Taming Of Two Wild Wolves

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Returning from the mansion, Prince Tankhunn felt sense of accomplishment, still he had much to do. He found match for 2 of his brothers, two most stubborn and difficult ones. Two wild wolves whom even King Korn finds hard to tame. 

King Korn never put much effort into putting them in their right place in the pack, The King was a stealth hunter. 

Though not a dominant alpha, Prince Kim was the perfect candidate for future king in King Korn's eyes, a perfect hunter wolf, intelligent, knowledgeable, fearless, sharp-eyed, knows how to play his games but he was never interested in ruling or even in the royal way of living. "What a shame" King Korn has always thought.

Another perfect candidate in the eyes of the kingdom was Lord Vegas, more eligible than Prince Kim or even the current crown Prince Kinn and even the silent ministers of court didn't beg to differ, Prince Kinn was not too aggressive, was not too wolf-like for their liking.

But prince Tankhunn has found a way to tame both kin and Vegas, in his own way. he wanted to see both of them happy.


Both Lord Vegas and prince Kim were summoned by the King. it would take months for prince kim to arrive at carmine, by then King Korn wanted to deal with lord Vegas, yes deal with him. for King Korn, Vegas was a hurdle, not in his way but his son's. The King knew himself who was the most eligible to rule The Kingdom of Carmine next, and it was not his own blood for his disappointment. Vegas was a disappointment for his own father too. "what a foolish man, can't recognize the potential a true alpha" king Korn has always thought that about his brother, Prince Kan. But it only played out in Favour of king Korn. Because of his father, Vegas has always done what was asked of him, being played in the hands of his own father and after the death of prince Kan Vegas has always kept his distance, doing just what was required of him in the court.

And with this marriage union king Korn can keep Vegas distracted and away from the kingdom itself if he could, but the king knew he can't send Vegas away in marriage without making the court unhappy and questioning. But the proposal prince Tankhunn brought was an appealing one, maybe one day king Korn will be successful in sending Vegas away from Carmine and the crown prince can rule the kingdom in future without any threat from within the royal bloodline.

"Lord Vegas has arrived" one of the solders notified king Korn having his snacks in the palace orchard under the setting sun.

"Lead him here."

"You called for me my king" Vegas bowed as he arrived.

"Come here my child, it's a nice weather isn't it."

"Yes, your highness" Vegas took his seat beside the king.

"How were you, and how is Macau? you both should come visit us often rather than spending all your times in your cold mansion."

"We will try, your highness" Vegas was a person of less words, more he knew nothing will come out with having long conversations with the king, Vegas was aware how the king felt, how he felt about his father in the past, about him now. The king killed his father, king's own younger and only brother. Vegas' father deserved it, he was a monster, Vegas was a monster himself, but he knew he can never be a monster to his own loved ones, maybe his father was not capable of loving in the first place, but at least he could have pretended. Vegas always craved for his father's love and acknowledgement, Macau needed him, but his father was a monster, now gone, and Vegas was thankful towards king Korn for that, but not blindly, he was very well aware of what the king thought about him, Vegas knew, the king felt the same for him as what he felt for his father. And that now the king is playing one of his games. Vegas was the pawn in this game, in the King's eyes everyone was a pawn.

"So. I was made aware of this much eligible omega for you by Tankhunn and I'm also made aware that you agreed to it. But I still wanted to hear from you before I send the marriage proposal."

"Elder brother cares for me, and you regard fondly of me Uncle, if you both think it's a good union who am I to deny" Vegas couldn't deny, he doesn't want to deny, he just wanted to live without any complication, happily with his brother. whatever changes or trouble this omega will cause to Vegas' life, he will deal with it, OfCourse keeping Macau unharmed in the process.

The king looked serious and happy, but Vegas knew better, the king doesn't do a deal which won't bear any profit. what was in it for the king?  Vegas was unaware but he knows even if the king can hurt Vegas, prince Tankhunn will never and that was one of the reasons he instantly agreed to the union and didn't take weeks to decide as he would have if the match was not arranged by prince Tankhunn himself.

"Very well then, I will prepare for the proposal to be sent as quickly as possible."

"Father, Vegas, you are here too? what a surprise" A loud voice came from behind and Vegas knew it was prince Tankhunn but along the strong smell of honey suckle of Tankhunn he can also faintly smell a flower, was it lilac? "It can't be?" vegas thought, he clearly remembers Tankhunn mentioning lilac.

"Son, come join us, looks like we have a guest here, and who would this be?" The king asked giving his refined smile.

"Father, here is one of my dear friends Chey, I invited him to visit the palace before I leave. he is from the family of The Pachara, they deal with all the precious stone business of the capital."

Vegas turned to see a boy or a kid almost as same age as Macau, who was now hiding behind Tankhunn upon meting Vegas's eye. 

"Chey meet the king and my lovely brother Lord Vegas" Vegas snorted on the word lovely."

"Greetings your highness" Chey bowed.

"Greetings Lord Vegas" Chey bowed again trying again to hide behind the prince. "Was the kid scared? or shy?" Vegas thought.


And as an apology for taking too long to update, i have posted a oneshot too, please enjoy "3rd time is a charm"🖤💙

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