M3GAN Comforts Sophie Scene

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[morning, Gemma's house, Gemma wakes up hearing Celia looking for her dog, Gemma gets up and watches them for a while, then she's coming out of her room and goes to the girls' room, she sees Cady lying in the bed and Sophie comforting her] 

Sophie: How are you feeling, Cady? 

Cady: Bad. It hurts. 

Gemma: Hey. 

[Gemma comes to them] 

M3GAN: The pain will subside after a few days. In the meantime, don't forget to take your antibiotics and drink plenty of fluids. 

Gemma: Yeah, thanks, M3GAN. 

M3GAN: And be sure to get plenty of rest. 

Gemma: You know, I think M3GAN's right. You should probably get some rest. But, um... remember we have the demonstration today? Do you think that you'll be up for it. You don't have to do it, if you don't want to do it. I mean, there are people who flew cross the country especially to see it, but if you're not up to it, I just rather you tell me now, okay? 

Sophie: I'll replace Cady. Those people won't get angry if only I will do it. 

Gemma: That's very kind of you, Sophie, and... that's a very good idea. My boss wanted both of you to be part of it, but... I think it's better for Cady to stay at home. 

M3GAN: Good thinking, Sophie. I'll get Cady a water to drink and then we can go. 

[Gemma nodding happy; time skip, Funki building, people are sitting in front of play room, David talks to them] 

David: Every interactive toy that's ever been made has been a variation on the same basic formula - a series of preprogrammed responses initiated by a push of a bottom. Never before in the history of these products has there been a talking doll you could actually have a conversation with. But what if there was a toy that did have genuine, spontaneous response, that had a mind all of its own, that looked and behaved exactly like a real child? I mean, a toy like that wouldn't come cheap. But as of next year, it's gonna be the only toy that matters. Ladies and gentlemen, she's the apex of 21st-century technology, wrapped up in four feet of silicone. And her name... is M3GAN. 

[presentation starts, Sophie sitting in the play room, M3GAN enters it] 

M3GAN: Hey, Sophie. 

Sophie: Hi, M3GAN. 

M3GAN: So, how would you like to help me make a flower decoration with nothing more than some colored paper and a rabber band? 

[Sophie grows sad, she cries, M3GAN looks at her concerned] 

M3GAN: Sophie? Why are you sad, Sophie? Is it Cady's injury? You're worried about her? 

Sophie: I am, but... that's not it. 

M3GAN: Then what is it? 

Sophie:  It's just that every day I wake up in this strange house, and I remember that my parents are dead. It's like it's happening all over again. I miss them so much. I'm worried that I'll forget all the things we did together. That one day I'll be looking at pictures of my mom like she's some stranger. 

[M3GAN coming to Sophie, sitting next to her] 

M3GAN: Tell me something about your mom, something that makes you happy. 

Sophie: I don't know. I can't think of one thing. 

M3GAN: Just try. 

Sophie: One time, she found a cockroach in my schoolbag. She was upset 'cause I didn't eat my sandwiches. And then all of a sudden, this thing crawls up her wrist, and she just started screaming like a maniac and ran out of the house. That was pretty funny. 

M3GAN: Okay, so that's a memory you won't ever forget. 

Sophie: What do you mean? 

M3GAN: I mean I'm keeping it for you. Here. 

[M3GAN plays Sophie's memory, Sophie calms down and grows happy] 

M3GAN: Any time you want to tell me something special about your parents, something funny or sad or anything at all, you just tell me, and I'll keep it safe. And we can listen to it whenever we want. 

[M3GAN singing "Tell me your dreams" and gently weeping Sophie's tears away, they hug] 

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