Chapter 8

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henry is looking out at the dance floor and he sees sarine walking inside and talking with her friend. He is just standing still, looking around as he feels a bit nervous and anxious. He sees sarine with her friend and watches them as they dance. He then looks around the dance floor to see if there is anything other than couples dancing. He sees his best friend, David, and he smiles "hey, David!" he quickly walks over to David and hugs him.
Sarine's friend notices Henry "hey isint that the guy that cheated on you on the first day" she snickered pointing at him and then sarine turns around "oh, yeah, that's him. But like he's so whatever now, let's just keep dancing"he turns to look at sarine as she says that and his face goes from happy to annoyed "so, you just don't care what I did to you yesterday? You're just going to leave and say that I'm whatever? Fine then!" he turns to walk away but David quickly stops him by grabbing his arm and telling him to David grabbed his arm sarine and her friend laughed, their hands covering their faces "yeah, listen to your friend, ok?" Her friend said as they both went back to laughing. he tries to fight free from David but he eventually gives up and looks angry as he turns to face sarine "look, I'm sorry alright?" he pauses and says "I'm really sorry, I want you to forgive me. I can't be without you."he looks back at her in the eyes while saying the last part and he sounds really desperate as his voice falters a bit."Yeah right" her friend says before she grabbed sarine's arm and pulls her to the dj booth "hey... I was wondering if, you took requests?" Her friend asked "no request" the dj said "please" her friend said with puppy dog eyes flirting with the dj guy "o-ok" he then starts to put on Jessie's girl knowing that song was on the radio for sarine and Henry's first date "this ought a get him mad" her friend tells her pulling sarine back to the dance floor.he stares at the dj making the request and he starts to get annoyed "really... this song? You have to be kidding me". he is pissed off and he seems even more mad now that the song is playing since it was the song from his first date "this is bullshit!" he looks at her and says "are you trying to make me mad? I'm only a little bit mad right now, but I'm really annoyed.""Hey, it's not my fault" she said amused at him being mad but then looked at her friend "she's the one who told him"he is more annoyed now but doesn't say anything. He is looking at sarine dancing with her friend now and he stares with a blank face "just... whatever". he is just standing in the middle of the dance floor looking mad as the song continues to the part where it says I wish that I had Jessie's girl and where can I find a woman like that Henry gets a little sad but then a cute guy bumps into sarine and her friend and then sarine and him start to hang out leaving the friend walking over to henry. he still looks at sarine angry as the song plays then he sees her friend walk over. He stays where he is and looks to see what the friend wants from him "what?" he looks annoyed because he isn't looking for anyone else besides sarine and he just wants to go back to how it was before what happened yesterday but he is still mad at himself for that whole thing."That guy right there. He's my friend, I told him to bump into her so they could start talking" the friend (sia) smiles evily trying to annoy henry.he seems a little confused by what she just said and he says in a slightly annoyed tone "what?? What guy? Why does that even matter?" he looks back at the guy and looks back at Sia and says "okay, so what? Is this guy supposed to help me or something? Why did you do that?" he is trying to stay mad but Sia and the music are making it really hard so he looks back to the guy to maybe see what Sia's plan is""He's gonna ask her out and you know sarine isint gonna say no, I mean look at him, he's gorgeous" sia  sticks her tongue out at Henry before walking towards David and starts flirting with him leaving Henry alone.he stares at the guy and he looks pretty annoyed by the whole situation but he then looks back to Sia in an annoyed tone "ugh! What the hell are you doing? Who said that guy is even interested in her?" he sighs and takes out his phone "whatever, I guess I'll just let Sarine go and talk to this guy if she wants to". he keeps staring at them as that annoying Jessie's girl song the distance henry sees sarine and the guy sia set her up with, kiss. he looks over to see her kissing the guy. He then looks to Sia and yells at her saying "are you happy now?! You made me lose Sarine and all I want to do right now is leave". he looks back at the both of them to see what will happen.sarine pulls away from the guy to Henry yelling "why are you mad? You did the same thing".sia just kept kissing david.

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