Chapter 6

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henry puts his hands in his pockets and walks sarine to his car. He opens the passenger side for her and he smiles "alright then, let's go to your house first". he then walks to his car and gets into the driver's seat. He turns the car on and pulls out of the restaurant parking lot and is driving you to her house to get her drawing. He doesn't talk at all as he drives.
"Still not talking, huh? I thought I finally broke you out of your little bubble, guess not" sarine says trying to get henry to say something and anything just for the sake of her ears.
he looks over at her and smiles a bit. He's trying to think of something to say. He thinks that since she is now his girlfriend then she should know a bit more about him. He has never told anyone this information before so it makes him a bit nervous to say it "you know, I don't actually talk to most people."he says with honesty. He doesn't look over at her to see her reaction. He is hoping that she is ok with that and that sarine doesn't think he is weird.
he continues to drive and doesn't look over at her, he only speaks in a quiet voice "I... I don't really have a lot of friends. Nobody really approaches me or wants to speak to me. That's why I am silent most of the time, I don't have anyone to talk to."
"Well then, don't you wanna try? With ya know, me"
he smiles lightly while he is driving and he looks over at her "yes I would actually, I would like to speak more but I don't really have anything to say most of the time". he continues to drive, still looking at her and he realizes that he is actually talking to her.
"But haven't you noticed that, we ARE talking."
he smiles and blushes a bit as henry looks at sarine "I know, it's strange for me to be talking so much. It's usually pretty rare for me to speak more than a few words". he chuckles a bit and continues to drive and he says "I actually like talking to you." he seems comfortable speaking to her in a way that he has never felt before.
"Cool, then this should work out, yeah?"
he nods his head in agreement and continues to drive. Henry wants to know more about sarine but he isn't sure how to ask. Henry smiles at sarine as he looks at the road ahead and then he says "I'm really glad you agreed to give me a chance and that you want to talk to me."he then looks back at the road again and continues to drive as he thinks about what more to say.
"I'm glad I said yes because... so far this has been fun" as sarine thinks of what to talk about next so Henry doesn't have a hard time, she thinks of something "so, why were you spying on me. You know that day when I was in class? Why."
he suddenly stops the car to a complete halt. He is surprised by the question and he chuckles a little bit "yeah, I was spying on you a little."he smiles a little as he continues to talk "my classmates always told me that you were the meanest girl in school so I wanted to see if it was true.I started paying attention to you and I noticed that every time I looked at you, you would always be looking at me too."he chuckles again "so yeah, I decided to get closer to you so I can find out if that rumor was true."
Sarine looked towards henry in shock as he said the word mean "mean? I'm only mean to jerks" she scoffed "I bet Alex and his friends told you that didint they" she squinted her eyes "he's just mad because I poured milk on him and his favorite shirt after he cheated on me with lindsay" as she tells him this story he realized that it was Alex but didint know that he was just lying because he was mad at sarine.
he starts laughing as she tells the story "damn he deserved it. Who cheats on someone and then expects the person to not do anything? You should've done way more if I'm being honest". he continues to laugh a bit "he really deserved it after cheating on someone like you"he smiles at her and then asks "did he even apologize to you?"
"No not really but, I did see him super mad when I poured that milk on him"
he smiles mischievously as he asks "did he cry?"he looks away so she can't see how happy his face looks when she said that. He is giggling a bit.
"No, unfortunately not"they soon pull up to sarine's house "I'll be right back" sarine grabs her house key and goes inside to get her drawings but as she comes out she sees Henry cheating on her and kissing on the lips a teen skank from the street.
he looks over at sarine and notices the skank you are mentioning. As you get closer to the car he quickly pulls away from her so sarine won't notice him with the skank. He quickly wipes away his lips after kissing the skank. He is unsure of what to say because he is caught in a lie "um, I can explain why I was with that um... girl..."
"You know what" sarine said in a calm voice "no need" she said as she walked away, back into the house not even bothering to close the car door. all sarine does is go upstairs and into her room listening to music and drawing not even crying just in shock by what she had just seen henry doing.
henry is shocked by her response and he doesn't say anything. He can't believe that sarine had just walking away like nothing happened. He gets out of the car and goes to her door and knocks on it. He continues to knock for a few seconds but then decides to just try the door as it could not be locked. He opens the door and starts to go upstairs. He looks for sarine but henry can't see her anywhere in sight. so he tries to go to her room to see if that's where she is at.
Sarine's music is so loud at this point she doesn't even notice that someone is in her house, all she's doing is drawing in her oversized hoodie looking calm but the loud rock music shows and pretty much says that she's mad.
Henry walks right over to her room and knocks on the door and says in a loud voice "are you in here?" he then realizes that the music is playing so loud that she might not be able to hear him. He knocks a bit louder and yells a bit louder too "is anyone in here?" he realizes that if she doesn't hear him then he is going to have to open the door. He quickly opens the door and walks in and closes the door behind him.
The hoodie is covering her parallel vision so she doesn't see anyone walk in but she soon finishes a very realistic drawing of a guy and written on the side of it is cheater. it seems to be of Alex but all sarine does is just rip it and throw it on the floor, starting a new drawing project of a cartoonish and aesthetic looking mushroom that kinda matches the vibe of her room.
he walks in the room and spots sarine sitting on the chair with headphones on. He quickly walks over to her and pulls off the headphones with his hand "excuse me, why were you listening to music so loud?"he looks over at her and smiles but he quickly changes his expression back to a serious one because he is mad. He looks back at her and says "look, I need to explain something to you."
"Ok" she is still very calm on the outside.
he takes a few seconds to think about what to say. He decides to speak the truth but he is worried that she will hate him. He takes a deep breath and says in a serious tone "fine, I was kissing that other girl back there because um... I was jealous... I was jealous because you were with another guy..."henry slowly turns to look at sarine to see her reaction.
"Ok" she then puts her headphones back on and continues to draw the mushroom.
he realizes that she doesn't seem mad at him. He then takes her headphones off again "excuse me!? I just told you that I was kissing another girl and you don't seem upset about that?" he looks at her and then turns really close to her face "are you ok with that? Do you not care that I was kissing another girl?"
"I do care but what do you want me to do? Cry?"
he looks in shock by what she said "well, yeah. I mean I was expecting you to cry or be really sad about it or something". he is unsure if this is a good thing that she isn't upset about him kissing another girl.
"What is crying gonna do to help? Give me happiness powers?"
he sighs "just, just be sad. I don't want you to be with someone who kisses another girl and then thinks nothing of it". he is unsure what to say next, he is mad that she is not upset at all about him cheating on her with another girl.
"Who says that we're still together?"
he looks in shock by her response and he says "excuse me, that's it!? We don't need to be together anymore after that?" his face is full of surprise but it also looks desperate for her to not be so nonchalant about it.
"I'm ok with mistakes being made in a relationship but if it's of any sort of cheating then I'm not dealing with it" sarine still seemed very calm about the whole situation.
"How can you be so calm about this!?" henry looks at sarine with a very serious expression on his face but he is shaking a little bit "I-I'm cheating on you and you're calm about this!?" he doesn't seem to know what to do, he wants her to not want to break up with him but it looks like she already made that decision.
as he says calm she said "only on the outside" she give him a fake smile and pat his head as if he's a child.
he is now more offended that she was patting his head and talking to him as if he was a child. He doesn't know how to deal with this and he isn't used to this kind of reaction. He is thinking as to what to say next "I-I really have feelings for you, are you really not upset about this? Like, you won't give me a chance after I explain my reasons as to why I did that?"
"It looked like you also had feelings to that other girls mouth too. But go ahead and try to explain yourself if that will make ya feel better"
henry looks into sarine's eyes and he says slowly "I-i don't have feelings for that other girl, I only kissed her because I thought you had something going on with your ex again. I-I was jealous that you would choose him over me so I decided to go kiss another girl. When I realized you were still interested in me I wanted to come tell you the truth because I feel really bad about it". he slowly takes his hands and touches her face and looks at her "don't you think you are making a mistake by breaking up with me just because I did that?"
"Not really"
henry continues to stare at sarine "please don't leave me. I promise to never do it again and I swear that was the last time I would ever cheat on you."he looks at her and says she might be acting nonchalant about it. "I really do care about you". he smiles and then grabs her tightly and says in a soft voice "please give me another chance, I promise this time I won't mess up."
"Once a cheater always a cheater. now please let me draw in peace"
he continues to look at her and he says quietly "come on, please have some faith in me. I promise I won't do it again". henry looks into sarine's eyes with a serious look. He doesn't notice how close he is to her and he is shaking a little bit "I won't cheat on you again, I swear" he still is begging her not to leave him since he really wants to be with her.
"If I cry will that make you leave"
he smiles a bit and says "no, if you cry that means you still have some feelings for me so I won't leave. So go ahead and cry". he doesn't leave her and instead looks at her with a smile on his face. He is really hoping that he can get her to not break up with him.
"Please just go away"
he sighs and doesn't know what to say. He looks at her again and says in a quiet voice "please let me stay, I really want to be with you. Don't break my heart by leaving me". he continues to look at her and tries to convince her to not break up with him. He doesn't move at all.
"You broke my heart by kissing her so why should I respect your commands to stay..... please just get out of my house already"
he is starting to get a bit desperate to convince her not to break up with him "please don't break up with me... I love you... I really do and I won't break your heart this time I swear."he looks at her with a serious look and says "I really don't want you to leave me, please just give me another chance".
"You can't fix what's already been broken" sarine put on her headphones and completely ignores Henry as she draws her mushroom.
he takes off her headphones again "please just, just give me another chance. Please!" he sounds a bit more desperate now because he doesn't want to lose sarine "I promise that I'll never hurt you again, I-i just need time to prove it to you" his voice is shaky and he really is begging her not to give up on him.
Sarine doesn't say anything and just puts her headphones back on.
henry looks in shock at what sarine was doing. He takes the headphones off of her so she has no choice but to listen to his pleading voice "please I have feelings for you, I need a second chance. Don't leave me". he is desperate for sarine to give him another chance and he won't let her go until he gets an answer.
"Stop touching my headphones" she said as she put them back on again.
he takes the headphones off of her this time and says in a serious tone "please, I want you to stay!" he doesn't seem to be able to stop touching her headphones. He looks into her eyes and says "I promise that won't ever do it again, I really love you and I don't want to lose you". henry really wants to be with sarine and he seems very desperate to get her to not break up with him.
as he took of her headphones she started to levitate in the air and put her headphones back on again and continued drawing as if a flying person is normal.
"What the-" he quickly takes the headphones off of her and he says "stop levitating! What the hell!?" he is so confused by what she is doing and then he stops touching her headphones to look at her "please I really want you to not break up with me". he stares at her again and says more seriously "I love you a lot and I really don't want to be with anyone else."he slowly touches her face and smiles at her before saying "please don't give up on me."
"Don't touch me" she starts to levitate all the way to the ceiling as if it's normal for a person to have powers.
he looks in shock as he watches her levitating "um, why are-" henry stops talking because he just watches sarine levitate higher to the point where he can't even see her legs. He looks at her and says "can you please come back down?"
"Fine" she comes back down to her bed "oh and I forgot to mention that I can do that she says normally still trying to listen to music and draw in peace.
"You can levitate?" he starts to chuckle "can you do anything else that a normal person can't?" he is still smiling because in his mind this conversation is going great.
"If you would've stuck around you would've found out" she proceeds to lock herself in the bathroom and draw on the floor listening to music.
"No, please!" he starts banging at the door "please open the door, I really want to talk to you about this and I want to know more about your powers. What else do you have? Can you do things with your mind?" henry is still banging at the door waiting for sarine to come out.
the music drowns him out.
he stops smiling for a bit and then he starts to bang harder. He is starting to get angry now because why won't she let him talk to her? He is getting more and more impatient and he tries to yell through the door "hey! Can you hear me!?" he is still banging harder at the door and says in a louder voice "why won't you just listen to me!?"
Sarine starts getting sleepy and falls asleep on the bathroom floor with the headphones on.
henry quickly goes to the bathroom and bangs on the door "wake up!" as he bangs even harder his anger starts to show because she won't wake up and talk to him. He starts yelling at her because at this point he doesn't know what else to do. He is starting to get really frustrated that she won't even listen to him "please wake up! I just want to talk to you!"
his voice is shaking and he is yelling through the door "look, I'm sorry about before, I didn't mean to make you upset". he continues to yell and bang on the door because he just wants to talk to her right now and explain everything. He stops banging and yells "please, wake up so we talk about this". his voice isn't as angry now because he is just desperate to talk about this to her "just, please wake up so we can talk. Just wake up for me please"
he continues to bang on the door a bit more until he just tries it. The door isn't locked so he just opens it and walks in the bathroom. Henry looks at sarine and tries to wake her up but since she's asleep, it is hard. He takes off her headphones to get her to wake up "wake up, wake up now!" he is still shaking a bit but he tries his best to stay calm "I just... want to talk about this" he tries his best to not sound mad or desperate. Despite all his talking sarine stays asleep.
he sighs and sits down on the floor beside her. He gently lays her head on his shoulder and continues to try to wake her up "hey, just wake up... please" his voice is a mix of wanting her to wake up, and being desperate. Henry looks down at sarine smiling a bit "please, just open your eyes for a second. I won't wake you up anymore, I just need to talk to you". he continues smiling and looking at her as he gently strokes her hair and tries to wake her up.
he starts getting impatient and he starts moving his hand from her hair to her chin and then he starts shaking her head "please... wake up". he looks down at her smiling "come on, please... I just need to tell you something". he moves his hand back to her hair and starts moving it gently again.
he looks down at her and sighs "it's fine, you can keep sleeping". he lays back against the wall and leans his head towards sarine. He smiles and looks at her while he talks "just know that while you were asleep, I was sitting here, waiting for you to wake up. I just really wanted to talk to you". he pauses and then says "I didn't sleep very well last night because I kept thinking about you. I hope you sleep better than I do". he sighs and looks at her

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