The Matchmaking Prince

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The Royal family were the perfect representation of the kingdom and their wolf forms - brutal, with bare essential emotions, aces in the battlefront, experts in war and politics, The only glint of humanity was their family bond, The King wolf may appear rough and conservative to the kingdom but he was undeniably a loving father to his sons, 

Unlike today the dinner table is usually quiet, abiding by the never-spoken norms. The ones to usually break away from the pack, the norm breakers were the eldest and the youngest prince. 

Prince Tankhunn was always in high spirits and was too kind, unlike anyone from the very outset in the royal family of Carmine. He was someone Royal yet approachable to the common subjects of the kingdom, someone who would without restraint roam on the stone bridges and around the paved capital streets along the villas and houses of commoners, structures in different shapes and sizes, some small some multistoried, walls of flints and fired clay bricks or stones, houses shaded with slates and roof tiles. 

Roaming within the well-defended capital walls, without any judgements, without looking down on anyone, enjoying the local markets, the theatres, the art and the festivals. For Prince Tankhunn everyone was just another human or wolf just as him, he had many acquaintances outside the palace, all of different age groups, genders and occupations.  

Then there was the youngest- Prince Kim, who never liked to be confined or controlled. he was the youngest but not a spoiled child as his eldest omega brother or had any future responsibilities of the whole kingdom as his alpha brother. He was a free wolf, maybe because he never felt much attachment to the family after his mother's passing when he was barely a year-old pup. 

Prince Kim will stay out of the palace most of the days, sleeping in royal castles, moving with the royal army and warriors of the kingdom and exploring the vast Lands, Forests, Valleys, and Mountains in his wolf form, never losing his grounds but surprisingly very few know of his wolf form. Because of Prince Kim's personality, King Korn gave him responsibility to look over the carmine pigment business of the kingdom which was carried out by businessmen of the kingdom but under full control of the royal family. 

That leaves to the middle son- Prince Kinn - The Dominant Alpha Wolf - The Crown Prince of the kingdom. Prince Kinn, the obedient prince, performing his duties perfectly, learning how to rule the kingdom in future as a king, Prince Kinn respected his King father the most and loved his siblings a lot, spending most of his time within the stone palace adorned with ornamented vaults and arches, learning the game of ruling and expanding the kingdom as a player but also becoming one of its pawns when he was arranged to marry The Omega Prince of one of the big neighbouring kingdom - THE LAND OF SAGES by his King Father. 

The Land of Sages was a powerful kingdom that expanded its boundaries with the wisdom it possessed. For them it was the best proposal for their omega prince to get married to the crown prince of the biggest kingdom, and they didn't hesitate to accept the proposal. Prince Porsche and Prince Kinn, though their marriage was arranged, very soon they found themselves compatible and likeable, They found love through their politically arranged royal marriage that turned into a blissful marriage, what else could Prince Kinn ask for and now he became more grateful than ever to his King father and King Korn can now and as always exploit his son in whatever way he wants.

King Korn was in his personal study after the dinner when Prince Tankhunn visited him. "Father how many times have I told you that you need a major renovation of your study, I always hate coming in here." King Korn's study was too depressing for Prince Tankhunn's colorful tastes, walls with charred wood cladding, metal Furniture and leathers showcasing the emphatic aura of the king. 

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