Brandon's Death Scene

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[the school, Gemma is standing in front of Cady, Sophie and M3GAN, they are sitting in the car] 

Gemma: Girls, this is getting ridiculous. I'm supposed to be at work already. You're gonna have fun once you get into it. 

Cady: I'm not going. 

Sophie: Me neither. Not without M3GAN. 

Gemma: Okay. A, that is never gonna happen. And B, the launch is in less than a week. I have to take her to work in time. We have to run diagnostics. I have do a wordrobe lifting. There's... 

Sophie: I thought you said, she was ours alone.

[the teacher coming to Gemma] 

A teacher: Hey! Do we have some new adventures with us today? 

Gemma: Yes, these are Cady and Sophie. 

A teacher: And who's this, your sister? 

[M3GAN looking at the teacher, she freaks out] 

A teacher: Oh, Jesus Christ! Sorry. Is that a... doll? 

Sophie: Her name's M3GAN. She wants to know if she can come with us. 

Gemma: No, she doesn't. M3GAN's gonna stay with me today. Girls... 

A teacher: Well, we do have a toy table where the kids leave their dolls and things like that. Um, but that is up to you. 

Gemma: She's actually a working prototype, so I shouldn't even have her out of public. 

A teacher: Well, if you did want to stay and keep an eye on her, we could use some help making sandwitches. 

M3GAN: Don't worry, Gemma. You have equipped me with advanced dual-frequency GPS, so I won't get lost. 

Sophie: Please, Gemma. 

Gemma: Okay. But, she stays at the toy table, and as far as anyone is concerned, that's all she is. And just no pictures. 

A teacher: That is... seriously cool. 

[time skip, children are with teacher in the school] 

A teacher: Okay, now, who here likes roasted chestnuts? What do you say we go find some? 

All kids: Yeah! 

[Gemma and Holly standing at the table] 

Holly: Isn't it great? I wish we had things like this when we were kids. So great to get them out in the fresh air and off those devices. Oh, I can't get this open. And the thing is, they love it. My son prefers it to regular school. 

[Gemma openes a jar and gives it back to Holly, they both look at the kids] 

Gemma: Which one is yours? 

Holly: The one in the flannel shirt. 

[Holly shows Gemma Brandon, Gemma's suprised and scared] 

Gemma: Oh, my God. How old is he? 

Holly: Oh, I know. He had a growth spurt last year. But he's actually quite sensitive little soul. Brandon, honey! Are you warm enough? Do you need your hat? 

Brandon: Fuck off, Holly. 

Holly: Well, you could just say "No, thank you". Never know what they're gonna say next. 

Gemma: Yeah, it's such a fun age. 

Holly: Yeah. 

[back to a teacher and kids] 

A teacher: So, I'm gonna put you into pairs. Uh, Felix, you can go with Brandon. 

Felix (whispering): Please, I don't want to go with Brandon. 

A teacher: Okay. No, no. That's okay, that's okay. Um, Brandon, why don't you go with Sophie? Okay? Felix, you can go with Cady. 

[Sophie looking at Brandon ashamed; M3GAN observing them from a toy table, she notices her and his emotional state, she decides to follow them and kill Brandon; time skip, Sophie's in the forest, she grabs chestnuts, suddenly Brandon pickes one for her] 

Brandon: Oh, I'm sorry. Here. You can have it. Careful. It's spiky. 

[Sophie tries to take chestnuts, Brandon hurts her with it] 

Sophie: Au, stop, don't! Stop! 

[Sophie hits her back with a tree, they both notice M3GAN] 

Sophie: M3GAN? 

Brandon: What, the hell, is that? 

Sophie: She's a robot. 

Brandon: Are you serious? Is she yours? 

[Brandon comes to M3GAN] 

Brandon: Does she talk? Make her say something. Make her say something! 

Sophie: She's paired with me and my sister. She won't play with anyone else. 

Brandon: Okay. 

[Brandon takes M3GAN and runs away, terrified Sophie follows them] 

Sophie: Stop it! Get your hands off her! 

[back to Gemma and Holly] 

Holly: And they say behavioral issues are linked to high IQ, so it would make sense, that you... 

Sophie: Gemma!!! 

[Gemma notices missing M3GAN, she gets frightened] 

Gemma: Oh, my God. 

[back to Sophie, Brandon and M3GAN, Sophie trying to find M3GAN] 

Sophie: M3GAN! M3GAN!!! 

[Brandon is hiding from Sophie, when he makes sure that she won't find him, he takes M3GAN and goes in different direction, then he throws M3GAN on the ground] 

Brandon: Hi, M3GAN. Oh, so you're not gonna play with me? 

[he takes M3GAN's shoe off and throws it away, he sits on her] 

Brandon: You don't want to play, huh? 

[he hits M3GAN on the face] 

Brandon: I don't care. 

[he grabs her hair] 

Brandon: You're just a stupid rubber doll with fake hair... 

[M3GAN grabs his hand, he freaks out, she looks at him with murderous look, she grabs his ear and starts to rip it off] 

Brandon: Au! Let go! 

M3GAN: You need to learn some manners, Brandon. You know what happenes to bad boys that don't mind their manners? They grow up to be bad men. 

[Brandon screaming] 

M3GAN: Are you listening to me, Brandon? 

Sophie: M3GAN? 

[Brandon continous to scream, M3GAN rips his ear off and pulls him away, he's looking at her terrified, M3GAN slowly getting up and throwing his ear away] 

M3GAN: This is the part where you run. 

[Brandon getting up and running away, M3GAN chasing him all four] 

Brandon: What... what the hell!? 

[Brandon screams, he's falling onto the road, car running him over, M3GAN looking at him murderously; time skip, police is interrogating everyone in school, including Gemma; M3GAN sits in Gemma's car, she notices Cady and Sophie's emotional state, she's calmed down, because she thinks she saved both Sophie and Cady] 

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