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"What happened dear? Why did you react with such anger?"

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"What happened dear? Why did you react with such anger?"

The school Doctor asked as he sat Y/N in the infirmary, handing her a cup of black tea.

"They wouldn't leave me alone, and Kou kept touching me. I hate being touched without permission. Then Yuma kept taunting me, threatening me"

"Well, at least no one got physically injured.. The next time something happens you have to tell your teacher, not take things into your own hands"

"You school staff never do enough unfortunately, my way is better and far more efficient. Now they know to never mess with me, or challenge me. If they do, I'll teach them a lesson they'll never forget"

"My dear, please think this through. You're angry right now, and it's causing you to think irrationally"

"It's not fair!"

Dr. Reinhart had looked over Y/N's profile that contained anything they could possible find out about her, including medical records. It appeared that this burst of anger, and cockiness was somewhat rooted from her Antisocial Personality Disorder.

"I took a peak at your medical records, do you take any kind of medication for your disorders?"


"Why not?"

"I don't like the way it makes me feel, and I don't need help. What does that have to do with the way they treated me anyways?"

"My dear.."

"I'm not trying to project my anger into you, it's just-"

"I know sweet girl, just lie down and rest"

She lies down, Dr.Reinhart puts a warm blanket over and tuck's her in. Tears began to slide down from her eyes, a concerned look appears on the doctors face.

"What is the matter dear?"

"My Masters will be very mad when they hear about my behavior..."

"Your Masters?"

"My Guardians"

"Oh, is it normal to refer to men as Masters in your culture?"

Absolutely fucking not.


"I see.. I'm sure if you explain, they will understand"

"I hope so.."

"I'll be on my way, I'll be around the cafeteria if you need anything. I'm in charge of supervising today, haha.."

"Okay.. Thank you.."

"When you're better you can head back to class, I will talk to the principal, then I believe you will have a conversation with them before you head home today"

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