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Jayla's POV:
We finally make it to lunch and all I'm thinking is 'Thank goodness that felt like hours' We woulda been old by the time that bitch was done "teaching" us.  'Anyways, I'm ready to eat I'm starving' I thought.  We walk to the Cafeteria and baby when I tell you it was crowded in that damn Cafeteria OH BABY IT WAS CROWDED.  All I heard was a buncha loud, immature, teens rambling on about random stuff. I turn to look at Riyah and I could see the nervousness written on her face.  I could tell she was getting overwhelmed by the large number of students crowding the Cafeteria. I grabbed her hand and led her to a table all the way in the back of the room.

"It's alright, your okay it's justa lot of people" I reassure her as we sat down. She looked around in a frantic state and was agitated from all the loud voices. "Breathe Riyah just Breathe" I say to her rubbing her back.  I wish it wasn't so damn loud in here, these folks stressing my fren out. 'I sholl be glad when we outta here' I thought. I continue to rub her back and reassure her that she was safe and that I was here to help her. She finally calms down and lays her head on my shoulder. I caress her hair and make conversation.

I tell her to wait at the table while I got to the vending machine to buy us some snacks. I always carried a lotta singles in my wallet in case I forget to bring my lunch. I managed to sneak out the Cafeteria without any staff noticing and walk to the vending machine by the water fountains. I got me a bag of Red Doritos and a Fruit Punch Gatorade and got Riyah a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos with a Cool Blue Gatorade. (Twins Foreva)

I managed to hide the snacks and was able to get back into the lunch room without no one noticing. I handed Riyah her snacks and we went back to talking. " So did you turn in the homework?" Riyah asked. "Mmm no? I thought it was due Friday?" I said opening my bag of chips. "I thought it was too but yk how that lady always changing stuff" She said sipping her Gatorade. "Exactly she mad irritating like girl make up yo mind now" I said rolling my eyes. We both laughed and finished our snacks.

Mariyah's POV:
Lunch was now over and me and Jae Jae walked back to our lockers to get ready for History with Ms Kim. We already had first period with Ms Jones, second period with Mr Lanez,  third period with Ms Brown, and fourth period with Mr Brooks.  (Those classes were before lunch but I just made a huge time skip) I got my books out for History then closed my locker. We started chatting until I felt someone roughly bump my shoulder making me drop my books. "Excuse YOU" I heard a girl shout. I knew that voice all too well It was Tasha

"No girl EXCUSE YOU tf you just bumped my best fren?!" I hear Jayla say.  "Well if she was watching where she was going then I wouldn't hafta bump her tf" Tasha said back. "You know what Jae Jae don't even worry about it I'm fine" I said picking my books up.  "Naw girl ion take disrespect from nobody"  Jayla said walking towards her. "Jae stop fr ion want you going to detention it's not worth it" I said grabbing her wrist. "But Riyah I'm tired of people keep trying us like we some folks off the street" she argued back. "Girl ain't nobody worried bout y'all cuz one thing ima do is speak my opinion" Tasha said. "GIRL FUCK YO OPINION!!" Jayla shouted causing everyone to look at us. "JAYLA COME ON FOR YOU GET IN TROUBLE!" I said pulling her away.
"Yeah that's right" Tasha mumbled before walking away.

"Ugly dusty ahh hoe" Jayla mumbled. "That's enough Jae Jae" I whispered still feeling eyes on us. "Bitch got me fucked up testing me like that" Jayla said.  We walked towards 5th period in silence as I didn't want to upset Jayla by continuing to talk. That was one thing I hated, starting conversation with an angry person. It'll just make them angrier and take their anger out on you next. Which I know Jae Jae wouldn't yell at me or hurt me in any way but, I wanted her to cool off. We make it to History Class and sat at the two available seats in the back of the classroom since we didn't wanna be the CENTER of ATTENTION.  Especially that scene we just caused. we sat down and watched as Ms Kim wrote on the board.

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