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Yn came to a stop once she reached her correct classroom number, just to make sure she double checked the schedule up on her device. Walking towards the half closed door she pushed the classroom door and opened it, the classroom was small but was enough for atleast 30 to 40 students which was nothing compared to her previous school that could only have plus minus 20 students.

Being a a few minutes early on the first day there were a decent amount of students seated amongst the seats.

Yn made her way to one of the desks right at the back far from the face of the teacher she doesn't even know yet , she sat down and placed her notebooks, pencil case and her laptop on the desk. Before she even got a chance to fully settle in a soft voice interrupted her "hi do you mind if I take this seat" a girl asked "umm yeah sure I don't mind" Yn said.

Yn couldn't help but look at the girls extraordinary looks.She had long black hair that fell beautifully over her back frame and a pretty pair of pinkish lips that weren't too thin or too thick. Everything went perfect with the fair skin tone.

"First day huh" the girl asked as she settled all her belongings on the desk."Hmm actually didn't feel like showing up" Yn said as she opened her maths book with a slight sigh. " "Hmm well now that you here my name is Sia-ara but my friends call me Sia for short" Sia said as she held her hand out and yn gladly accepted it " Yn Hari  Yn" they both smiled and did a few things while they waited, it was  quiet with a talking and giggling here and there but it was fine.

A few minutes later a boy came and took a seat behind yn and Sia.

"Siaaa" he whined like a three year old wanting more sweats" Yes Soobin what do you want" Sia ask as if she had no lis to speak to him" He looked up at me with a little frown "Oh hey there beautiful lady I'm Soobin" he says to me as I smile and give my name" I'm Yn Hari but I prefer just yn" I say as I smile. " Y-n I like it,beautiful just for a beautiful lady" he said with a playfull wink.We sat and giggled a bit " Shit it's forgot submit Mr Kim's assignment" Soobin said as he quickly took out he laptop and logged into some unknown files" Let me help you" I said as I saw him struggling a bit. When I finished i handed it over to him "Omo you so clever Yn" he said and I just gave him a wink and chuckled,"Not that clever as you think just took these classes" we all laughed and got to know about each other and I can say that we will make a great friendship

." You know I had a friend back in the years he didn't even get a 'B' " Soobin said as he laughed.

"Really" Yn said in disbelief. Damn who's so clever.

"Yeah and I heard that we having a swap in the teachers for the school" Sia said as I looked at her not understanding what she meant.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"I mean we had Mr Park here till last week but today there will be a new sir for the class he was supposed to be in an other class but swapped" she said as she flipped her page over.

"Yeah and all the girls go..."

Soobins words got trailed off as the door of the classroom creaked open.

Suddenly everything went silent.

All Yn had to do is lift her head up looking at the person

A good looking young gentlemen stepped in and placed all he's belongings on the front desk. "And that's the new class all the girls goes mad over him" Sia said as yn starred at the most hottest man she ever saw, he was all she ever imagined and totally in her jeans.

She couldn't help but take a look and he's beautiful features his milky skin, long hair that was tied up into a pony and sharp jaw line that just went well with all the piercings he had.

"YN," Sia called and yn came back to reality "umm yeah" Yn said as she quickly looked away from the hot guy that was now her 'sir'.

"Good morning I'm Professor Jeon. Mr Jeon is also fine" he took a breath before he spoke again " I believe we have a few new student that joined us let's just point them out" he said as he placed all he's things next to him, yn was stunned by he's voice deep soft calm voice.

It wasn't just the man, it was the vibe he had that yn admired.

"Kim jisoo" he called out as the student stood up to show herself and he called a few other name until be called mine "Yn Lia Shin" the way my name slipped out of he's mouth just sent shivers down my spine.Hes deep husky voice. Yn could just imagine all the dirty things he could do to her. She shrugged the thoughts off and stood up "Hi guys I'm Yn nice to meet you" I said as a turn around and waved my hand to all the students,before I sat i slightly bowed my head to the sir and sat back on my seat " So in my class I don't like distraction and talking,as you all know I'm not very old here I'm as new just like most of you so let's get to work" he said as he went over to the board and wrote down a note.

'Page 67-69 paragraph 4 and definitions'.

The way he's back muscle flex you could swear that who ever had this guy is damn lucky just by looking at him I could imagine all the dirty things that he could do to me. Focus idiot.

I quickly shrug off my thoughts and opened my note book and text book and decided to write down my work. I was half way through but my eyes lingered over to Mr jeon he now had glasses on that sat halfway on hes nose bridge.glasses seriously.i thought to myself. But he looked so fucking hot, I didn't notice that he flickered he's eyes up and caught me staring at him, he placed he's black pen and raised a hand under hes chin then raised an eyebrow with a sly smirk and I quickly looked back down feeling shy, embarrassed and stupid, my face turned red as I wrote down my last piece of work. I looked over to Sia and she was writing peacefully without distraction unlike me how will I cope with such a distraction and worst thing is I sit with him for almost a half a day

. Maybe you should swap classes.

What no are you insane who'd want to escape this sexy view. 

I continued writing until Mr Jeon stood up and decided to walk around the class checking everyone's work he was a desk close to coming my way and my stupid pencil decided to fall. I bend sideways to pick it up but before I could Mr Jeon picked it up and handed it to me. I looked up and took it as he's hands slightly brushed against mine. Fuck.

"Thank you sir" I said and he just replied with a small smile and a nod leaving me struggling to catch my breath. Damn that was sexy and hot.

..hy so how's it? Ok? Bad?

Tell me if I should update next part or just stop.

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'Ciao bellissima'


Professor Jeon            18+Where stories live. Discover now