Gemma Talks to Tess Scene

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[Gemma, Cady and Sophie are sitting together in the car] 

Gemma: Elsie, call Tess. 

Elsie: One second. 

[Tess answering the call] 

Tess: Hey, I've been trying to call you, David is flipping out, where are you? 

Gemma: I'm with Cady and Sophie. I'm taking them home. 

Tess: Oh, God. Are they okay? 

Gemma: Yeah. They're fine. Listen, regardless of what we find, and even what we're saying is hypothetical, we know enough not to go through with this, right? 

Tess: I think that's the smart move. 

Gemma: Okay, so tell David whatever you need to. Tell him one of her servos stopped working. Break something, if you have to. Just do not let her out of the lab. 

Tess: Whatever you say, Gem. You're the boss. 

Gemma: Okay, I'll call you when I get get home. 

[call ends, Gemma driving away with the girls; in their lab, Tess and Cole are unpacking and preparing M3GAN, when they're done, Tess looks at her phone and suprised sees a call ended from Gemma; it turns out that she wasn't even at phone] 

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