Chapter 13

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Sarine put the cookies in the oven before she leaned in for a kiss with henry "and you're the best boyfriend" after the kiss she asked sia if the cookies sarine made without her help taste good.he looks extremely embarrassed and he blushes a bunch but henry smiles at sarine and nods "yeah, you're the best girlfriend."he waits for Sia to taste the cookies and her reaction.Sia: "alright cut it out you guys"sia says jokingly before taking a bite of her best friends cookie "and sarine, your cookies are fine"
Sarine: "thanks but I forgot something upstairs, I'll be right back"Henry chuckles a little bit and says to Sia "sorry, we just really like each other so it's hard to not kiss sometimes." he smiles at them both and then says to Sarine "alright, I'm glad they taste good!" Sarine walks away to go upstairs and Henry looks at Sia with a big smile on his sarine leaves, sia watches her go upstairs before turning to Henry and looking at him very seriously "so what are your intentions with my best friend" sia says interrogating henry.Henry smiles nervously and says "oh, uh... well um... I... uh... you see, I just like her... a lot". he doesn't know how to answer this so he starts to look uncomfortable. He's also not 100% sure if he should tell Sia everything because he's already very nervous and he doesn't want her to be mad at him.sia scowls Henry a bit "sounds like you're lying. You better not do anything to my best friend or else I'll kill your ass, and I mean it" sia sat on the counter so she could be at Henry's height. he looks very nervous and scared after hearing this, especially since Sia is really close to him now. He seems unsure what to say because he doesn't want to piss her off but he also wants to defend himself "h-hold on, can you calm down a little?"he seems a little nervous and he takes a step backwards "I'm not doing anything, I really just like your friend, that's it" and- before Henry can finish, Sia grabs his shirt to make him stay close to her. This surprised Henry quite a bit because Sia is actually taller and obviously stronger than Henry."I see you're nervous, my friend shouldn't have a nervous boyfriend, she should have a brave one that can protect her. If you can't protect her then I will and  then I'll ruin your life for not taking care of her" after sia had said all of this sarine finally came back downstairs and sia went back to being happy as if nothing had happened. henry is still stunned at what Sia had said to and about him. He looks at Sarine as if he's asking for help, and then he looks back at Sia with a bit of uncertainty. He starts to speak, but Sia interrupts him and says "wait, come here Henry because I have a question for you."she gestures for Henry to go over to her and he awkwardly does it and stands in front of her. Sia starts to look him up and down and then says loudly "why are you so weak?" she says this really loudly and it makes Henry even more nervous and embarrassed."Sia, déjale en paz ya" she says to sia while pulling her away from henry.
henry looks at Sia with a lot of anxiety after hearing what sarine said then he looks at her and says quietly "thank you..."he's not sure if Sia can understand what she said, but that was still a relief to hear her defending him like that.
Sia: "pero el no puede hacer un hombre valíente para tí"
Sarine: "just leave him alone please, it's my birthday"there was soon a ding from the oven for the cookies so she put on an oven mit and took them out.

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