Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

he hears her come outside and he sees sarine approaching him, and his expression turns to confusion "what the heck do you want now, can't you see I'm busy?"
"I just saw you watching me from the window, I thought you were busy."
he is now even more confused at the fact that she caught him watching her "you saw me?"
"Yes, I did"
he doesn't know what to say and the girl has now started to make him nervous, he is thinking about what to say to defend himself but doesn't find the right words to do it.
"I have to go back to class but, can I atleast know the rude stalkers name?" She says in a smart ass sorta way, crossing her arms and looking down at him on the bench.
"It's henry, and don't call me rude"he sounds annoyed and he looks away from her face so she won't be able to see his expression.
"Alright, see ya henry" she doesn't wave goodbye, she just walks back to class.
henry is a bit mad at sarine for calling him rude and then leaving, but he can't say anything. He just continues to watch her in the classroom window.
as sarine comes back in the classroom the teacher asks to speak with her, leaving sarine scared, as it IS her first day at the school "y-yes miss? What is it " she showed her the portrait of the woman playing with her two children sarine had made and says it's so good that she wanted to offer sarine a art scholarship. Sarine happily accepted it. "bye miss, and thank you so much for the opportunity, and on the first day to" sarine leaves the classroom as the bell rings for the next class.
henry happens to see sarine get offered the scholarship and he is stunned to see how good she is at drawing. he is surprised that she got offered the scholarship on her first day because he's only heard they would do that if you are special or extraordinary in your art skills. he is left shocked and is still seated outside watching the window.
as she walked past Henry to get to her next class she waved to him and kept walking.
he looks up and sees sarine waving, he is surprised that she did that but he waves back and feels a smile on his face.
Sarine got about 300 feet infront of Henry before her bag drops and all of her drawings go flying out as the cold winter air takes them away.
he watches as the drawings get carried away by the cold winter weather and realizes that those drawings must be important to her so he gets up and goes out of his way to retrieve the drawings.
as she is trying to get all of her drawings sarine sees Henry helping her "thank you" she says still trying to collect as many drawings as she could.
he nods and keeps searching for all the drawings that were carried away by the wind and after a few minutes, he is able to retrieve all of the drawings. he then hands them back to her.
Sarine took all of her drawings from him "thank you for helping me, but why? You seemed so annoyed by me earlier"
he looks at her and the drawings and smiles as though he feels something strange but then the smile quickly fades. He doesn't know what to say or how to answer her question so he decides to simply shrug his shoulders.
since Henry doesn't say anything sarine just puts her drawings back and simply walks to her next class.
he decides to follow her again to her next class just to see what else happens and to get a better look at the drawings she has.
as the day goes on and sarine finishes all her classes she decides to stop at a store to buy a tea drink before heading home.

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