry notices and says "um, good morning."he seems happy that shes awake but he also seems a bit scared of how she will react to the fact that he was next to her the whole time while she was asleep.
"Ah!" Sarine let's out a little scream and jumps up to her feet, as she didint know she would find him still laying next to her "oh, it's just you... what are you doing here" sarine seems a bit mad that Henry was still there in her house after what had happend last night.
he smiles a bit and says "I stayed here to talk to you. I need you to know something." he doesn't move from the spot where he was laying next to her and he looks up at her "please, listen to me. I really need to talk to you".
"No I told you last night I'm done listening to you" sarine walks out of the bathroom and into her room and lays on the bed putting all the blankets over her so that she didint have to listen to what henry had to say.
he stands up and looks at her as she lays in bed and say that she is done listening to him. He smiles and chuckles a bit and says "please, come on, just hear me out. I really want to talk to you because I have something to tell you". he still sits next to her in her bed as he says "just, listen to me, please. Just one more time".
"You know what if you want to stay here forever that's fine just stop trying to talk to me" she says from under the covers still trying to hide.
he tries to take one of the covers of her to see her face but he fails at doing that "come on, please. Just... come on, just hear me out for one moment and then I'll let you sleep". he smiles again and says "I really have something important to say, please let me say it. Just one more time, please?"
he smiles as she says that and he says "thank you so much for giving me one last chance to speak to you, I really do appreciate this". he sighs and looks down at her as he says in a serious tone "I have to tell you that I... I'm in love with you". he suddenly looks embarrassed as he says that "I really am, I swear. I... you are the most amazing person I've met and I won't ever be with anyone else, I just don't want to be without you".
"Too bad"
he sighs "I know what I did before was really bad... but you really do make me so happy. What about all the time we spent together? Don't you miss all of that? Don't you miss me?" henry looks into sarine's eyes with a serious expression hoping she would say something that could make him feel better. Sarine just looks away from henry.
he sighs again and says "just, listen, please. I won't ever cheat on you again. I swear, please believe me. I love you" he starts to sound more desperate and he gets closer to her "please, give me a chance, I really want to be with you, please". he starts to beg her again for her to give him a chance.
"Just go back home, I bet your parents are worried already".
he starts to get annoyed again "I don't want to leave you. This isn't about my parents! This is about me wanting to be with you. Don't you still have feelings for me?" he looks to see if her expression changes in any way but it stays still which makes him get more annoyed "are you really never going to speak to me again!?" he is starting to be unable to stay calm now.
"I don't know. just go home"
he is now getting really mad and it shows on his tone "no, I don't want to go back home! I want to spend time with you, I want to make up for what I did!" his face suddenly changes to one of sadness "please, I only want to be with you". henry is just so desperate to be with sarine right now.
"If you really love me then go home!" Sarine says while suddenly turning around to look at him in the face and sorta yells it a bit.
he is startled for a second because he didn't expect her to yell and turn around so suddenly. He sighs and says "I can't go back home right now, I... I want to stay longer" henry looks into sarine's face with a concerned expression as he says "you know that I love you and that I don't want to go. Is there really no chance that you will forgive me?" "Does it look like ya have a chance? No, it doesn't so just go" she turns away from him again.
he looks devastated by her response and he stares at her for a second in shame "but..."he sighs "I don't want to leave you. Please, I want to stay longer. Can I at least stay until school ends tomorrow? I really just want to spend more time with you, please".
"Fine, but I won't talk to you"
he smiles a bit and says "thank you, you have no idea how happy I am right now". he still stares at her in the face while smiling and he says "are you really going to not talk to me?" he looks hurt by her response and he says "I really don't want us to be like this". he sighs "maybe I can earn your trust back by doing something for you or helping you with something?" he looks at her with sincere eyes.
"There's nothing you can do"
he sighs again and looks at her with a serious face "so, nothing can make you forgive me? Is it really impossible for you to forgive me?" he seems really devastated by what she said and he says in a sad voice "if I'm honest, I really thought we could still be together. Even if you wouldn't speak to me, we could still be together". he looks at her and smiles sadly. After a couple of minutes that have turned into hours
henry is now just looking at sarine and sitting in her room. He doesn't seem really sure of what to say or do because he has nothing left to try and make her speak to him. He sighs and puts his head back on the wall. He seems a bit upset now "I guess... I guess there really is nothing left that I can do to make you forgive me". he pauses and looks at sarine when he says "I'm really... really sorry, I just wanted to be with you. I wish you could forgive me".
"Yeah, well I'm not" she gets up off of her bed and walks out the door "I'm gonna clean the house" she leaves the room and goes downstairs to clean.
he looks surprised that she got up and left the room. He quickly follows her "wait... where do you need to clean?" he keeps following her and says "look, I really just wanted to be with you". he looks into her eyes as he says "I love you so damn much, even if you don't feel that way right now I still love you". he starts to get really desperate and says in a mad but sad tone "please, I'll do anything to be with you". he continues following her and seems to want to get a response from her.
She ignores the part where he says he loves her and just answers to the first question "I just clean everywhere occasionally"
he sighs and follows her "are you just trying to ignore me...? Well, look, I'll help you clean if it makes you feel better". he says with a serious face while still following her "please, just don't ignore me". his face shows that he is getting frustrated now as he says "I'll do anything... please, just don't ignore me". he continues following her around.
"You don't need to help me..." she starts dusting downstairs and then vacuums. Soon, a half an hour passes by,Henry  has now been following sarine around for half an hour as she continued to clean. He still wants to get a response from her and talks to her while she cleaned "look, you know I love you and I'll do anything to be with you. Please, just, acknowledge me, anything". he says in a desperate tone while still following her around.
"What do you want from me, I already said I'm not gonna get back together with you so just leave!" She yelled at him taking enough of his talking about love.
he sighs and says "fine... you're right, you did say that you don't want to get back with me. But, please, just, don't... can I at least say one more thing...?""Might as well"
he nods "thank you. Okay so, I might just be a bit obsessed with you". he says it like it is a normal thing that happens to everyone "I really can't get over you". he looks at her as he says "that's all I want to say". he smiles and says in a less desperate tone "I still love you, but if you don't want to be with me then that's okay". he pauses for a bit "thank you, though, for at least letting me say one more thing to you".
he sighs again and says "well, I might as well leave now". he starts exiting out the door and looks back at sarine "before I leave just... if you want to talk to me again just, text me or call me okay?" he walks out and says a final goodbye "I just... I just love you so much!" he smiles one last time before he completely leaves.after a while sarine finishes cleaning her house and then showers before going to bed for school tomorrow.henry walks home and gets ready for school tomorrow. He doesn't get much sleep because he thinks about sarine and what he did last night. He thinks about if she hates him now, and if she will ever even speak to him again. He tries to not think about it too much and he goes to school the next morning. soon the morning comes and sarine gets a text message from the school saying that prom was moved to today "oh no I don't have anything to wear" after a while of searching she soon finds a Navy Blue Cecily Brown Prom gown with sequins in the back of her closet "PERFECT this will do" she starts doing her hair in curls and then threw some black heels on then left the house to school.henry is at school waiting just outside the doors of the school. He is wearing a black suit with a white shirt and tie to match his outfit. His hair is slicked back and his face looks serious as he stares at the school. He is nervous about seeing sarine again today for the first time since what happened yesterday. He thinks that it will be hard to talk to her but he also wants to tell her how he feels. The bell then rings and it signifies that school has started. Henry takes a deep breath and walks into the school doors. Sarine pulls up to the school In a limo with her friend and they head inside "look at this place, it's so fancy" they both walk over to get some punch before they start dancing together.

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